cclłulitc dcposits and sdmulaung rirculadon. Muliiplc injcctions ovcr a period of sevcral weeks or months are needed to produce effeets.
Mcchanical rollcr massage therapy uses a mechanical toller and a icgulated suedon to generate symmctrical skin folds. This non-invasive procedurę, listing front 30 to 45 minutes is a decp massage temporarily stimulating circuladon in the atea.
Endetmologie is a procedurę whidt involves massage wjth a high-powered, handheld massage tool, consisdng of a treatment head and two motorised roUcts with a suedon devicc that compresses che dssue between the two rollers. Best results are obtaincd after 10 to 20 treat-ments followcd by one or two maintenancc ireatments a month.
Dccide if the following statements are truć (T) or false (F).
Explain your position. Provide additional information
or commcnts.
1. Ccllulite affects only the thtghs.
2. Ccllulite is a sign of aging.
3. Ano-cdlulite cosmcrics must tmptove blood circuladon.
4. Lfestyle has no influence on the devdopment of ccllulite.
5. Mcchanical massage at a beauty salon is the best treatment
forceUulite. ..
6. The condiuon teferred to as “ccllulite" is a rcładvely new problem for women.
7. Cosmctology disdnguishes threc stages of ccllulite.
8. And<cllulite cosmedcs do not contain any minerals ot seaweeds.
9. Anri<ellulae cosmeda act only on the surfacc lajxr of the skin.
10. Ana-cdJuLite cosmedcs sbould be applied generously and frctjuentły.
11. Few anu-cellulite ueatments havc been devclopcd so far.
12. The cffcct of cvery and-cellulite treatment is visib!e after one procedurę.
13. Liposuction is a nussage
14. Mesothcrapy mvolves muluple injecnons of homeopathic pteparadons.
15. One endermologie treatment eliminates ccllulite for a month. ..
Maich Column A with Column B. Thcn use the phrases to complctc the sentenes below.
A |
B |
1. to combat |
a. fatty dcposits |
2.torcduce •. |
b. fat |
3. to impcovt |
c the skin |
4. to strengthen |
d. the ccllulite appearancc |
5. to soften |
c microcirculation |
6. to inercase |
f. enzyme acuvity |
7. to promote |
g. clasticity |
8. to cmulsify |
h. ccllulite |
9. to firm up |
L fat |
10. to encouragc |
j. oxygen supply |
11. to break down |
k. the skin |
1. The function of this dcvice is to ....................................
(ywfJu^uat utiknbrjjtma)
Z This procedurę is designed to .......................................
(arp/caut sk&l)
3. The aim of all these ucatmenu u to ..............................
wrtńpsH alniita)
4. It is eiucmely difłkult to ...........................(ęma/cpć ahi/)
5. There are a few ways in whkh we can ..............................
affected by ccllulite. (u$drwł skirf)
6. This treatment is believed to help....................................
(» małpy /ł/ir^ó»)
7. One of the most important things is to ...........................
to the trouble arcas. (^aftami Aopływ tkan)
8. A warm bath will....................................and in this way
help it absotb the and-cełlulite ercam. famtknji sldą)
9. We can, of course, tltink of a fcw which we could ........................of the skin in generał, (peprimt e/oiljcqwić)
10. This method of clcctrical stimulaoon is said to ..................
and at the same time .........................................*.....
(nabijał fłtg Unsipęt; pebmłęił (tyatanu anj/nów)