1. What wlU you do to tcduce thc wtinklcs?
2. What facial .................. you ......
3. What.......... | |
the skin? (it) | |
4 ................. |
. this mask |
(mkt) | |
5. What.......... |
.........y°u |
6. How
5. Exfoliatjon..................or..................your skin but you
most choosc a vcry miki facial scrub. (bort; irrilak)
6. I..................this mask under your cycs. Thcy necd anothci
trcanncnt. (appłj)
Complctc the qucstions with a Futurę Sirnple Ttuse form of thc vcrbs in bracket*.
......... for dry skin?
to improvc thc tonc of thc T-zonc less shiny? to nnse off the mask? ......thc mask to dry?
Complctc these / Condltional and Time dames as in thc examplc.
Rcmember not to use w/// in thcsc clauscg.
1. Wc nllt cbaitge thc cteam i£ u irritates your skin.
2. Your skin..................better if you..................this cream
reguhrly. (fttl; ust)
3. Your face .................. better if you .................. a facial
once a month. (bok, bau)
4. The circulation..................if I..............your face. neck
and shouldcrs. (itoprpte, rnassag)
5. If you .................. thii tegimc for duce weeks, you
..................the wonderful results it can give. (<$$; sa)
6. If recommendations, your skin probłems
..................over. You've got my word' for it! (ftUmr, bt)
7. what Pm going to do when I..................
your skin. (ki; aaajyu)
8. This band..................your hair away when
round your head.
9. The cream .................. thc skin much better when you
.................. your face with a special deanser first (ptmłmtt;
10. When thc mask, I..................somc mois-
turising cream on your face. (raut;pul)
1L If you.................., I..................your face after the pro
cedurę. (uiĄ-ptmdu)
12. you...............when I..................
............... you with a special aromathetapy oiL (su; rtlax;
Exercise 5
Make surę you know thcsc words and phrascs. Thcn usc thcm to complctc thc scntenccs bclow.
blackhead • whitehcad • broken (blood) vcssel • dilatcd (blood) vcssd • blemish • discoloutabon • brown (livet) spot • wtinkle • fine linę *pimple ■ mole • seat * aow,s fcct_■
1. L..................s.................arc skin d..................typical
of old age.
2. If a diem wams to temove a m.................., I always refer her
to a dermatologisŁ
3. Don’t try to remove b............... ot w............... on your
own! An infection can easily set it. You can even end up with a s..................on your face.
4. These w,................. and f.................. I..................
which you have recendy noticed show that you have not taken enough care of your skin.
5. You have a tendency towards d.................. b.................. you should uje special protecdvc cosmctics.
6. Thete ate a fcw the area so
I will ueat it vcty gendy.
7. I’m concerned about these b.................. I think they should be
scen by a dermatologisŁ
8. I think we should do something about all these p..................
They certainly do not add to your beauty.