hi- ' *., • ^ > ;.'- Y »* '•
; 3?; - i Krapping - tu: o<uhnie.
! j zawijanie . . »l- ' ‘ •*• jto suppor? - napierać, wzmacniać
to słupc - kształtować, nadawać kształt
' ™ j to aćtorapaay - towarzyszyć
iĄ ilimrair.gdicl dieta .i/.y-i:.
oddiudając. contouring cfFcct - efekt modelując* "
ndaptcd to stli - , przystosowany do czegoś targct area - wskazana część m,Mt,U-udo !! brrasts - pieni'/'■ bu ttocks - pośladki tummy-brzuch •
to firm - ujędrniać . to tłghten - nadawać sprężystość •• : :
pregimicy-ciąża loss ot wdglit - ubytek wigi ciała
u u iquc - jedyny w swoim I-rodzaju • ^ . %\iA aćcumulated bencath the i skin - nagromadzony pod y jjf skórą *V'/>/V-i*.' to extrićt - wydobyć, usunąć lo irrap - owinąć, zawinąć , to takc a show - wziąć . prysznic day - glinka
j \V - ptiyjemnk gładki
I f - ] to washoff-zmyć
to ckar sinuses - oczyszczać ^ I :zatoki nosowe ‘ 1
? mind- umysł rdirf - ulga
[ aching inusdcs - bołącc fj • j /mięśnie ' ' 4
rdiertr - irodek przynoszący \ %
fś*;; to combine - łączyć ; »
rariety - różnorodność to focus on sth - skupiać się.:; ‘ na czymś
flcńbilłty - elastyczność
- />!
Rcvitalising spa ucaunent. The uni<jue Contour Wrap day formula which tightens the skin and rcvitaliscs the body's elasun. Tosins accumulated beneatłi the skin are eitracted. The dient ts wrapped ia There is no nced to take a shower, as the day leaves the skin fecling pleas-andy smoolh. The effcct of the wrap is enhanced if the sołution is not washed off right away.
Acuprcssurc Fadal. This prejsure point massage facia] dcars your sinus es and rcŁucs the mind..
Gommagc Facile. A fili] body cxfoliarion performed to lcave the body fecling totalły refreshed. It is foUowed by the application of a rtnewing body lotion. It !eaves die skin fecling silky smooth.
Fuli Body Massage. The massage of the whole body with the usc of specially blended oils. It is parocukrly good for the relief of stress and tension. It also relieves aching musdes.
Swcdish Massage. An cacdlent stress rcheveri This traditional massage style combincs a vaiiety of techmqucs which promote rehuadon, incrcase ciiculaoon and telieve musde tension.
Deep Tissuc Massage. Anothcr pain rdicvtr. Tlus therapeutk, dccp pressure massage focus es on specific musde groups to reduce pam, re-Icase tension and improve flexibility. It may include a rangę of mooons and passive suctching work to promote heabng and prevent injuries.
Foot Rcflcxology. An ancicnt hcaling art, bascd on the belief that the feet are a mictocosm of the entire body. Whcn the massage therapist stimulates special pressure points, the body is rnduced to find its own cncrgy path and rełease blockages which may be the source of pain ot discomfoit.
Prcgnancy Massage. A Swcdish massage concentradng on are as where a nx»ther-to-be capcdcnces die most discomforL Pillows are used to provide support and comfort for both the mother and the baby.
Hot Stonc Massage. Stones are smoothed over cach musde to teiaa the body and soothe the spinL The combination of aromadc nussage oil. warmth of the Stones, and a gen de touch enhance the natural hcaling system of the body. ,
Hot Stonc Foot Massage. This massage prosrdes relief to dred, aching feet. Hot and waim stones are used to massage and soothe away the pain.
Deep Tissuc Massage with cupping. Cupping is an andent hcaling ttadidon using glass cups to cteate suction in order to loosen adhesions, lift and stretch musdes, and dram eacess fluids and tosins.
1. Why does the Tip-Top Beauty Studio havc thrcc massage tooms?
2. What is each massage room etjuipped with?
3. Why does the table stand in the middte of the room?
4. What other fuiniture is therc and why?
5. What can different massage tcchnkjues and body trcatnients give to the client?
6. What does the Tip-Top Beauty Studio advtsc its cltents when they asie about a massage or a body treatment?
7. How is the massage table prepared?
8. What does the massage therapist do when the clicnt lies down?
9. What should a client do after a massage?
10. How does the Body Minceur treatment Work?
11. Which ucatment can be rccommendcd to anyonc on a diet?
11 What does the Contour Wtap day formula do to the skin?
13. Which massage is particularly good for the relief of stress and ten-swn?
14. What is foot reflexology?
15. What can stones be used for?
16. What is the purpose of the Deep Ttssue Massage with cupping?
Thcrc arc many ways in which the massage therapist can instruct the client what to do. He may say:
Lic down, please.
Can jon be down, please?
Conldjou lic down, please?
Wonld jon mind lylng down, please?
Herc arc somc morę instructions. Make surę you understand them. Can you think of any morę? Thcn translatc them into Polish. Prepare yoursclf.
Take off your cłothcs
to Indude - obejmować o nnge of niotiotis - szereg ruchów
patthe slretching - bierne
to promote hcaling
- sprzypć procesowi zdrowienia
to prcvtnt in/uries
- zapobiegać obrażeniom ancicnt - starożytny
art - sziuka
bascd on sili - oparty na crymi
belief - przekotunic. wiara to inducc - pobudzać path - ścieżka sotirce - źródło to czpcriencc - doświadczać, odczuwać pillow - poduszka to proridc support
- zapewnić/ dać wsparcie stonc - kamień combuutioA - podcienie wannth - ciepło
gentle touch - łagodny dotyk cupping - stawianie baniek to crretc suction -wytworzyć ssanie In orda to - aby to łoosen adhesions
- poluzować/zmniejszyć zrosty
to lift - podnieść to stretdi - rozciągnąć todrain exccss fluid
- odessać nadmiar płynu