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quc$ti(Hinairc - ankkta, kwestionariusz to fili In - wypełnić to measurc - mierzyć scbum/molsture Imł -'poziom loju/nawilicnit to be of aasisuncc In doing *th - być pomocnym w czymś to eraluatc - ocenić proper - właściwy, odpowiedni |o detcrminc - określić to restore skin baUnce

-    przywrócić równowagę skóry

to soothe - złagodzić to rełicye - ulżyć. zmniejszyć appropriatc - właściwy, odpowiedni carefulłyddirercd moYcmcnU - starannie wykonywane ruchy łymplutic draiiuge - drenaż limfatyany

to inertase the suppły of »th

-    zwiększyć dostawę czegoś oxygcn - tlen

notrients - środki odżywcze ezteriul application

-    zewnętrzne stosowanie tekturę and tonę of the skin -jakość i koloryt skóey

w dotyku

to perform a mauage

-    wykonywać masaż ezcrclse programme -program ćwiczeó fizycznych nutrltion - odżywianie wazing - woskowanie, clectrolysls - elektroliza

to be well familiar with sth • V być dobrze obeznanym z czymś

to operate cąiiipmcnt . r obsługiwać urządzenia to harm - zrobić krzywdę to foreste (foresaw, foreseen) -przewidzieć to prezent - zapobiec




propnate massage technkjues or extemal application of cosmcdcs and trcatments, thus improving the texturc and tonc of the skin.

Futurę beauty therapists leam how to perform facial and body massage, how to make a figurę analysis and how to provide advicc on cx-ercise progtammes and nutrition. They ate trained in using a vanety of trcatments and eleetne cquipment to treat indhńdwd skin and body condidons, in removing facial and body hair by dectrolysis or wudflg

Beauty therapists must be well familiar witli the clectric and othet cquipment used in beauty saions. They must know when and how to ap-ply it as well as how to operate it so as not to do harm to the customer. But not only that. They should know the ingredients of all cosmeoc preparadons. Their customers may be allergic to sotne of them and beauty therapist should be able to foresec and prevent such a potcndal allergic reaedon. They should know what cosmetics are available on the market, which can be recommended to what customers and when.

It ts not easy to follow all the dcvtlopmcnts in cosmetics and beauty trcatments. Cosmetics companics help by sending information lcaflets, sampłes and catalogucs as well as by otgarusing ptesentations, demonstn-dons and courses. Howevcr, it takes tune and effott to keep up to datę

The art of make-up i$ another skali taught at cosmetołogy schools and courses. It u amaung how much a skilled beauty therapist can do to enhance the appcaiance of the'chent, hiding defccrs and highligłidng the ments. There arc differcnt make-ups for diffetau occasskms,for the day and for che cvcning, for formal occassions and for stage or tekvi-sion appearance There are trcnds and fashions in makc-up There are beauty therapists who specialisc in bemg make-up artists.

A cosmedcs school graduatc should also be able to make manicure, pedicure and nail catcnsion, do eyeiash and cycbrow dndng.

Consuldng is another inteiesung and important part of the beauty therapist’s job. When customers comc seeking advice, they should be able to rccognise their problcms and recoinmend proper home care re-gimc and products or beauty salon trcatments as well as rcfer customers to medical praeddoners sudi as dcrmatologists, plasdc surgeons, endo-crmologists, gynaecologists, podiatróts, chiropodists or physiotherapists in case of need

All in all, bang a beauty theraptst is a dcmanding and rcsponsible job.


Answer the following questions to Text 2.

1. Why can wc sny that beauty therapy is a thiiving profession with a fu tuje?

1 Why must beauty therapists eipand and update their knowlcdge?

3.    Wherc can a futurę beauty therapist learn the job?

4.    What should a futurę beauty therapist learn?

5.    How i$ a professional skin analysis carned out and why is it so im-portant?

6.    How can a beauty dicrapist elicie hdpful infoimauon from a client?

7.    What else can be of assistance to a beauty therapist?

8.    What must a beauty therapist be able to do?

9.    What practical skills must she have? What must she know to do?

10.    What do futurę beauty therapists learn? What are they trained in?

11.    Wliat else must beauty therapists be familiar with?

12.    Why is it important for beauty therapists to know ingredients of cosmctic preptuaiions and cosmetics available on the market?

13.    What helps beauty tlierapists follow the developments in cosmetics and beauty trcatments?

14.    Why is die art of make-up one of the important skills taught at cosmetology schools and coutscs?

15.    What other skills should a cosmetics school graduate have?

16.    What should a beauty therapist be able to do when a dient comcs to seck advKC?


Exercise 1


to follow developments

-    iiedzić nowinki effort - wysiłek amaziug - zadziwiający to hlde (hid, hiddcn) (defecU) - ukryć fady) to Iiighllght (merita)

-    uwypuklić fakty) stage appearancc - występ sceniczny

fjsliion - moda to spccialiie In sth -specjalizować się w aymi to do eyeUsh/eydirow tinting - barwić rzęsy/brwi toscekadrice (sought, souglit) - szukać porady to rccognlse - tozpoznać denunding - wymagający

Join Column A and Cofumn B to form meaningful phtases.




the condióon of the skin

to elicit

the moistute levei of the skin

to carry out

the skin •

to analyse

a professional skin analysis

to evaluatc


to mcasurc

skin problems

to deteet

Information from die dient



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