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Vir1ual Sensor
□ O. Sensor Setup fSNetwork fElAllowed Hosts 0 Q>SSH
fSlAuthorized Keys hfSlKnown Host Keys 1 fSsensor Key 0 Q.Certificates j~f£)Trusted Hosts L ffiseryer Certificate ?■ 'fSlTime :-^IUsers 0- Q interface Configuration • 'fiDSummaty ■•'pJlnterfaces -IpSinterface Pairs -fSvLAN Pairs ■ IpDBypass
-fi&TrałTlc Flow Notiflcatlons 0 ClAnalysis Engine
■f^Global Variables 0- Q Signature Definilion IpDSignature Variables ■pteignature Configuration IpScuslom Signature Wizard ■fSlMiscellaneous 0- Q, Event Action Rules 1jS)Eventvariables *p)TargetValue Rating ■p3Event Action Oyerrides 1p£)EventActlon Fllters fklGeneral Settings
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The sensor monitors traffic thattraverses interfaces, interface pairs orvlan pairs assigned to a virtual sensor. ClickEditto change the properties ofthe defaultyirtual sensor. You can change the description or assign and remove interfaces (or pairs). You cannot add a new virtual sensor or change the vlrtuai sensor name
Assigned Interfaces (or Pairs)
vsO parał (Inline: FastElhernetl/0<->FastEthernet1/l)
default vlrtual sensor
IDM is initialized successfully.