Main unit frame

-    Structural Steel materiał (Spray protected and treated on the surface with speclal materiał)

Injection device

-    The plastic materiał after the drylng process Is transferred by the rotatlng of speclal screw. then plasticization and mlxlng Is completed through barrel that heatlng materiał step by step

-    Adopting approprlate screw according to the type of plastic materiał for realizing the optimal effect of plasticization and mixing

-    Barrel adopting the ceramic heating elements with high power density, meeting the varied temperaturę requests for warious plastic materiał

-    Adopting the temperaturę controlling method of PID. with accurate temperaturę controlling

-    Screw driving by the low-speed high torque hydraulic motor

-    Injection oil cylinder appties single<ylinder injection. with sensitlve operation and long service tlme. of whlch screw Is free from deflection force

-    5-speed-and-5-pressure injection. guaranteeing the stability of preform quality

-    Accurate linear displacement sensor, detecting the operation posltion of screw and guaranteeing the accurate switch of the 5-speed-and-5pressure

-    Rotating speed of screw detected by sensor

-    Nozzles started by the hydraulic system

Rotating disc device

-90° clearance rotating

-90° rotating driven by servo motor with fast and reliable operation as well as precision position

-    Equipped with 4 die lips (mold)

-    High-strength fixed disc

-    Rotating disc of alloy Steel

Injection core. die lip. blowing mold opening and closing device

-    The stretchlng rod or template driven by oil cylinder conduct the opening and closing operation ofwarious molds. featuring simple structure and stable operation

-    Direct-pressing mold iocMng. and the locking force being in closed situation

-    Electronic pressure sensor monitors all locking situation and guaranteeing the reliability of mold locking

-    Locking force could be set up separately via screen

-    Integra! base


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