ff • w'« => *
fe - •
'ijjj.jj- soop- mydło
Ja scf of prcparatioiw rr - 2£5taw preparatów j 6 T to be in favour of sth - być (j-ui 5 zwolennikiem cie^oł
V •ow-*T|ddk
nodule - juieir, zgrubienie,
. blackbcwfa - >rjgry V j tuboitancoui - podskórny pus - ropa
^ , cxluustcd - wyotrpuiy
esc Miaai
Also yesterday, another ttgular dient sent het teenage daughta co che Tip-Top Ber.uty Studio. The 15-yenr-old gid was a bod case of acne lo-ated on che face, upper back and decolletc. Het skin did not look healthy. Therc were somc blackhcads and wfutchcads picscnt. Thcte wcie also sonie subcutaneous nodules which probably contained pus. The skin of the face was rcddened and initated. Sonie purulent exudatc was coming out of them. It was elear why. The gid was trying to ptess out sonie of che pinipks on ber own. She did noc disinfect che aita and an infeebon set in. The case nceded immediate intervendon but not onły. The gid should noc onły visit a beauty salon regułariy. She liad to be scen by a dermatologie immediacely. Sandra referred her to one. Sandra also told ber not to wash her foce with water and soap but use a special fodal geL
The beauty therapist's |ob can be highly graufying Sandra often thinks so when a saruficd and betrer looking ebent >s leaving her beauty salon. She fclt that way yestetday, too. She puts ha knowledge and skiłls to good use. She did a good job She madę her dients feel and look bet-ter. She fitlished the day cxhausced. Her cyes wtre aching slightły when she was recciving her last dient. But she could sec the effects of her work and that was cnough compcnsation for her. Like many of ha coJ-leagues, Sandra takes pnde in doing a good job
1. Why do teougers come to beauty salon*?
2. Are Sandra and her Staff prepated to havc teenage dients?
3. What do they try to do?
4. Why do they invitc their teenage dients to have regułar focials?
5. What do they tell them about?
6. What do they rcmind them of?
7. What do they advise them to avoid or not to do?
S. What risk do teenagets run if they don*t follow such recommcnda-dons?
9. What should and what shouldn’t teenage rs do when takrng care of their skin?
10. Are there cosmebcs designed spedally for teenage problem skin? Do you know any of them?
11. What did the skin of Sandra1* yesterday dient look kkc?
12. Why was the condition of the skin so bad?
13. What did the girl nced? Wherc did Sandra pefer ha?
14. What dse did she recommend?
15. Why does Sandra like ha job in spite of often feding exhausted afta work?
Study the following words. Tlicn usc them to cotnplctc the scntcnces bclow.
blackhead • whitehead • pimplc • outbreak • skin etupóon skin lesson • subcutaneous nodule • sou • blotch • sign of infection pundent esudate» pus_
1. Skin analysis rcvcalcd the presence of numerous w..................
and b..................
2. There were sonte open s..................c..................as well
as carlier s..................I..................visible in the form of
s..................and b..................
3. The skin was reddened and initated with s.................. of
i.................. caused by carlier attempts to squee*e out the
o..................and p..................
4. Appatendy, the dient tried to cvacuate some of the s..................
T..................on hetown without proper disinfection and now
p..................e..................was coming out of some of the
5. Most of these subcutaneous nodules containcd p...............so
infection could easiły set in if they were not properly disinfected.