5. This body jcrub will smoothe out and soften the skin. It contains
..................which ts a well-known smoothing and softening
ageni It also indudcs..................It wilJ make..................
Exercise 10
Reproducc the bcauty thcrapist’s questions.
1. What..................likc?
My daiły body carc? Notlung tegular, indeed. I just sbowei mysdf and go to bed.
2. What..................or..................?
Of course, warm. I hate cold water. Pd nevcr evrr havt a cold shower.
Occauonalły, when I think I have the time to let the balm soak in.
I choose my body balms by their scent. Aren’t they all much the same?
5. How about..................f..................ever..................
a seiies of them?
I love massages but I have ncvet becn able to havc morę than two or three in a row.
Pm asldng you about ccllulite bccause I think I may have a ccllulite problem.
It’s the worst on the thighs and the bunocks.
I became awarc of it when I was trying on my bathing sujis. You must help me get od of it before the summer.
1 do eapect a miracle but first and forcmost I need your advice.
5. Thcre are a few things you can do to make yoursdf look morę presentable.
How much dmc..................?
Pvc got no morę than six wecks, Pm afraid.
I've thought of bódł acetasc and diet but-there must bc somethwg mort I could da
7. Are..................?
No, l’m not. I can’t decide which one to use.
Talk about women, need of body care and the consequcnces of lack of such care.
Imagine you are Sandra. Talk about the way in which the beauty ther-apists from theTip-Top Beauty Studio approach the problem of ccllulite and try to help women prevcnt or eliminatc it
Picpare a list of dietary and skin care rccommendauons for women affected or likely to be affected by ccllulite.
Prepare a list of recommendations to be followcd by beauty therapists in handlmg a ccllulite client.