yf Smacker Compressor - Safan 3D.avi
yf Smacker Compressor - Safan 3D.avi
Output He inlo:
atan3D smk
Input vrdeo settńgs
Frame ratę contioł (fraełionel ftame rałes ofc) Fotce (no adding ot removmg) to: \
Adjust (adds/remoYes trames) to: [
Cohtrast • 0 (nonę) to 127 (max) Smooth2-0(none)to100(max):
Black clamp • 0 (nonę) to 255 (al): [~ Palette settingj
Use palette (tom <• The input tiłe C Fie:
Palette entries:
Calculatea new opłimćed palette tor every how
many trames: T o begin at:
v Compress audio:
Hint entry (start. end. ratę. peak. key?)
Key frame controt At Z changed Key at least evety:
r~ Ringftame? Scalng compressron C Interlaced C Doubled
Scahng type | Widłh f
Frame rangę: Start: |
End [ Top: | Height:| Heighl: |
De-norse F Deinłerlacing T Blended C EvenSnes <*” Oddlnes Bnghtness Z ■ trom 0 (dark) to 100 (no change) and up (bnght):
Pertorm halftonng Onhigh-colot r Always Never
Wndows system colors: (• On new palełtes C Akvays C Never
r Automatic ovenwite?
Compressaon settings:
Overall data tale sełbngs:
* Comptess to a data ratę (byłeś) (250000 C Comptess to a Z ot the otiginab [~ Comptess fossłessly Keep peak data rat© inder a:
'♦ mułtiple ot the overall data ratę: f^O spedfic data ratę (byłeś)
How mary trames to pteview during bandwidth alocaticn (2-64): [*T
Frame see (cropprng) Left f
Gamma conecł • Irom 0 (dark) to 1.0 (no change) and up (bngbt) [~
On 8-brt input lile:
• U se erdstńg palette r Creałertew Mew cn changes
[v UseBinkAudio comptession Comptession level(0*perceptualylosstess. 4=barely kwsy. 99=very k»sy) |4 Convertto: freguency (11025. etc) | C 8-bitAnono C 8-M/stereo C 16 b*t7mono C 16-bitAteteo