Włodzimierz Miszalski, Zenon Trejnis, Henryk Popiel, Bogusław Jagusiak, National Security Studies in the Military University of Technology.......................................5
I. Theoretical aspects of security studies
Zenon Trejnis, The Security Studies - a new discipline in social Sciences?.................13
Włodzimierz Miszalski, Szymon Mitkow, On certain methodologies of technology
assessment for national security..................................................27
Janusz Świniarski, The reflections on national security through spectrum of realistic
and idealistic traditions.........................................................51
Jarosław Gryz, The modern security paradigms.......................................71
II. Information and security Systems
Grzegorz Pieniążek, Piotr Zaskórski, The information security criteria in the design
of business systems ............................................................91
Krzysztof Liderman, Information - its significance and ways of shielding. Technical
approach ....................................................................109
Weronika Jakubczak, The impact of globalization on critical infrastructure ..............123
Henryk Popiel, Ryszard Grabiec, Business legał bases for normalizing activities in a State......133
III. Social aspects of security
Beata Czuba, The role of women in State security. Professional competence of the female
Arnold Warchał, Philosophical, some legał and political aspects behind contemporary
idea of the reserve forces in NATO alliance.......................................165
Marian Kasperski, Aleksandra Prus, The absence of professional activity and its impact
on personal and family security.................................................177
Marek Adamkiewicz, The civilizational significance of some dangerous innovations.......199
IV. Terrorism in light of global and regional security arrangements
Monika Arcipowska, The importance of the Mediterranean region for European security .. 215
Tadeusz Szczurek, Security of Poland in the systemie transformation period .............229
Jerzy Stańczyk, The importance of security in point of view of the category of national
Bogusław Jagusiak, The impact of terrorist activities on international security............265
Ryszard Jakubczak, Precise actions against terrorism..................................295
Ryszard Radziejewski, High value infrastructures security against its new threats.........305
Books’ reviews
Wojciech Włodarkiewicz, “The national security of the Polish Republic from 1918-1939
in theory and practice” (authors: M. Wiśniewska, L. Wyszczelski).....................321
Stanisław Ptaszek, When is killing allowed? “Ethics of war. Anthology” (eds.: T. Żuradzki,
T. Koniński)..................................................................333
Franciszek Gołembski, “International simulations programming” (author: M. Sułek).......337