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fjf® :1
Manicure and pedicure toolt arc designed speciaUy for hand and feet care. Thejr are nudę of high-quality matenals. Thcit łhape u adapted to the jhape of nails, hands and feet. Tliey jcrvc to retnovc dead or eacess tkin, cut and poiish mils, sofcen dic skin, noutish it with cteam and make hands and feet relaxed and bcaudfuL
ddic*!cabrasivcpUlcs - dc-likatnc płytki iacrnc; i polidiing dtvice for Mtib -polerki do paznokci • aspcoiliit milling - ; detke for pedicure
- włdoczynnoklowy sprzęt (frezarki) do pcdikJuru mJIling entter* - frezy % * irooden or plastk sikks
- drewniane lub pbftffióffc
patyczki (do ayrarenia * ’ boków paznokcia) “*v;
i tub for bath ind nuuagc
- wanienka do kipieli t
łmattiuslóp baffiftg blodc - pumeks pumlce itonc - pomekz * cmery board - taifca do itóp nail bruih - szczoteczki do paznokci A . ..
corn renom - cutkk jeb-łoei - qżki do wycininii skórek
cutkłe poster - patytzki/lo-pitki do podważania naskórka u podstawy paznokcia - . cutide nipper/cutter - cążta fingeriuil/toenail Clipper
- obcmMz paznokci rąk i nóg shłne buffer - polerka do paznokci
rui! fik-pilnik ^
(handle) twrezera - pęseta/ /BOTpCTft) - ,J
to piuck oot'» frebrowł with turom - usuwać bor
K*4 .•
tfimmrr - wycinacz ;'. j
nail eutter/ nipper
cutide pusher
nail fik