Literatura |
LaPalombara, Łyda E. 1976. An Introduction to Grammar: Traditional, Structural, Transformational. Cambridge, Mass. Winthrop Publishers. For further reference I recommend the following websites and books: ‘University College London Internet Grammar of English’ hltp:// This resource will help you deal with practical grammar as well as the basie syntactic terms. Glossary of linguistic terms by the SIL http://www.sil.ore/lin2uistics/GlossarvOflineuisticTem1s/ It includes svntactic terms. ‘Introduction to Traditional Grammar' A Simplified Stmctural Syntax’ by William E. Rogers Crystal, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia ofLanguage. Cambridge: CUP. [any edition] Matthews, Peter H. 2007. Oxford Concise Dictionary ofLinguistics. 2lld ed. Oxford: OUP. |
Wymagania i forma zaliczenia: |
Zaliczenie semestralne na ocenę na podstawie dwóch testów i pracy na zajęciach. 1. Attendance and active participation are compulsory. You may miss two classes a term without an excuse. When you miss a class and afterwards have a written excuse, show it to me as soon as you return to my class. 2. In order to complete this course you need to obtain satisfactoiy grades, i.e. the grade average must exceed 2.9. 3. There will be two tests throughout the term, both including theory and its application, i.e. examples (with emphasis on examples). If you fail to reach a grade average higher than 2.9 you will be given one chance before the end of the term to retake the materiał covered throughout the term (no matter if you failed one test or both). Single tests may not be retaken. In case you fail the retake at the end of the first tenn you will be reąuired to do a course retake (zbój) at the beginning of the winter retake session in order to pass the course. 4. In case you are absent from a test you are reąuired to take it as soon as you return to my class. If you are absent for a long time and return after I have discussed the answers and results in class you will not be given a chance to take the test. 5. If you fail to prepare for a class I will notę tliat down. Being unprepared on morę than one occasion may affect your finał grade. 6. In order to take the examination in Descriptiye Grammar you need to pass both parts of the Descriptive Grammar course: Cognitive Linguistics and Syntax. Your grade in one part will not affect the grade in the other part. In other words, separate grades will be given both at the end of the first term and at the end of the second term. 7. In case you do not understand something or have suggestions conceming the syllabus or course requirements make use of the opportunity to ask me ąuestions via e-mail or visit me during my duty hours. The answers to some ąuestions may tlien be repeated in class. 8. Subscribe to the course at httDs:// |