The human body ha machinę whkh winds itsownsprings
Therc arc a lot of deviccs and equipment which hdp Sandra and hcr Staff in prtmding che bcst possiblc cart of thcir dicnts' skin. Analyscs and chcck-ups of the skin condidon arc not only everyday practicc but also an cssenoal pan of any good beauty thcrapisń work. The skin is an cxtremdy sensitive organ which rcsponds to and reflccts cvetything that is going on in our octcmal and inccrnal cnvironmem. That is why cvcn rcgular dicnts can bcnefit from a skin analysis. On the one hand, thcrc is an expericnccd eyc of the beauty therapist and, on the other, the high-tcch devices wluch an detect what is hidden to the human cye. In hcr cvaluation of dicnts' skin Sandra oftcn uses a skin scanner. Thanks to its black light and magnification shc can sec a variety of skin imperfecdons that are undetcctable with the naked cyc. It is important that the client an simultancously vkw what the beauty therapist sccs. Sandra thinks that die Skin Sanner not only helps her cvaluatc the skin but also choose products and treatmcnts most appropriate for the Client She also uses ic on other occasions, for cxamplc, before and aftci miaodcrmabrasion to asscss the rcsults of the procedurę. In a routinc facial Sandra oftcn takcs advantagc of the acdon of a facial stcaincr which moistcns and dans the skin. The steam produccd by the dcvicc cxpands the pores to eliminate dirt and sdmulates blood drculation. Another similar opdon opcn to a beauty therapist is an ozone setting which sterilises the stam and disinfects the skin wlulc moistunsing it Somcnmcs, Sandra uses, oftcn at the rcqucst of hcr regular cbcnts, a rotary brush. Clients likc it vcry much whcn she applics a rotary brush to their face. This dcvice consisdng of six soft brushes which atc pro\nded with a vatiablc speed handset, gendy cleans the skin, remom
adranced technology
- zaawansowana technologa derkę - urządzenie
to proride carc - zapewniać opiekę
check-up - kontrola to respond to sth - reagować na coś
cmrironment - otoczenie hidden to sth - ukryty przed czymś, niewidoczny dla czegoś
to bcnefit from sth - odnieść korzyść z czegoś magnification -powiększenie impcrfcction - wady, niedociągnięcia □ndetectzblc -niedostrzegalny naked cye - gole oko toricw-oględać to asscss - oceniać to take adrnntnge of sth
- wykorzystywać coś optloo - opcja
at the rcejucst - na prośbę rotary brush - szczoteczka rotacyjna