2. Yitamins and minetals come only from foodstuffs.
3. Deficiency of vitamins and mincrals in our dicts affects us in a varicty of ways.
4. Thert i$ no relaoon bctwcen vitainins and mincrals.
5. Cravmg for swects and alcohol is oftcn a sign that thcrc is somcthing wrong with our diet
6. Vitamins A, C, E arc important for our organism and in pardeular for our skin.
7. Vitamins consdtute a cruciaJ intcrnaJ factor necessaiy to keep our skin, hair and nails nounshed.
8. Vitamin A has a lot of properdes of importance for the skin. ...
9. Users of rednol-rich products shoold avoid sunbaching.
10. Poor intake of yitamin B can lead co dry and scaly skin.
11. Viiamin C plays an important role in hclping to keep the skin look supple.
12. Vitamin E is crucial for nourisliing che skin.
13. Zinc is not a crucial element of a womank diet
• '.i
Exercise 1
Put in the missing preposition from the list givcn bclow. Usc the phrases to completc tlić scntcnccs bclow.
with • in • in • down • against • on • for • for
to protect toassist to slow to depend to be crucial to enrich to be responsiblc to be deficient
UV radiadon the absorption of... aging ptocesscs a balanced diet healing yitamins
healthy metabolism iron
1. The appearance of your complcxion.......i..........the ingesdon
of proper quanddes of yitamins and mincrals. Just keep it in mind, plense.
2. If I wtre you, 1 woukl .................. my diet.........;........
yitamins. Fruit and vegetabJes are now both availabłe and quite incxpensive.
3. Your skin is vcry scnsitive so you should use special fiJtcr creams to
.............it..................UV radiaboo.
4. You may not know it but yitamins arc...................including
the healing of skin lesions.
5. Óont foiget that the use of a deanser..................of any other
6. Retinol-rich cosmeucs can..................bccausc rebnol regulates
celi mctabobsm and is..................stimularing the production
of collagen and dasdn.
7. Bbtde nails and hair can mean that your diet..................iron.
• . | |
I |
. •• |
diiii/o. U |
Exercise 2
Match Column A and Column B. Use the phrascs to complete the scntenccs bclow.
A |
B |
to help |
the skin nourished |
co ajsist |
mental and physical well-being |
to convcxt |
frecradicals |
to promotc |
in-forming boncs |
to rcvcrsc |
fiat and carbohydrates into energy |
to ncutralisc |
pccmaturc aging |
to keep |
regulate metabolism |
1. You should know that ........................................
2. We must keep in mind that ..................................
3. Irt good to know that yitamin C i...........................
4. Our diet should be rkh in dairy products becausc calcium
5. A diet poor in yitamins and mincrals can lead to overwcighc as tliey
help .....................................................................
6...................is believed to ....................................... 7. Winter is the dmc when we should takc partkular carc of our skin.
The use of nourishing eream will not only..................but also
protect it against the hatmful acuon of weather-ielated factors.