16. The body composition analyscr providcs Information on the exter-nal appearance of the skin only.
17. The readings of the body composition analyscr must be rccordcd by hand.
Complctc dic scntcnces with the proper form of the vcrbs given.
stinnilate • prcvcnt • elose » absorb • dcctcase
1. The galvanic machinę.................. the pores after the facial.
It..................skin redness in mild acnc and ..................
inflammation after the rcmoval of comcdones It also helps the
skin..................Solutions, such as asuingents. Its action is par-
ticuiariy vaiuabie in case of <Jry skin because it..................the
circulation of the blood.
smoothe • improvc • reviłalisc • stimulate • rcmovc • rcpair
1 Pccl mkrodermabrasion .................. aging skin and .........
......... damaged skin. It .................. dcad skin cells and
..................the skin surfacc. It also..................collagen
formation and..................Wood flow to the dermis
dcansc»soften• diminatc * penctrate • producc • removc
3. The facial steamer..................vapour mist włuch............
...... the dcad surfacc cells It is then easicr to..................
them. The warm and humid mist..................decp into folbdes
and helps........-.........the pores. In this wny deposits of grease
and dirt as wcll as toxins..................
Wbat devicc or cquipment would you usc in the cases rcfcrrcd to below and why? Usc the Information ftom Tcxt 2 and/or your own knowlcdgc.
1. The clicnt has distendcd and broken capillancj.
2. The dienrt skin is duli and flabby.
3. The Client has a combmaóon skin.
4. The client’s skin is rough and dry.
5. The clicnt's skin is reddencd and inflammed.
6. Thcre is evidcncc of mikł cellulite.
Using Dialogucs 1 and 2 as examp!es talk to disuibutors about the cquipmcnt and dcvices they offer.
Talk to a ebent about the dcvice (one of thosc from the tcxt or one known to you) wtuch you would like to use to improve the coodióon of the dient's skin.
Prcparc a minipresenution about cquipnvent and devices used in bcauty treatments, talk about myths, expcctabons, dangers.