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li.*' -a-    .</•*.    \<K


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A: How..................you do it?

B: I subscribc to thc "Piękno” inagazinc and I rcad it.

A:..................you read cverything in łhis journal?

B: No, ............I..................need all thc Information.

3. A:..................thc Tip-Top Studio cmploy many people?

Bi Yes, it.................

A: How many quabfied beauty therapists..................it cmploy?

B: I ............know. (mfatitt) I rtM» "** «r« »!•!••• know all thc

staff. (nąptin)

4. A: ...............it offer a widc rangę of scrvicc$?

B: Yes. it..................


. it cmploy a hairdresser? .........................., not now.

B: No, it..........

5. A:.................

. vou like vour iob?

B: Yes. I............*.....

6. A:.................

B: Yes, I..........

. you fccl wekome thcrc?

........The staff arc nicc and fricndly.

. you reku at che Studio?

B: Yes, I .........

scrvcs mc


. a visit to thc Studio rcally improvc your looks?

B: Oh, ycsl It ccrtainly.................

Exercise 4

Transform thc scntcnces aa in thc example8.

a. Sbc bas a diploma. -1 think shc must bate a diploma.

1.    You rcad profcssionaJ press. I think you ................................

2.    I follow all novclucs. I think I.............................................

3.    Shc has a lot of ccrtificates. I think shc_________________________________

4.    Thcy wcar a smilc on thcir faccs. I think thcy...................

5.    We cmploy spccialists. I think thcy .—...............—________________

b. Cbcnts bant coffce. - Tm surę dicnts can bovt coffec.

1.    Clicnts have hcrbal tea. I’m surę cbcnts can________

2.    Cbcnts ida*. l’m surę cbcnts--------------------

3.    Cbcnts rcad journals. I’m surc----------------------

4.    You improvc cbcnts’ looks. I’m surc ................{.......

5- Thcy offer advicc and trcatmcnt Tm surę_____________

c. A beauty thcrapist rtadj profcssional press.

I beliere a beauty thcrapist should rteti profcssional press. t. She follows developments in beauty treatments.

I bcbcvt shc should_________________________________________________

2.    Shc improves thc offered dierapies.

I bcbcvc_________________________________________

3.    Shc adds ncw methods to her proccdures.

‘ I belicve

4. We creacc a nkc atmospherc.

I believc-----

5. A visit to a beauty thcrapist improvc$ dients* looks.


I believc ..

Exercise 5

a. Complctc thc missing vcrbs. Thcn learn thc tcxt.

1. Sandra, a beauty thcrapist, ,................. all thc dcvelopmems

and novcltics in beauty treatment (ikdą)

2.    Shc.................profcssional press. (qyfa)

3.    She..............with ncw dcvek>pmcnts in beauty treatment

(ebee bp att krępe)

4.    Shc..................to profcssional press. tynmmtmjt)

5.    Shc ..........dic offered thcrapics. (n/tpsęi}

6.    She........~........ ncw methods to her proccdures all the timc.


b. Repeat the same text making a fcw changcs. Begin with:

1.    lam a beauty thcrapist I.,    ..... ................................

2.    A beauty thcrapist should................................r...........


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