Ex. 1

Ex. 1

b. I. Can you takc off your clothes and lic down‘on thc couch, pleasc? Z Make yoursdf comfoitabk, pleasc 3. CouJd you put your fcet on thc foot rest, pleasc? 4. Can you raise your Icft leg, pleasc? 5. Could you


Refresh your Grammar - Practise your Vocabulary

a. 2. am answering 3. is nnging 4. is buying 5. is sclling 6. are changing 7. is cancelling b. Z are... wriring 3. are... paying 4. is...doing 5. is... taking 6. is... showing 7. are... recommcnding

Ex. 2

1. is doing Z is gjving 3. is nnging 4. am wnung; I am waiting 5. am looking; is talking 6. am working 7. am chccking 8. is calling; am Corning 9. is working; am putting you through 10. is calling; is cancclling

Study and Practise the Vocabulary

put your hands along your body, pleasc? 6. Turn your head to thc right, please. 7. Can you think of somethmg mcc and plcasant, please?

Ex. 2

1. you must ask thc dient to prcpare hctself; you should tell hcr to re-movę hcr j cweli ery; you should tell hcr to be down; you can ask het to reku 2. you should ask che dient to turn on the right side; you must tell ha to raise hcr left arm; you should tell her to bend it; you must ask ha to stretch it 3. you must ask your dient to put ha feet on the foot rest; you can ask her to make herself comfottablc; you should tell ha to stretch her legs; you can ask her to reku her legs. 4. you should ask your dient to be down on her back; you must tell her to rdax hcr body; you should tell her to breathe deepiy and regularly, you can ask her to think of something nice and pleasant.

Ex. 3

a. 1. extract tosins Z to ebminnte ccllubte 3. to rcduce pain 4. release tension 5. to telieve stress 6. fighting ceilulitc b. 1. stimulating circula-cion Z improving body contours 3. (to) firm the skin 4. to tighten the skin 5. make the skin smooth/siiky 6. to dear thc sinuses c. 1. promotes healing Z shape thc body 3. revnabse thc body 4. improve flembility 5. to stimulatc the natural healing system d. 1. to rdax the body Z to soothe the spirit 3. to soothc away pain 4. to prcnnde relief to dred feet 5. to leave the body refteshed

Ex. 4

1. choice to retu the body and soothe the spirit Z rcduce pain, release tension and impiovc fleuhility 3. rebeve stress, promore rekuation, in-crease circulabon and telieve musdc tension 4. to rebeve stress and tension as well as to rcbeve aching musdes. 5. release blockagcs to thc cncrgy pach which may be source of pain ot discomfort.

Ex. 5

1. The arm of che treatment is to reku the body. It sdmulates drculation and rebevcs tension. Z Please belicve me that it is the best treatment to stimulatc the natural heahng system of thc body. It eatracts tosins from beneath the skm and leavcs the body refteshed. 3. This treatment is de-signed to improve body contours. It firnu the skin and makes it smooth


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