07 Installation to Hard Disk

7.1 System Requirements
Operating system: 32-bit HSC version: Windows 95, 98 (+SE recommended), NT (+SP6), Me (+Security update + System update), 2000, XP.
Processor: Pentium 100 MHz or faster
Memory: 64 MB or more
Disk space: 55 MB (Setup may need temporary 65 MB)
Monitor: VGA or better
Mouse: Windows compatible
System requirements of HSC are very typical for all Windows programs. For example, a fast Pentium processor, 256 MB of memory, fast video graphics card and fast hard disk improves working efficiency decisively.
Hard disk and HSC-operation speed may be increased with Windows System tools (ScanDskw.exe and Defrag.exe) and especially with Diskeeper®-software.
7.2 Installation
HSC is installed in the same way as most other Windows programs:
It is not necessary to remove the old HSC 4.0 version if you want to upgrade to HSC 5.0. It can still be used if the new 5.0 is installed in a different directory. However, all old HSC 5.0 (beta) versions must be uninstalled before new HSC 5 installation with Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs Dialog.
Close all other Windows programs, but not Windows itself. Note that you must also close, for example, the MS Office icon bar, because it has loaded some programs to the memory. Otherwise the HSC installation program can not upgrade those libraries which are in use. You can press “Ctrl, Alt, Delete" to view and close all the running programs. Do not, however, close EXPLORER and SYSTRAY under Windows 95 and 98.
Insert HSC CD in your drive.
Select Start Run: from the Menu (or use Add Programs from Control Panel.)
Locate SETUP.EXE from HSC CD and press Enter. Answer questions. Restart Windows when installation is complete.
If you have problems see chapter 7.4.
Note that you may have to Log on to your computer as Administrator in order to install HSC 5.0, however, this depends on your computer settings and Windows version.
Installation into a network server:
Use same procedure as for single computer.
Repeat installation procedure for each terminal, which must have access to HSC. Install HSC every time into the same drive and directory in the network server. This multiple installation procedure will:
- Copy the HSC.INI file into the Windows directory of each terminal.
- Copy all library files (*.dll, *.ocx, etc.) into the Windows\System directory of each terminal if necessary.
- Copy all other files into the same HSC directory of the network server if necessary.
Installation of HSC Excel Add-In Functions
See Chapter 27. Excel Add-In Functions for details.
7.3 Important Notes
The HSC installation program will put HSC5.INI file in your Windows directory and automatically updates path information of HSC modules. HSC Chemistry updates this file automatically if you change settings in HSC Chemistry. However, you can also edit this file by any ASCII editor such as Windows Notepad. When you start HSC, it always reads this HSC5.INI-file, which gives the default settings to the program.

Picture 1 gives an example of possible HSC5.INI settings. Note that Own and Main databases can exist in any drive or directory. The order of rows must be the same as in this example.

[HSC Path]
Server=C:\HSC5\ ' Path of HSC in your computer
Terminal=C:\HSC5\ ' Path of HSC in server
OwnDB=C:\HSC5\DATABASES\OWNDB5.HSC ' Path of Own Database
MainDB=C:\HSC5\DATABASES\MAINDB5.HSC ' Path of Main Database
SolGasMix=C:\HSC5\SGM.EXE ' Path of Solgasmix
UserName=Antti Roine ' HSC Licence: User Name
Organization=Outokumpu Research Oy ' HSC Licence: Organization Name
LicenseNumber=50000 ' HSC Licence: Serial Number

[Table Font] ' Default Table Font
Font=Courier New

[Diagram Font] ' Default Diagram Font
Font=Times New Roman

[Marginal] ' Default Printing Marginals

[Units] ' Default Units
Temperature=C ' Temperature Units
Energy=cal ' Energy Units
Warnings=0 ' Warnings Off/On

Fig. 1. Settings of HSC.INI file in the Windows directory

If you reinstall HSC in the same directory, do not overwrite your old OwnDB5.HSC file if you have saved data on it, i.e. copy this file first to some other directory.

Note also that selected fonts and sizes must be available in your printer. However, you can also change fonts later by pressing the Settings button in HSC Main Menu. You can change the default printer using the Printers icon on the Control Panel.

7.4 Installation and Operation Problems
If you have problems with installation or HSC operation:
If you are using the first Windows 95 version (Aug. 15, 95), then you should download and run the latest OLE32 (404 kb), KERNEL32 (290 kb) and Service Pack 1 (1235 kb) upgrades from Microsoft net page. These upgrades will make Windows 95 much more stable when running several applications simultaneously (HSC Chemistry is made up of five separate programs).
If you are using NT 3.51, then install/run the NT 3.51 Service Pack 5. In Windows NT 4.0 the “Run in separate memory space" setting in “Properties, Shortcut" selection might be needed.
HSC 5.0 operates under 32-bit Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, Me or XP but not under old 16-bit Windows 3.11.HSC 5.0 has been developed under Windows 98 and Windows 2000.
Close all open programs and delete all *.TMP files from your C:\Windows\Temp directory. This will give more hard disk space and eliminate some problems.
Run Scandisk program with surface scan. If it finds some bad sectors on your hard disk then you need a new one. The Defrag program will also improve hard disk performance.

Error number: 0x80070725 under Windows 98
Description: "Incompatible version of the RPC stub". This error means that some of your applications has updated Windows system files with wrong versions. For example, Windows XP Oleaut32.dll is installed to Windows 98 computer. Please download and run the following executable that is provided by Microsoft:
You may found this file also from HSC Chemistry CD from: \Microsoft\Win98\mcrepair.exe
Note that incompatible Windows system files may also cause browsing problems with Internet Explorer.

“General Protection Fault" Error:
Some HP printer drivers may cause a “General Protection Fault" error in HSC graphics routines if selected as default printer. Such drivers are HP Color Laserjet, HP Laserjet 2B, 5L/M, 6P/MP. If some of these drivers have been selected as default then the valid program code (for example, division by zero within error trap) will crash the whole Windows operating system.
Every attemp has been made to avoid this printer driver bug in the new HSC 4, but if it still exists please select an other driver as default in Windows, for example, PostScript or Laserjet 4 versions. You can also copy and paste diagrams to Windows Write and print these using a defective printer driver. You can also ask HP for a fixed printer driver.
"Invalid property value" Error
This problem is usually caused because some screen fonts or font sizes are missing from Windows. Normally all necessary fonts are installed simultaneously when Windows is installed, but sometimes not. This problem can occur particularly if some display modes other than VGA are used.
HSC uses non-proportional Fixedsys size 9 font (Windows 3.1) for displaying results; if this font is not available the user can get the "Invalid property value" error, for example by pressing Help. In Windows 95 and 98 HSC uses non-proportionals System 9 font.
HSC uses proportional MS Sans Serif font (Windows 3.1) in all Menus; if this font is missing from the used display resolution, then it is possible that not all the text can be seen in the Menu.
To get rid of this problem, please add all necessary fonts and sizes to Windows using the Control Panel and Fonts icon. From Windows 1 and 2 disks add the following fonts to Windows 3.1:
- Fixedsys set #3, Fixedsys set #6, Fixedsys for the IBM 8514
- MS Sans Serif (for all displays)
Probably not all of these are needed, but install them all just to make sure.
Other Error Messages
Please send a short report of any other errors to Outokumpu Research Oy, with a detailed description to reproduce this error. This will help us to further improve HSC Chemistry.

7.5 Removing HSC from Computer (Uninstallation)
HSC is uninstalled in the same way as most other Windows programs:
1. Select "Tools, Add-Ins ..." in Excel menu.
2. In Add-Ins dialog unselect "HSC 5.0 Functions".
3. Close Excel.
4. Select Add/Remove Programs from Windows Control Panel.
5. Select HSC Chemistry from the list.
6. Press Add/Remove... button and follow instructions


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