Appftcetlons are mvrted from Poleh studenta to pursue hlgher studlęs at Indian univerait>es
under Ihe ICCR schota^ships
SchoJarshłpe cen be applled for sny course et the under-graduate. poet-graduate and doctoral levd a! one of the central and State urwerartiee w\ a course run by the unh*crsity ccncemed and subject to the appbcant fulftling the elipbikty criteria of the degroc course as set by the
concemed urwersity
Eligible studenta wshing to submil thor appl»cabons are advised to carefulty go through the courses offered by the Unwersibes before aubmtting the applłcation form List of unver*»e8 *here ICCR studenta are currently studyng is available from the ICCR webste
Studenta are adnsed to exerc<se due (Migence & conduct due reaearch on the admisson and ełgiMity cnteria lad down by various unversit»es for each subject. and en surę that they submit al rolevanc documoncabon as roqurod by the Urwersities in addibon to the basie cenAcates menboned *) the appitcation form For this they cen re*er to the Un«versrties Handbook / University Grania commisaton** websftc and the concerred ms«ute‘s wcbsite gven on A2A Portal for ekgiblity chtona.
Applicants for B.Sc.. BE / B Tech couraea should have taken Phyaica. Chemistry & Mathemabcs (PCM) in thar schcol k>avng CKamirations. as th* ts mandatory entene for these couraea. For science couraea the expendture on leboratory chemicałe and other rdated inodental charges wil have to be borna by the scholara themsefces
Laat datę for Miesion to uptoad applcation is 29 February 2020 However. for applcabona for Ph D. course. the tast datę is 31 August 2020.