But what would happen when civic society works ineffectively or its functions are strictly restricted by the stale? When such circumstances occur populist resentment would then occur. In my presentation I will argue that such an occurrence would be perceived as a signal produced by week civic society and it amplifies the calls of inevitable reforms and force which eventually would regain lost social equilibrium. In this sense populism would be perceived as a tool of amplification of social message of social incorrectness of majority of which dcmocratic voice is in some ways undermined.
Populism as an ideology has liberał roots which aimed to build liberał social system. Populism aimed to build up independent from State oppression and its power based canopy independent civic society. But in modern days its functions as an social ideology seems to be undermined. When we speak on populism we almost intuitively and inevitably allocating to its pejorativc mcaning and intcrpretations mainly as “casy to rcach Solutions" announced by politicians who would try gain some popularity out of complicated situation. Still populism is not so incommensurable to civic society as it seems at the first glance. I will argue that both consists of opposite but still complementary poles of social narratives required for social equilibrium of democratic societies.
Federico Della Corte (Warszawa, UKSW, e-Canipus, Novedrate)
Al ter Ego in Arcadia.
Sannazaro's Arcadia, with its dozens translations and reprints, is the work that spread the most the fashion of bucolical poetry and landscapcs in the latc Fiftcen and the whole Sixtcen Century. A perfcct World, apparently, distant from the real World. But indeed it is an allegoric story with links to the dramatic contemporary history of the end of Fifteenth Century and. moreover, probably hides a ritual itinerary of self-knowledge.
łan Dennis (Univcrsity of Ottawa)
Global to Local: Two Menie Is of Romantic Identity /Lord Byron and William WotdsworthJ.
Using the heuristic provided by Generative Anthropology, and starting with its definition of identity as a "local monopoly of attention," this paper will examinc the modclling of identity