Młuane "'Ptodnłriiic.

O aj whohe Otythat    □ cjuhomhe □ d, whom

Ob) sec thc ship sinking Od) sec thc ship at sinking

Q b) foniyirds to sce QdJ forward to secmg

--•— — •W V*

On/ couJdreach Qc;«Uccecdcdinrcaching

Q bj tan havc rcached Od) succccdcd reaching

* łW w \J»c tl»n


, U*. .Atflr m*nux^>. "W tncatu ibł4|    *

'«•* < •«»SS&**, X,

«Vi ................... .......... ••.,    ••

W POdtor-fl<7 njoJfwoi^. która najlepiej pa.uje do kontekstu />sy«łd;Su<Mmfy t........« «tmnBe notse    ,ajr- ?0,)J;jj

OaIMcncd Ob) Jhtenrd to    Q1)h )

j. The wrrckend.........łhoppmg.........by Bob.    J1

U i)) WAI doing    jp b) UMd to be done

O ej u*d to be doinjj    ^ dj u»cd to betng danc

i......... wouW ngrcc wifhyour itttitude.

□ aJThc intHlpccrpk    □ b) Most of pcoptc

□cj Mo*« peopte    Q d? Ma/ority of peop)c

3. / wai about.........when thc tćkphone rang

OoJJearm/; Q bj to fenvc    Qc)lcave    Odjlcft

-t U'e........Switar/łond next ye.tr.

0.1J .nie contktenng WłtUng    □ b) nrc coiuidering io visit

Oc)coa»Uer to v«Jt    □ d) considcr a rtsi:

5. Therek themaii.........leaches rr.e the guitnr.


O n) acc thc ihip Jn aJnking O c) sec thc ship to sink

7. We nre Jooking.........yOU

On/ /bnr.tirf too sec Oejfcmard

a'’,,ta"80    04.,,.,

9. A/tcr ńx houn‘climbintL we    _

□,n>    __u    ........ thc top 0/ the moumaJn.

• 4»»r tup « «ul ttwd aml •iuppe<t

»**£*    ^ Qt.>h-vlon    dejhaw    G<tl Wuj^u,*

£j *'    U* ',CCOlSr....... " k*n'nr-lo*" cł TVm' *»« * buc. «m-

G bl Uve luly-. GcttUiły.    Q.1) U>1 UM/»

psi * ,,<łVłu¥t)J. h« a»ntt v-^bly t» iduue. He, l» t»r noo>ounK.

G W A* tor    □ cl A» loor. im    Qni\%uri»\

'* • O »' ** luWtft, io the odvtce whłch tbry....... ber.

ghei*^**    Qbł».vcKu»

P'’Spven««o    aO^to

CJcl h    n., vcry lnterc»0ng. bul ........Hmv.eHpalU.

,i TT-' J°b    coo,nuy    ,hC °VPOlA,a

O *> on the otłief haiul    Cl <11 on tl\e other auitace

O cl °n    ,lftVe ttlrcady dtncutsrO M sonie lenelh.

t5.,...... Qb)l thlnk    Qc) NcYCflhcWaa Qd)HiUquc%Uon

0*>®°    .........thc downalaira foorna liy Tucvlay.

|6.^ pn,n'Cvc finUhinr.    □ «*U nnWhcd

O11*    . .    LI d) *vc becn fmUhinK

□    c) ^

uopical forcM rcalm dc%Unci\ to bc cul.

jo Much Africa    □ b* Much Mr^s    -

□    c, Much of Africa    a dl Much ol Afriafs

■ .r<l DVD of "Gladiator," for iimancc............ the Street tor k»a

18. A    f n movie tickct.

bnn ,hC    Q bl iell*

□ 2 wThave bought    Q    havC "**

. had r.hc ngreed to mnrry him.........*he hc&an to hasc ocńous

□7no. ««> /    ^ ^ “““ '

OdKO-O«,(««    OdKtoMO™*/*™

e ........thc hiRlicst tecnagc blrthrate of any mdustiioltred nauon.

20 □ Ił hnvc    □ hł hatt    □ cł are having □ *) ta

. . ,_vrc«u kultury Dla każdego r. haseł ł numerami od \ do "2.0 do-WntTnthaMo rwanej taty. tak żeby tworzy* par, wykazuj pcMcn Żadne hasło nic może się powtórzyć. (mox 10 pk<l

Prr.klad the Speaker / Hamlet / Har-ard UnWtrslty \. Elslnorc- Hamlet

2 Cambridge. Mass. - Kantord Uniucrsity 3. the House of Commons - thc Speaker


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