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Q.P. Codc : 13876

(Rcvised Coursc - New Patte-rn) (2V> Hours)

(Total Marks ; "5

: (!) AU qu:stions arc compulsory and can>' 15 marks cach.

{?.) Question Nos. 2 to 5 havc internal option.

(3)    Working notes shouid Form Part of your answer.

(4)    Proper presentation and ncatness is cssential

(5)    Use of simple calculator is allowed.

(6)    Figures to the righl indicatc fuli marks.

t) Fili in the blanks wlth most appropriate option and rewrite wholc.s<^i (any cight)

(1) The mair. purpose of_ratio is to show the ertt^t to which

working Capital is blocked in invcr.tories.





(Inventory Tumover i Stock-Working Capital / Stock^locity)

cxpe:t$es refers to those cxpcnscs ^ieh the company has

inctirrcd, of which the benefits arc yet to be rc^łiscd

(Outstanding i Prcpaid / Non-Cash)


is not considcrcd as an intapAiblc asset.

(Loose Tools / Patents / Tradcmarks^-

(4)    If a machinę costing 7 70,000 (^9^ 7 30.0C0) sold for t 60,000, it tcsults

in the eash infiow from inve^>g activitics of__

(7 70,000 / 7 30,000 / 7-&000)

- '

(5)    Prcliminary cxpcnsciCTn example of_expenditure.

(revenuc / capita! ,<peferreó-revcr.uc)


(6)    Currcnt Ratio^Tves as ar. indcx of_solvcncy.

{long-ternWfflort-tcrm / immediate).

(7)    -'nformation is uscd by top managemen; to plan the objeclivcs

of faporagnisation and to assess whether the objcctivcs arc bcing met in

* pActicc.

•mlpcrutional / Tactical / Strategie)


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