Uraził Rio ll.NI I Me Global Business School
Ro de Janeiro is the cap tal ety of the - 6 m l icn populat or (2nć arges: ety in State of R o ce Janeiro, the second Brąz I and 3rd in Latin Amehca) arges: city of Brazi, and the third
largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America,
boastirg approxima?e y 6.3 miliicr pecple within the city pxpeo makinę t the 6th largest n the Arnedcas, and 26th in the wodd.
The State is considered ar. important financial and logistics hub, with five ports and tnree ai^ports (2nd largest in the country and one of the only with xom to expand). It is a'so neadguaiters ot major companies in B-azil and the capita o£ major industries ike Oil & Gas, Information Technology and Communication, Research and Developni’ '
- A logistics hub with 2 seapoits, 3 ccmmercial a rpcits (2nd busiest in tne country)
- 56% of Brazilian GDP comprsed with n a 500 km racius
- Al Pre-Salt reserves concentrated arounć 500 km from Rio
- Rio de Janero is the financial center in Brazil.
- The City c" Rio nas strong econom c ndicatox, oe nc 'espors b e for both 50% of the State s GDP (USD 60 bn) and V» of the FD1 in the country
Ro de Jane ro repxsents the second largest GDP in Brazil (beh nd Sao Paulo and 30th largest in t-.e world in 2008), estirr.ated at about R$ 201,9 bi 1'on in 2010, and is the headąuarters of two major B-azilian ccmparies (Pettobras and Vale), and major oil companies and te ephony in B-azil, besides the largest ccnglcme--ate o£ media and Communications companies in Latin Amehca, the G obo Organ zat ors.
Rio and BRIC Markets (USD PPP)
15 100
Russsa Ria Brasi China fcidia Sources: IIKil.ClA World lactbook, PMt, CA6ED, LRI Research
Strategie Sectors in Rio
Energy |
Creatlve Industries |
Hospitallty |
Industry |
Largest oil |
5 of the 10 |
Headguarters of |
Main tourist |
7 industrial zones |
producer in |
best graduate |
Ute largest media |
desbnation in | |
Brasii |
courses in |
company In Latin |
8razil |
Largest Brazits |
Headquarters of |
Engineering m Brazil (MEC) |
America |
Attractwe and |
Steel duster with ThyssenKrupp |
Petrobras, |
Cultural, arts and |
Unigue life- |
Industry and | |
regulatory |
Large numbei |
intelligence hub |
style |
Gerdau |
agencies and research |
of 1T professionals |
of Ute country. |
Host of malor |
Plants of the top |
Master in International Business EENt