Balów ia tlić Sflgttatl vur»lcn of th© tolt^raa svnfc to &stoaxma&aw Ot©t<yw»i-.«fcl tostraotiog hta to ftoti out tta omtoćte a" th© Jttitod :;tatoc'Oworfm*st to tfo? ^ttob^adat ino&ta'- to tbc oC tho o&o&j*' oo^*ęsre««eł helA la '.X?tobcr U4«
Aftar the l^oliah Ł^-toe 5(1-.istota retora to ;xriJosa MOrtO*
Lr/a&at?», ISiJcotoda^fc sad 2cmr sant ar. Oat;ote 36$h a totogrsn to totasaador Gic*d»«*#otei toatłswils^ hto to d^iftwa* to .Vsvali-^jfc ftoooooolt a rsw.syrys fraz t&o Boltah Prfcfc* llrtotor on Ibu fjaaufcto of liefr* i*n& Ule.- Jtoliah oto netem*
On Kcwwrt&ar 6th u ftartlwr twm o&& to AdbaasoW ‘Jiadhui&z&l
toatwsttor: bto to omsalt the i;#3» Gawwnanaitfe cn fte foll:*vli*£ paifttai
*3* wtot to 1te (J.a# Gofwrewtib^e ftftUtuAs to tto oat^listoanfc ot xax)oer2fc» aa bata beori In 2 <®yjq»s o? to# rac^yarrs sk*L /ustom
firońtfUas od' ^olar** tost 3ktttt3ffc *;&3t i?«ł<#wto
/cdth tlia oscoltiaion of csf t c wiioc^t 0:.^ato
3ilasta a»J th«ił v&*o&0 Mfc of tte rtorer Oria^ tję> to łfca oatoory,
toJtodtag Stottto, wili bo v'.-.xS»l to aaloafll «ad toe- *tac*l/s pcg&Ufet Im,
iab*bitta£ tbos&i* wrtwsą, wlct*** -Ul tte 8#3» t^wwrriaeat o^tai&ily toto $®rt to ateh a eottlueefc oC' tfou J^eltah ^'Uśusa* tiifchsr by «dhRjri«g to S£ ta a cxnflł3»rłtlaX «0Rkjcaocit csr by ptaAglfflg #%&x<rfc to łt or* at l&fcit, by ao^ęostae «* ansrogpGwrst at tto ttao of tbo ftaa.1 ;p***wir aottlaaBnft?
2. will tto '% :■!• (•w»»EXXint; be wlutos to *$&*% «ad to aftKt
C’ctowt, tho ooowrtoB of ul;coft#s roal toćk^coAsaoo nitowi bt*r mm froBtioCBf puntoft by C«EO*t ritoto and tbo
% Xa too 1« « ow'twrit to ptootoo ato /to
orodita and todto;>aDOfiblo foc* tbe oarr^^s m o iWfcOye
IEU Fj^Jilsnoy a. i-{wW S* Schocn^Ą Iltototocr ^lonliotontirira
A^Affoitoo of tho JidtotT ::feitos to ivo2^