kHlolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawi* II
Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych Filologia Angielska AJ. Raclnwickic 14, 20-950 Lublin
tcl. +48 81 445 39 42 fax +48 81 445 39 43 email: filangfakiil pl
Lublin, June 15,2020
The winner of the ć"1 Student Literary Competition
The jury, consisting of Dr. Łukasz Borowiec and Prof. Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis, decidcd to award tirst prizc to the short story "Corning Home” in apprcciation of attcntivencss to descriptivc dctail and a vcry skilfiil hnndling of the narrativc structure and conłcnt. Ali the contest participants have demonstrated distinct literary aptitude, but the winning tcxt's esceptional naturę lies in its carefully wovcn storyline wliich dcftly combines realism with mctaphorical and syiubolic dimensions. In effect, the awarded story is an intriguing esploration of the bomecoming tlieme. We do hope tliis is not the authofs lasl venture into creative writing and wish all best with futurę efforts.
The author of the sliort story is Ms Magdalena Żochowska, a student of the 1* year
MA studics.
Student Literary Competition Jury':
Dr. Łukasz Borowiec, Competition Coordinator
| M.^iMozłrtmeL-n.Plic !nrv mpitthpr