to carryoul

§x przeprowadzać. wykonywa to rtsult in sth - powodować

L* • plant - roślina

Uaf,{pOlcav«-liść gms-fcnwi vohtilc - lotny root-korzeń

\ i| wood - dmrno, drzewo resin-żywica .. fi; ezprełsion - wyciskana ' sofant - rozpuszczalnik to eitiact - wydobyć >: ( the latter - drugi z wyaiic-C-^. rJocych

to craporaic - odparować ccntrifugalion -*}jil odwirowywanie -;J wax-wock

concrcte - konkret separatton - oddzielanie :i(i absolutc - obsolut t pertneabłe -- pncnikalny. to breathe - oddychać j jj, to iweal - pocić się contcnt - zawartość coołing schłodzenie hydropholic agent - środek

!}) wodochkmny

ingredient - składnik origm * pochodzenie • rescarcb and dcvdopment laboratoria - laboratoria i; badawczo* rozwojowe i!    tosatisfy - zaspokajać

inscparablc - nierozl^any to maintain balance *

- zachować równowagę

; ct]iul yet oppositc - równe £ jj\ choć przeciwstawne ; i- (orce-siła boli - czyrak

Mł to aggravate - zaostrzać ; ^ . bndcy-jęczmieó Icmon - cytryna j .]. honeysuckle - wKiokrzew parciicsl - wysuszony

oon to cxtract the oil. In the solvcnt cztraction method, the oil i* dis-sofacd in a voladle solvcnt. Wben the lattcr cvaporatcs, what rcmains is a natural wax substancc calkd concrcte. The licjuid rcsulting from the separation from wax is an absolutc which is the most conccntnited form of aroma avaflablc. Finally, ejbrregt is a process in which the osls are first dissolvcd in animal fat and then separated with the usc of alcohol. Es-scmial oils are widcly uscd in cosmctics and perfumery. For instancc, they are rcgularly added to crcams which are in face stable emuisions of oils or fats. Crcams are pcrmeablc and thus allow the skin to breathe and swcat Their water contcnt naturally promotes the hydrauon and coobng of che skin. An addibon of some hydropholic agent ruch as giycenn will further enłunce thar hydraong action whilc an addibon of other natural ingredients usually of organie origin will givc them other skin-cnriching or skin-repairmg propetties. The rescarch and dcvelopmcnt laboratorics of the cosmcdcs industry kecp looking for cvcr better and morę cffcct-ivc prcparauons to ca ter for the nceds and to satisfy the expcctaoons of their potential cliems.

The past dccadcs havc witnessed an incrcascd mterest in China, with its unicie approach to the human organizm. It is rcflectcd not only in the traditional Chincsc medianę but also in Chinesc cosmctology as the Chinesc strongly bclicve chat hcalth is bcauty and bcauty is health. Since the two are insepatablc it is importom to focus on both the bodyi interna! and cxtcrnaJ aspeets to achievc the optimum rcsult In the ńrst place it 1$ impottant to maintain balance betweenjńr and juqg cncrgy whkh represent the two equal yet oppositc forccs. Only when they are in bal-ancc, opumal movcment of the lifc force q* is possiblc.

According to the Chinesc, a person with oily skin, with a tcndcncy to break out in pimpfcs tends to have an cxcess of jwg. Pimjiłes, boils and the likc are duc to toxic hcat Smoking and stress may also aggravatc the situauon. Consequcntly, pcoplc with oily skin are rccommcndcd to usc cooling hetbs and ingredients in their skin carc. Lavendcr, pepper-mint, aloc vcra, barlcy, lemon and honeysuckle are great for oily skin. On the other hand, a person with dry, parchcd skin and wrinkJcs, with a tcndcncy towards weight gain and cold hands and fcct is supposed to suffer front an cxccss of jin. In this caser natural skin carc should include honcy, oatmcal, ginseng, sweet almonds and star fruit The Chinesc also bclicvc that scnsitivc skin is conncctcd with largc intcstinc probfcnts. Natural ingredients such as honeysuckle, dtrysamhemum flowers, avo* cado and bolin indudcd in skin carc are rccommcndablc accompanied by a diet nch io grecn mung bcans, avocado, nlalk and honey which are bclicved to have a dctoxifying cfFect.

Rcad the statements below. Aic they truć (T) ot faLsc (F)? Contment on thein.

neiglil gain - przyrost wagi to sufler froru sili - cierpieć tlł coś

c.\ccss - nadmiar Urge inlestine - jelito grube mung bcans - azjatycka fasola mung

detoiifying - odtruwający

1.    Clients are attractcd by licrbs and preparations from exotk, remotc places.

2.    Cosmeties and phannaceuticaJ companies rejcct the idea of using such ingredients.

3.    Herbs are used only in the form of infuscd oils

4.    Infuscd oils are obtained by using animal oils

5.    lnfusion is a fast process.

6.    Cold infusion is best for harder parts of plants

7.    Esscnoal oils are vobtile ods found in fłowets.

8.    There are two methods of vo!atilc oils extraction.

9.    There is little difference between the methods of volatilc oils cstractjon.

10.    The absolutc is a natural wax substancc.

11.    Esscntial oils are of limited use in cosmetics and petfumery. ...

IZ An additjon of a spccific ingredient to a crcam can grvc it

new propertics

13.    Profit is the driving fotce of research and devclopment in the cosmetics indusuy.

14.    The Chinesc strongly bdievc that health is bcauty and bcauty is health.

15.    According to the Chinesc, łąck of balance betweenjor and jotę cnctgy is responsible for health and bcauty problems.

16.    It is casy to recognise a person with an excess of jm otjang energy.

17.    There are spccial herbs and dietaty ingredients to bc rccom-mended to pcople with an exccss of jin otjaag energy.


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