Ex. 1

a. 1. was 2. was 3. was 4. wic 5. werc b. 1. were 2. was 3. was 4. was 5. wctc c. I.wasn't 2. weren‘t 3. wasn’l 4. wasn’t 5. wercnt

Ex. 2

Ex. 3

Refresh your Grammar - Practise your Vocabulary

a. 2. went 3. had 4. madc 5. ca mc; showed 6. took 7. used 8. foond 9. left 10. dcadoł b. l.had 2. admitted 3. did 4. wanted 5. adviscd 6. told 7. promiscd 8. looked; fclt c. 2. did ... see 3. did ... kx>k 4.did ... find 5. did ... usc 6. did ... choosc 7. didn’t... takc 8. did ... recommcnd 9. did ... buy 10. did ... make

* *•* ’j

’.' tl

I. Did ... have 2. did ... comc 3. was 4. sent 5. was 6. did ... look 7. weie 8. did ... dcvclop 9. did ... disinfcct 10. did ... necd 11. did ... tell 12. did ... recommcnd 13- wete

Ex. 4

a. obvious; dry; prcmatureły wrinklcd; pale; ycllowish; rough; inelastic; saggjng; hcalthy b. reddened; irritated; broken lesioos; puruler.t exu-datc; whiteheads; blackheads; subcutancous masses; pu$; infeedoa

Ex. 5

1. extract/evac\me/s<}uceK out błackheadj 2. disinfect ihe place 3. wash your face 4. use a specńl loóon S. change cosmcocs 6. comc to the beauty salon 7. foBow my advice

Ex. 7

a. 1. Do you givc enough attention to your skin? 2. Whcn did you hst sec a beauty therapist? 3. What did she tell you? 4. What did your skin look like then? 5. When did you begin to notkę that your skin was get-ang worsc? 6. Do you use any spccial cosmeucs? 7. But will you use it rcgulariy? b. 1. Is your skin itchy? 2. How long has it been-like that? 3. When did thesc skin changes begin to appear? 4. Havc you ever been to a beauty salon? 5. Have you tncd to do anything about these black-heads/masses? 6. When did you do it last timc? 7. Did you disinfect the area?

Study and Practise the Vocabulary

Ex. 1

l.absorbwater 2. cow the body 3. cure a hcalth problem 4. form the cictcrnal covcring of the body 5. penetrate the skin 6. refleets the condi-aon of the organism 7. to protect the undetiying ttssuc 8. to elintinate an intcrnal disorder 9. sccretc a watery lK|uid

Ex. 2    •

1. protect; musdes; blood vessels; nervcs 2. epidermis; corium 3. cuticlc; scarftkin 4. curis; damis; derma; tnie skin 5. lymphaócs, nenrs; nerve


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