tailorrd to Kh - dopasowany do acfpi whcncm - ilekroć diet - dieta, sposób odżywiania

dieting - stosowanie diety ogrankxaj*cq ’    *•

whołcgrain/refuied bread/cereals

;JU:. - chlcb pdnozJarnisty/

•/ /dfobnooamisty/produkty

i' I -Ł.% *

: ) ^ ICOIOWt    .

Umitatioii - ograniczenie ;! not to mentkm - me , ' wspominane

to convey - practatzywać noscy - wicibski ;• to ihank - dziękować



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cvcr they sec that tlić client could benefit from u change in tbcir diet. Diet and dieting are among the most common convetsaoon topics be-twecn therapists and their dients. Ycars of cxpcricncc have taught Sandra that practicaUy evcry woman would like to cliange somediing in her shapc and appearance. At the same time, there axe a lot of diet-tdated tips that Sandra is ałways ready to give. Some of them conccrn obvious things like, for caample, the need to dnnk a fcw bties of water, prefer-abty minera! or spring water a day whkh rcgulatcs body metabolism and indireedy hydrates the skin. Another common dietary recommenda-tion refers to the role of fruit and vcgeubles or wholegrain rather than rtfined bread in the diet A typical piece of advice given to teenagcts suffering from oily, acne-like skin refers to the limitation of chocolate and fast foods in their diet Ali women are as a nile advised to reduce the amount of suong coffee and tea drunk, not to menrion giving up smoking. Great dipiomacy and ract are needed to convey such advice to dients without hurting their feelings or sounding imposing or nosey. Sandra is good ar persuading her dients to make dccisions which they will certainly benefit Łom. As a rule, het advice, nps and rccommenda-uons are morę effective duo the many arrides published on the subject of the relaoon betwecn diet, hcalth and wdl-being published in women‘s magaaines. Clients often dunk her when the effects of the changed diet come to be secn and fdt.

Answer the following questions to Text 1.

1.    What is Sandra never tired of?

2.    What a she keen on?

3.    What courses has she attended?

4.    What have those coutscs given her?

5.    Why docs Sandra attend seminars and confertnces devoted to beauty trentments and body care in Foland and abroad?

6.    Why docs she learn foreign languages?

7.    What do you know about her knowlcdgc of languages?

8.    What docs she expcct of contacts with beauty therapists from abroad?

9.    What has Sandra come to tealisc?

10.    What should diet be like, tn her opinion?

11.    Docs the Tip-Top Beauty Studio employ a nutritionist?

12.    When do Sandra and her staff refer dient^ to the nutritionist?

13.    Why are diet and dieting one of the most common conver$ation topics at beauty salons?

14.    What do you kam about Sandra’* diet-rdated ops?

15.    What advice docs she often givc to teenagers?

16.    What are most women adviscd to reduce?

17.    Is it casy to give such advice to clients? .

18.    Are $andra's dietaiy rccommendabons followed?


Exercise 1

Complete the sentcnces with the right form and tense of the verbs givcn in brackets.

When 1 was at.school I .................. two languages, English and

Ftench. (kern) We..................three hours of English and two hours

of Ftench a wcek. (ban) I..................a lot of rimc learning English

and I..................fast progress. (tpoud, maki) My command of English ..................now good enough to let me communicate in the lan-

guage. (bt) When a foreign customcr..................to out beauty salon,

I..................in English without major problcms. (cmr, commurncatt)

Also, I usually..................telcphone calls. (a/mni) Unfornmately, my

knowledge of Ftench is poor. 1..................it difficult to team. (fimi)

I..................much on it at school and I..................it any atten-

oon sińce that bmc. (aoiawk, Notgn) Recendy, I..................up Ital-

ian. (laki) This language really..................me. (imt) I..................

it fasL (kara) In a yeart dme..................in it as easily as in English.

(m cmmmcott)

I..................another of these convctsations about diets and dieting

with one of my clients. (jhU ban) When she..................us a visit a

month ago I..................ha to see a nutritionist. (pajr, odrise) She

..................to my adwe and she !.................a special diet ever

smee. (briur, JbJJm) The nutndowsi..................it to her needs and

expectauons. (laikr) She..................a lot of vegetablcs and fruit and

..................minerał water instead of coffce. (edt, drink) She says she

..................a lot from the diet (alrutdj btstfii) She..................

some wcight, her skin..................morę healthy and radiant and she

..................to have morę energy. (hu, btteme, utm)


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