Zollowin& the broadouat to -olana on January dth delirerca by the <olia:. rrlm© HI ni eter, ;3#/MkołaJoayłc#
the rolitical Jtepreoentution and the Hoae •giełłip1 !.-r~tirry
ot th© foliał* 'Jov©rnfi*ent have »e;.t *mnt the followin., izesoa,~Of ^ *x ( f V
"lir. fri»© .Minister, the addresa dellvered by you to Roland id Janunry 6th, wua reooiv©d by the nation aa a not? proof of unchan^iny unanirdty ao to the polioy purcued by tho *Joverunent of the Itepublio un the whole to li eh nation* ^ a^
7}^e poopla ln Poland are fully juwure of the diffioult and xrave eituation whleh ooztfroata na by tiie eateriiu of tho Sorict arnies on tho t©Tritory of th© folieh Republio without proYloac w jera tan uia.? and wlthoat rosumin^ by tho ScYiet GoyBrnaezit of nortnal uiploaatio ralatione ©ith th© łroliafe^GoTorni!*© nt.
In th© fao© of tliło now trinl, th© JtollBh paoplo rally roond their 8ov#nua©nt and «ndor lt© loaderehip are de©ld©ó to do oll thut will bo necosaory to ut«l¥<> th© l©(-:ltiaiat© rl&hte of the Re uh lic.
Tho rolish nation io ontirely at ono with th© foliah 'oYernr.ent in their enaoaycars alinln/* at th© reaumption and ontabliahannt o.~ f-ood ncl^hbourly r ©lat i on a with iiusaiu. ..t th© aone tir», th© rolish nation unmailairtoly ir.oiotB on and, in all cirounotancea will i na Ib t ort tho imrlolabllity of th© follah Seatem Łotu&larios ©otabliahed by the ttlge rreaty, caad will ineiet thnt tho Soviet troopa oooupyinK Sastarn territories of the Rcpablic reapaet fally tho BOverelgn rights of the . olish State on thaee territorico and th© ri^hts of ito aitiasno.
booin: ouroolrea on tho hietorioal rl&hlB and th© rlghta luid down by internutioaal treuties, are ©ntitled to ©Kpoot with ooaflder.o© thut Łhe United Mat łona, WJ.ioh flght for froedon ona Juatioe, and muiorat&nd and chore our point of view, - will o^p ae fimly any etterapto at ąueetionin.^ on: ri^hta to any purt of th© torritory of the Poliah dtate.
Uny/aYoringly fulthful to the lettor tnd Bpirit of th© troatieo whloh bind ua to our *7e©tem Alllee, \^e aro fi^htiRr and will continuo to fijjht ajrainot CJornany until the 3ernan invaa©re will bo oo-Dplotoły defeated and free&on and peaoo for oland ani t)i© world oBtabliB2iodc -