Tra slation of f e codę messa e rGcoivoć
Kar oh tth, 1&44*
To: Pri ne ah v ~ i s t o r 11 kół2 jeżyk
Tollowing tho report reeeived from you with regard to the propos ais madę by Prime 10.nieter Churchill to the Polish Govemnent:
(1) ł»Q agree to the propcBed Western boundaries and wełoorae the
pledge of remoyiriK the Gerraane, \\tvlUxii?i 4
i(d) ke do not agree to the the/western boundaries e</*ic£
the Sastern frentiers. As regards the Western territory, it cannot replaoe the loss of the Mastera territories, iecau3e its oeasion to Poland would mean only the return of territories esico-figabhad gro*-us>» 0^ u* *cev\ rv&6*et . „ ^99
(3) We are in favour of entering into aisoussions with the 3oviet C-OYernment with the participation of the /Ąllies, aiminL' at the restoration of diplomatio relations with the Soriet Union, provided that the Soviet GoYermnent will respect our sovereignty and will refrain fron interferin::: in oor internal affairs.
(4) We object finały to sny diseussions with the Soviets with regard to the revision of the Sastern boundaries. We stand by the inviolability of the frantiers as settled by the froaty of Higa,
just as the Dantzig Corridor was not the
but Gim the sovereignty and into.-rity /* r^oi n^4-
(5) No one in Poland woal o understand why Pofand is to pay the Scviets the costs of war witli ber territories and her indepondenoe. And no one \7ould understand why Poland went to war against Germany and is waging it for t’ 0 fifth year, Poland was/sfirst to oppose the German invndors, not only in defence of her lin&e&endenco but
] i which was si.nied also by the representatives of the Uhraine* Xor-\/Jt *° the Soviets do not want^frontier read justaer.te,
real the Germans,
of i-o len g.^ b/j ^cc-4^
called the
also in defence of tiie freedom of iiurope. She
in3piration of the world. l$ven now, in spite o" Jnormous saorifice-J the Polish peoplo aro decided to fight against tAe new Soviet '
a^ression in defenoe of t! eir owr. independenoe ibid Tor the freedom of iSorope. The i'jlish nation trusty that the .TLliee and the peoples of the world will understand their attitude and will support it actively.
(S) There will be no peace in hurope, if, instead of justice and ri, ht, Yiolence and force were to triunpb. The Polish nation will never surrender to violonee and atill belieye^in the bonds of alliance, and trusts tliat, in the interest of all peaoe-loving nations, the principles of the Atlantic Charter will prevail* for this rcason, we are of.opinion that t c settleiaent of essential