Nazwa przedmiotu |
Futurę models of international business |
Prowadzący |
dr hab. Rafał Śliwiński |
Specjalność |
International Business |
Forma studiów |
Daily study |
Poziom kształcenia |
Intermediate and advanced |
Rok studiów |
II |
Semestr |
Winter |
Forma zajęć (W/Cw) |
W |
Wymiar godzinowy |
30 |
Język wykładowy |
English |
Liczba punktów ECTS |
3 |
Forma zaliczenia |
Zal. |
Blok zajęciowy |
C |
Cl- making the students aware of the concept of bisiness model and the its building methods | |
C2- Acquiring skills of designing, building and implementing the international business models | |
C3 - Acąuiring skills of of identifying the currently used business models in the international business | |
Efekty kształcenia
Wl- student can characterise the elements of business models | |
W2- student knows how the deasigned business model should be implemented in practice | |
Ul- student intepretates correctly the complexity of the business model concept | |
U2- student can design the business model | |
U3- student can identify the currently implemented in the international business practice business models | |