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to k«p up to datę h b)* rta •• ’ biei4<o
therapr - terapia.-ubieg: ofTercd - oferowany, polecany to add-dodawać .Vy-
method - metod.; to employ - utrudniać-; moke-up artirt - wizażystko raauage therapitt -masażysta . <?
cnonicuriit - i V/ ■"$
' msnikiureytt.(k)a • chiropodiit - spccplista od ped^qiłtóp V:,
?ułl design (echnicun ^ v - specjalista od stylizacji paznokci
hairdmser - fryzjer rl\ derinntologist - dcrmztołog * nutritioniit - dietetyk ’ > ■" fitness trzlocr - instruktor fitnesu *.V
ąujliłied - HyiWaiifikowany • specialist - specjalista ; ’
to be rcady to do sth - być gotowym do zrobienia argoi to sctyc sb - obsłużyć kogod ' Client-klient V .... Bp wide-szeroki
wata at the Studio bat They can rebuc in an armchair and rcad a daily paper or a journaJ. The Staff of the Studio do tbcir best to create a rJce atmosphere. Evcrybody weara a smile on their face. Evctybody is polite and friendJy. Clients must fecJ wcJcomc and relaxed. A vssit to the Studio should improve their looks. But not only! It should also make them feel better, morę telaxed and mote satisfied.
ofler - oferta
Interior - wnętrze j well designed - dobrze .>7' * zaprojektowany nicely dccorated - ładnie urządzony , soft - miękki, delikatny warm-ciepły fuiniture meble functionnl - funkcjonalny comfortable - wygodny room - pokój, fu: miejsce . both... and - lic zai^wno...* jak . • , V . ’•* V to feel (felt, felt) - czuć cfTiciently - sprawnie noisc-hałas to patelnie - przenikać
adylce - porada calm -spokojny
1. Is she good at ha job?
2. What is Sandra by profession?
3. What’s ha natiotulity?
4. HowoJdisshe?
5. Whart ha marital status?
6. Whcre docs she live?
7. What's the namc of her bcaucy salon?
8. Whcre is it? Whart its address?
9. What^ its telepłvone number?
10. Is Sandra a highly qualified ptofessional?
11. What qualifiations docs she have?
12. And what about her expaiencc in the profession?
i "* ' '•*' '
1. What are you by profession?
1. What does the Tip-Top Beauty Studio offer?
2. What docs Sandra fbilow? What docs she rcad?
3. What periodical docs she subscribe to?
4. Why does she rad professłonal picss? (...bccausc...)
5. What docs she do to be a good beauty therapist?
6. What spccialists does her studio empkjy?
7. What ate these fufly qualified and higlily skilled spccialists rady to do?
1. What is the Tip-Top Beauty Studio likc?
1 Is the studio big?
3. Is it a noisjr place?
4. What can dients havc and what Cm they do in the Studio?
5. What atmosphert do the Staff want to crcatc?
6. How do dicy crcate it?
7. How should dients feel in the Studio?
8. What sbouJd a visit to the Studio improve?
9. How should it make them fed?
tailding - budynek
her bal tea - herbata zioło**
fresh fruit julce - sok ze
świeżych owoców
to reki - relaksować się
armchair - fotd
daily paper-gazeta
joumal - magazyn,
Staff - personel
to do one's best - dokładać
wszelkich starań, robić co
to crcatc anatmasphere
- stwarzać atmosferę
to wcar a smile - uśmiechać *
face - twarz
połitc - uprzejmy, miły
friendly - przyjacicUki
wclcome - tu mile widziany
rcUscd - zrelaksowany,
looks - tu: wygląd
also - takie
to make sb feel bclter
- sprawić, że ktoś czuje się lepiej
satbftcd - zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany