2. -
Messa ge segmemation and te-assembly is the task ol OSI model.
1) Transport 2) Session 3) Network 4) Physieal
layer ir.
The rules for exchanging data betwecn rompJtcrsarccnlled_
1) Topolc^y 2)Protcco! 3) Communicntion 4)$yntax
The fuli form of URL is_,
1) Uniform Resource Libra ry 3) Univcrsal Resource Locator
2) United Resource Locator 4) Uniform Resource Locator
QZ. (A)
Ans we r anyone suo-ąucstion from (a), (b) in Dam Communications. Nctworklng and Internet.
Wrltc a notę on LAN and MAN.
Explain Star ar.d Sus topolog}'.
Answer sny one jub-<jucstkm from (c). (d) in D3ta Communications. Networkingand Internet.
Explair. che dlfferent uses of internet.
Explain Search Engine and Meta Search Engine.
Q3. (A)
Answer sny one sub-tjuestior. froir. (a). (b) in M^JL
Wrttc MySQL statement to create = tabie calleąfopoSiT havlng the columns Deposil Number( DN, integer. prisEary key), Deposlt Code(DCODE. chara eter with yanablc wiijfirio columns). Amoun: (AMT. width of E mciudir.g 2 declmals, pqsitive) ar.d Datę or Rcgistration (DRT. datę. should notb£empty).
Write MySQL statement to create diable called MARCIN having the columns Account Numbejf JjrNO, integer, distinct).
Account hoJders Name( ANĄME, charactcr with rariable width 15 columns), Gcnrierf CEN. pcwian), Margin Amour.t (MARC, vnry large
integer, should not te ęrnpty) and Datę of accoun:( DACC, Datę).
Answer sny ono wb-tjuestion from (c), (d) in MySQL Explain the foUowfs^ bmlt-in functions In MySQL i) MODO (j 2)RTRIM0 3) I.OWERO 4)TIME()
ć) SQRT()
Then^ótists a tablc called COLLEGE having the folia wing columns R?11 ,'Number(RN, integer). Studonts Narne (STNAME, character ysflnble width 10 columns), Fccs Fałd (FEE, width of G with 2 /..(Jeclmals) and Dato r.f AdmissionfDA. datę). Write MySQL statements • for the foliowing.
I) Acfd a newcolumn Confirmatlon (CO, Eoolean) to this tablc. li) Char.ge the student? namc to Deepa Gupta’ for Roli Numbcr 57. lii) Delete al! the rows from the tabie where fees paid arc negatlve. iv) Change the datę of adraission of the student whose r.3me is 'Mona® Mehta’ to {une 10.2015.
Hl-Con. 2731-15