rlnv*d*n,a odpowiednimi wyrazami.

... ui frzchar szys l’m really _ r

p as I always have original ideas.

' 2 c$n you Icnć me some_ l__ ? I nerd to stick a stamp on this Irttcr

j My brother is S years old - he gocs to k d_______n.

4 Do you think I will be able to find the book in the school _ _ b _    y?'

Y«% l'm surę you'II be able to borrow it there’

•ing to be happy when he sees the grades in my school

ig test’. Bad luck! Are you gołng to Iry again?'

Ulic / trach dates? I simply can't remember them. m / Computer lab or In your classroom?

4 l ii "’ t k mnv why my pencil cate / ichoolbag ii so heavy - I only keep pens and pencils

In it

S Ha we you got a rubber / ruler? I need to draw a straight linę.

3 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w języku polskim na język angielski.

1 Mv mum sjvs I should (zwracaćuwagę)    ............to how I take notes

n qood notes help you revise better.

T I reslly like the ezperiments we (przeprowadzamy iv laboratorium)

they are great!

3 Susan never (chodzi na wagary) student.

; she is a really good

4 M. brother doesn t know which university to go to. Hejust can't (podjąćdecyzji)

5 -icw did you (dowiedziałeś się)

Someone wrote about it on Facebook '

about the event?‘

Present Simple; Present Continuous

Uzupełnij dialog odpowiednią formą czasowników w nawiasach.

Matt: Mum, you look upset. What's wrong?

Mum. I ’

Matt: But he3

(wait) for your dad but he's late.

(often/come) late! It's because the traffic is so heavy,

isn't it?

Mum: Yes, 13...... .....(know), but today we4......

apartments and we should be there in half an hour.

(look) at new

Matt: l'm surę he 5

(drive) right now and will be here in a few minutes.

Cali him on his mobile.

Mum: The linę is busy. He6

Matt: Oh, I can hear his car. I think he7.

(never/talk) on the phone when he's driving. ....................(come).

Mum. Oh, that's great.

Zaznacz właściwą formę.

1    Do you remember/ Are you remembering to pay the bills?

2    The less on starts/ is sta rting at 9:30.

3    The water boils / is boiling at 100°C

4    She prepares/ispreparing the meal now.

5    I don'tlike/'m notliking this book. I think it's boring.

6    Do you learn / Are you learning English grammar this week7


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