Ihc Koman. invadcd Iron Ajjr llritain in Al) 4 $ Thcy inhabitcd ihc arca for morę than 500 years I) In 1004 Swcin IS\vnI Korkbeard. ihc King <»f Dcnmark.
hurm much of Norwich to ihc giouiwl The of the cor»|oawig Norman. front Krańce changrd etery thing I hc arca began to dcsclop rapidly Ihc cathedra! w a. hegun m 1096. with «Uin bcing importcd fora Cant in northem Krańce I hc Norman* al*o huill 2 5 mile* (4 km) of drtcnsiw wali* arouiul the city
I hc period wat. a prmprrous one for the Noria ich arca 2)
Many still function as but others havc bcen conertlcd to ot brr u*c* Mdl a» Norwich Arts Centre and Non.uh Puppet Theatre The I2th ccntuiy Cavtk i> one of the finest Norman buiUhngs in Europę Today. as a muscum. Non* ich (astlc Mtnetim A Art (iallcry is puckcd with treasuirs
l or those v»ho aiv tired of city lifc. Norwich has so much toolTer OnSaturday morning.
\v«i are aNc to lakę lours to jdmirc the brcathtakuig v icw s of the city Norwich has a largc number of brautiful park* and gardem and is pnmd of its Iktral displaye An c cant ple is the restored Yictorian Plantatioit Garden 5)
Another csamplc is the ( astlc Gatdcns w herc durmg the sumnKt you can sec oufcfoor theatre and cinenu Chapellicld (.ardem siluated nc\t to < hapclhcld Sbnppusg { cnlre is the honic to wondcrful Norfolk and Norwich Kcslisal the International arts fcstisal for the Kast of Kngkmd
Norw ich hac alco always bccn a great place for a night out u uh styltch cafe htrv pub*, cluhs. iinema. theaties nightełub*. conccm. evhibilion, and lestnaK The chihcc isendlcss so w Iicther you rc minalternalnr conirdy.classacal musie top V\cst I nd or indy lilms Norwich with its programme of entertainment will always h-ive Mimciliing for you 4) Boofc your lickct now
UcwHiuii ssswaimsiimiL
IV/enieś ro/wit/ania na karlę odpowiedzi
unii na Unrt giima/nan • IrM I
IW«Ui tekst I Ki każdego z czterech zdań dobierz zakończenie A. IIC lub I). kloce zdunem najlepiej odpowiada trrłci any Lulu
Be Fh! Tipi
Tr> lo cal hralihily. bul dcm t uw (bod a» a trw ani I akc carc of your body
lart your parem n land They car help ywi
Don I 5inc up' It will be bard al limo bul Izcp doing u
Doi Hf Ihc IIIM loulilK tar gil Iwh mg. lr> tlilTctrm thmgs' Try dam mg Nuimming. horscback riiling waicr polo. or p> to a gvm and pla> around oo ihc irampolinc'
II you rr a musie fan pla> soenc upbcat muvH m >our roocn and iutl hau- lun dancing’
Make muca ftie yoNirsrlf lo krep irack of w hal c«m«c\ >ou wal* lo do and w hen you wari lo do ihcm. (Jiy ki be av drlrrmined n pussiblcl Don I drink fizzy dnnk\ while you rc doing U. dnnk walet
lind a spoi ihal you can come lo oci> da> lo Irain CÓ>od arras intłudc tteaiite way s lo use >our IkhIn in any way
Ińnd proplc in your area llul tan Irain with you Din o a much beltrr way lo leam Ihan reading any onlim- guide llul mml iin|«otlanils pioul and irain yuuisrlf. ha\c lun and be carclul Chew gum while working out. ii doceni nukc you feel out of brtaih
-Vii|«d froat wwwwikibnKoMii
1. According lo Ihc autlior thould tul down on c-iung
K you can rai w hal you likc. bul only afiet gym
C. you mu ci cal bul only lootl whkh is gnod for your body
lit il in a goud idea to ask parmlt w hen you w ant lo cal a cukc
2. lobelii
A. you mu vi e senne
II only liekking is pood lor you
C no nultcr w lut you do. just mmc your body
IX only a healihe diet i* impottaiii
■ k«b«.lw U. MOM U
l*fid«r«- l«Ał» u imiu/urri • IrU