HJECsjfcosPOIIT., POLSKA - January 15th* 1944    /

' -v><- <, ♦» -vv~^ *~4 ^-a    u,. n^ł-Z*—c*łj,

•*»*    To tha Peonlea of the Worlu

On the eve of the decisive blow of the Allied foroeS, and of their conclusiye battlea with the Germana, in which, on the aide of our Western Alliea, Polish foroes in Poland and abroad-^wili also play their part - the world should realize the Bituation of the Polish nation. aa it ia^ after four years of German oooupation.and the part lt haa been playing in thia war, its morał etrength, its airns and its hopes*

We opposed the Hitlerite inyader, fulły aware of the heavy roaponsibilities thia would entaił, and we do not aak for 8ympathy when we atate the prioe we paid for our 1oyo of freedom. During thia war sonie 5 million Poliah oitizena were killed in Poland by the enenjy. About 3 millions were deported for slayery to the East or West* Hundreds of thouaands were put into prison or conoentration oamps where the majority of them perished already. Lfeny thouaanda were shot or tortured to death in Gestapo torturę ohambers. Hundred3 of yillages were burnt down with their inhabitanta and razed to the ground. There is not one family whioh would not mourn the death of one of ita members, there iB not one hone that would not grieve over aome next of kin*    Ą

"e have paid this heavy prioe, beoauae we abided by luf our Country and by the termB of our allianoe, and would not aooept any form of oollaboration with the invader. ge remained Polea, oitizens of our oountry, loyal to our Sovemgent which, though in exile, has aaintained it8 bonda with the Home Country. Here, in Poland, we have rebuilt underground all thb forma of our publio llfe; an Sxeoutive of our 9overnraent, an Underground Army. Civil RosiBtanoe, a representatiYe body of our politioal partles, abundant seoret newapapers, and secret oultural life* The Home Politioal Repreaentation, formed a oouple of years ago, ia oanpoaed of the rapresentatiyea of four main politioal parties, repreaenting all the strata of the Booiety and the Principal trends of Polish politioal thought, aoting on the baaia of soreroignty of the Poliah State*

The oeouptinta meet everywhere these manifeatationa of our independent politioal exiatenoe and from the very beginning strive to break ua by oruel terroriatio methods.

We giye blow iorblow. Thougi dioaraed sinoethe end of 1939, we do everythxng to make the Polish soil insecure to the e*u-wM\♦ i«y»4#»6. Nazi satrapa fali    the hand of the Poliah    A



to keep d thouaands en and

underground, trains are blown up, detaohraenta^ of S*S*,or other polioe formatiońa are being ood*-«way witk*

Germana is taldng plaoe on tbef Polish soil* In ordę down the oountry, the enemy haa to maintain in Pol

A 8tubborn, oonatant, <inwavering atruggle

of soldierB neoeaBary for the Uastern front, polio administrapiye offioialB. Thia atruggle i8 uneyen./The nation.


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