by the .um! o XI. e o. lab Xv.'.er r truli.w -.*re l-* nn
up9 :nt&«.:Lo:Łta f ..••&• er ather ,oliyp ^ro be i. *;
i ot.tbbc.rxi, ooi.rfttjnt, oft^eyerla* einvsl< ago.li »t ti« ;<7i*r.aUG lo tu-i . '. KM ¥&* * O li Bil 00il« li . « <9«p
d/. liwi on mir.:, wlif en&sy ;aa to latAintuin Irt folond taoufcauCfl uf eril Giere *>eoo; wory f<->r tbe rotora front, polioeTson ur.d fcdnl i^yratlro . f IclAle* yliło aura* la ii> *ne*t>:i* i4he itatioa &1 utjjt Goffet aolciifl, oppoeoa a:i ©Aet.y erineu t. tUt teetb* In. c moPiAGiioe, ovcr 1-1 )• . uont f t'ie boli oh papai -Uan ^trlohed In si:ai śteu. *lcs# Viii» a«.orl*lo# io all tle .-roaŁor we oo:u,ider the faat thnt Ue arur.iy poisoouteo thr r o et aetivo and r&lunbl© olements of t o natim* doientictc, el'*r#y on, urtiats, teooltero* teehnioiaBG, ©ffiaere. latellootoal oc-rfcere o.f uli iilndfi gn£ Łhe retr. -n.ua o I iKotully and . oiltioaliy ouilYe peaaonte *n<! ■aorkera aro $..o prlnuipal viotli3e of the I.iYaaor, fl.o cr.eaty detil^ * iy Iłowo oo tlrnt thelr u<-.iioąue^ooa bo >lt for lor.r yeare* :» appliee ovorywi ore the terrible ot i na i ple of 6ól3eotlvó i-o»pon«ltiilit; • ind sfM^ln.^ how dlffleult it iu tf. i-renie *.. tr rcnli turue acjco h.*.» boutin.il ty ter.t unkr. wn hithert H
U30 O. UM.it i Ot .•! - - C • il- . *QW© pyr.::’ ©'*
g*ooc ! Uy tnelr orwJ Ly V \n.iwt lo udB óf uaol&nt xi.« eatreiMi Pudlom of ubiło ©*oq iliotia ta in, pltiae ir car c ar.try dirinr lut . t-o «or)ti»» :.au no «xa^tpl^ ir. tbo
V. t otreot o£
Motory of ntnklnt* rom Outobor,
urenw and nony -l ©r o’ o:;.uxf., tbo abootin of :;o*tbi{*G
ii ta S.n{? plnoo* Jbero aro ^aya wbon in ^arosw alone tho ior aae ahoot i. *.■ e c*.x00v3 nr; o^iu^roG ?C ren »it u llne« fc* tł«l ?J»tor. i:.tł wenror lęudiiponh^ra repeat the rat.ee v~ the ..Iliad iVQ loAt, 12 uts ;>•:* nr v ”' rsta. osH anu.fct in l..o
utroeto irt’ ćally na*!* 'ainta. .v«*rv i/.iy l-jpt;o red Retora u.re dinnlayod *;ew rw.wa, Ir» tbot ..i-ittiier :few in
/ar3aw ^.lOno nora t!^ a v..^»ao«nd oreom ona «.il eyor i.: o oentatry orr th:>flv« th< łOitftd we u pa*». to Gestii* otiidoo, rwiooę.ero oci.rineG i. r i eon a or -na en trat i on o*mu^i> are );illad by eh te fi rod "ro Uilisd or :jro nuffoGatod in ^on'ohaulore by a r*etbo& aypliod alneo four yoaru*
in aro ully awure tna; tf- araona <j’o al dng if
o; t©rrsl:uvtion. 'f tho -.i&lo ollab rstlun9 ut dopriTin.?
o c Jid r i-n iering it u.: .oiijoloea* ‘ia^lar a/incuncea
f orhter inteneiflofction of the tearrraiea e^einet clolf if u o ?e^-aiia iru obli od to wit’. draw frn o,.r euuntry, cm* tovm& snd vilLvtQ2 ^ill br; raUdd tc t .a ontth ;y ti^> order of tnie far..7*tm an- ^asooi: of i?.o populuti^m, aj^rt frac: th >se fit for pbyŁiioul '-ork, aro <n be a^atreyod, : .t i ^tolleotuul uluee
i rut of nil. r.ii; ite tu in G»id terrible dan^are
r.eu u epen^tle horrore