conctaUr - korektor flaw - w*da, defekt blemish - skaza. wada to make op for sth - nadrobić coi ariajr - iestaw to do the trkk - tu: osifgn^d efekt
(o nutch sth - pasować do czegoś
to keep at band - mieć pod .
sponge pad - tampon z gęhki brush - szczoteczka den sity - gęstość twcczcn - szczy|>czykf, Ptscik*
browshaplng -kułaJtotmnłC bmi cychihcs-tlnting - barwnie
(o rcqoest - prosić Co Inkę parł i» slh (took, taken) - brać vr aymi udibl Co win fwott, won) - wygrać.
anartl - nagroda dbtincCion - wyróżnienie compeCilion - konkurs
enhance the posilnie features. Like the dress or the hair styk, make-up sbould also be propa for the person and for the occasson.
Bcatals make-up station is wdl-supplied with a variety of eyesliadows, cyepenals, mascara, foundations, lipsticks, lip glosses and blushers. Another important device in her wotk is a conceakr. Beata always has a fcw of them. There is ptacucally no skin without a flaw, without bienushes or other natura! dcfccts that can and should be concealcd or madę up for. That is why she has an array of concealers rcady to bc used on het station. If the conccaler is to do the trick, it must match the dient’s natura! complciuon and the foundaoon appbed perfeedy. Other things wtoch Beata always keeps at hand include sponge pads and brushes of all densities as well as tweezers and other dewes nccded for brow-slaping and eydashcs-undng whtch somc dients rcquest.
Beata has taken part and won awards and distinctions tn a few eon-petuions for make-up artists. Her diplomas decorate the walls of the Tip-Top Beauty Studio accompanicd by photos of het models telling dients that they will get high-quality scrvice. Beata gives a lot of good publicity to tlić Studio and her appoinunent book is always fuli.
1. Is make-up used by many women in our part of the worki?
2. When do women seek tlić help of profcssional makc-up artists?
3. Arc make-up arusts spccially taught and traincd?
4. Is Beata, the make-up artist working for the Tip-Top Beauty Studto, very busy?
5. What clients docs she have?
6. Why docs Beata like her job?
7. What docs Beata begin with when she scis to work?
8. What docs she givc attention to when she studies the clicnt's face?
9. What docs Beata know?
10. In what way is makc-up similar to the dress or the hair style?
11. What is Beatals make-up station supplied with?
12. Why docs Beata always havc a sclection of concealers at hand?
13. What other accessories and devices docs she need?
14. Has Beata taken part in any competitions for make-up artists?
15. Why do her diplomas decorate the walls of the Studio?
16. Is Beata popular with dients? Explain why. '
Transform the sentenccs as in the cxamplc.
1. I match the colour of the foundauon and the clicnts complcxion.
1 am gofag lo match the colour of the foundaoon and the client* compłeiion.
2. I study the dteflrt face.
3. She gira special attention to the condióon of the skin.
4. She corrects defccts.
5. She conccals skin flaws and bicmishcs.
6. Tłus makc-up cnhances the posuive features of the face.
Complctc the sentenccs with the golug lo form of the vcrbs in brackcts.
1. I am studying to be a beauty therapist but I .................. as
a makc-up artist in the futurę, (fonty
2. I love the theatre so Fd like to work there. I..................a stage
makc-up attm. ftty
3. I .................. and .................. a lot when I am still at
schooL (harN; fmufiu) shows and competiuons
for beauty therapists. (taktpart)
4. I’ve just hcard we..................such a compeuuon at our Khool
ncxt weck. (ban) it. (partiapatt) I..................
my friend to be a model for mc. (lo ask)