0 Zadanie 9. (0-4)
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Hi Mikę.
I'm spendng the summer holdays m Barbados. I'm vtsiting my grandparents. Barbados is a group of isiands in the Carlbbean.
Ihe wcather is never coW bere. It’s usualty scorching hot and qwte Iwnid, but a; this tlme ot yca\ there's a lot of ran and tbere was ev«n a tornado last week' There was afcso some fioodng ii the tcwn. hut evcrycne is safe.
Las* night. therc was a lot of thundsr and lightnna m the sky. It ksokcd amazing and I tcck some photos. Today, the sky ts blue and the sun is shining. It's kwely. This moming. I'm gomg to go to the bcach for a swlm and in the afterreon, l'm gong to hey> my grandma w.th some grecery shoppng. After that, we're gong to work in hor garden. My grardrra has got some beautiful flowcrs. Sbe's wen competitions for her fiewers! She also grows mangoes and hananas. Tbey taste amazmg. 1’H ser<j ycu setne potures of them.
This evenng, we’re all goirg to go for a meal in a nice Chinesc restaurant in town. Last night, we atc a* an Ital&n restaurant. It was deioous. There are lots of oreat restaurants here. but my favounte food is my grandma’s. She'$ a fantastk; cosk. and I like it fcest sshen we eat at home.
Take care Mcky
9.1. What is the weather usually like in Barbados in the summer?
9.2. What did Nicky see last night?
ni =m.

9.3. What is Nicky going to do this moming?

9.4. Where does Nicky prefer to eat?

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