1. manicure stauons 2. accessories; tools 3. a tub for foot bath and inas-sage 4. files; cuticlc dippcrs; sossors; abresnr platcs 5. scvcral/a fcw nail polisbes; nail polish rcmover, couon swabs
1. Do you paint yout nails? 2. How often do you paint your nails? 3. Are your naiis britde? / Do your natls often break? 4. What nail pobsh rc-movcr do you use? 5. How often do you havc a professional manicure? 6. What band ctcam do you use? 7. Do you npply it cach dme you wash your hands/dunng the day?
1. Bnitlc 2. deanly-groomcd 3. dull-looking 4. Paper-bkc 5. dryskin 6. finely wrinkled
1. Don’t you have any problems with your heels? / lsn't tbc skin of your fcet sort of hard? 2. What do you do/usc to removc the hard skin? 3. How often do you givc your feet / have a professional pedi-cutc? 4. Do you spend much umc on your feet? Am I not tight? 5. How do you fcel about it? Do you find it vety tiring? 6. Havc you cver given your feet a warm bath? 7. Do you apply any cream to your feet? What is it? What do you use?
2. Preprc all the ingredients umil you havc them all ready. 3. Mcasure the ingredients until you have the nght propordons. 4. Muc the ingicdi-ents umii they form a uniform mass. 5. Appjy the mask undl it covtrs the endre face. 6. Lea/e the maik on undl <t ddes. 7. Wash the muk off until the skin is enrirdy dean 8. Pat the face gemJy with a soft towel undl the skin of the face is dry.
2. Mcasure all the ingredients beforc you put them into a bowL 3. Check if the mass is uniform and smooth befote you use it. 4. Put a band round the clicm's face before you apply the mask. 5. Cleansc the face well before )Ou spread the mask over the endre face. 6. Make surę that the mask is dry before you tinsc it ofŁ 7. Pat the face dry before you apply a facial cream. 8. Pat the cream in gendy and let it soak in before you apply some loose powder.