
Hell on Wheels   Hell on Wheels By Carol Lynne     Resplendence Publishing, LLC   Resplendence Publishing, LLC 2665 N Atlantic Avenue #349 Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Hell On Wheels Copyright © 2010, Carol Lynne Edited by Jessica Berry Cover art by Les Byerly Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-143-6 Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Electronic release: May 2010 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.     Table of Contents   Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven About the Author         hell aka “The City” n.   any place of pain and turmoil the home created for Lucifer and those forced from Heaven a world in which only the dead my reside a world where sin is commonplace                           Chapter One     Cory stripped off the stained latex gloves and smiled at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. The expression drew even more attention to the healing split in his lip that he’d received from a drunk customer at Ice Water. His gaze moved back to his white blond hair streaked with color. Although the temporary green dye was darker than the normal Kelly green of St. Patrick’s Day, Cory thought it brought out the green in his eyes to perfection. Since his interrupted interlude with Nick, Cory had barely managed to keep his libido in check. He prayed he’d be able to find at least one hot guy at the bar that was still sober at quitting time. Drunks did nothing for him except turn his stomach. After a final inspection, he turned off the bathroom light and crossed to his closet. St. Patrick’s Day celebrations always brought out the happy in people, and happy people were big tippers. He selected a skin-tight white T-shirt that ended right above his belly button, and his favorite pair of ripped blue jeans. For the first time since Ice Water opened, Nick and Dominic had relaxed the strict dress code for the evening’s celebration. As much as he’d like to wear something sexy on his feet, biking to work was hard to do in boots. He settled on his normal pair of sneakers and studied himself in the full-length mirror. The small diamond in his belly button caught the light and appeared to wink at him. The four-leaf clover tattooed over one nipple could easily be seen through the shear fabric of his T-shirt. Cory shook his head and laughed. “If this outfit doesn’t get me the tips or the man I want by the end of the night, I’ll give up.” * * * * Cory got off his bicycle and chained his ride to the lamppost outside Ice Water. He’d been lucky. When he’d worked at The Inferno, his bike had been stolen on several occasions, but it was safe at Ice Water. Tao, the club’s doorman, kept a vigilant eye on Cory’s baby for him. After making sure the lock was secured, Cory walked to the front door and knocked on the frosted glass. Within moments, he heard the lock disengage. The door opened and Dominic’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. “Holy Fuck, look at you.” Dominic stepped back enough for Cory to enter. “You could have this view every day if you didn’t make me dress up all the time,” Cory said with a chuckle. Dominic ran a hand through his short hair. “Maybe I should think about uniforms for the staff.” Dominic shook his head. “Wow. I’m…uh…” He shook his head yet again. “I’m going to go up to my office and call Lu.” Cory nodded. By the erection straining the front of Dominic’s jeans, Cory knew it was going to be a good night for tips. He just hoped Dominic didn’t tell Lu what had made him so horny. The last thing Cory wanted was trouble with the big guy. Cory crossed the room to the bar. A quick glance at the clock told him he only had forty-five minutes to make sure the bar was fully stocked. He spotted Nick and Galen coming down the stairs. “Hey, Nick, did you already hook-up the kegs of green beer?” Cory asked. “Yep. Did it this morning so it would be good and cold. There are four more in the cooler if we need them, but don’t try and change them yourself. Get one of us or Tao if he’s on break to help you out.” Nick took up his favorite stool and pulled Galen between his legs. “You’re looking awfully sexy tonight,” Galen commented. Cory smoothed his hands down the front of his shirt, drawing even more attention to his leanly muscled chest. “I need a new couch. I’m hoping to get enough in tips tonight to buy it Sunday.” Galen pressed his body back against Nick’s chest and began to squirm enough to let Cory know that Nick’s hands were most likely down his pants. The thought of Nick’s hands fondling Galen’s cock had Cory hard in nothing flat. It was yet another reason he needed to get fucked, and the sooner the better. “Baz coming in later?” Cory began checking each glass to make sure they were spot-free. His friendship with the threesome meant a lot to him, and he didn't want to make any of them uncomfortable with his inappropriate arousal. “He’s upstairs making dinner. He told the two of us to get out until it was finished. Something about how we were trying to distract him,” Galen said with a big smile. “So you decided to come down and distract me instead?” Cory picked up a glass and began rubbing it with a soft cloth. “What?” Nick appeared genuinely puzzled by the comment. Cory rolled his eyes and released a snort. “You guys are so used to touching each other whenever the mood strikes. I don’t think you even realize you’re doing it half the time.” Nick and Galen both glanced down. Nick’s cheeks started to turn a delightful shade of red. “Sorry. I guess we don’t.” “I do,” Galen cut in. “I like it. Why wouldn’t I?” Cory shook his head. “No reason. I can’t say that I blame you. If you can get it, go for it.” Galen nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty much the way I think about it, too.” Lu strolled into the bar wearing tight black leather. His gaze immediately zeroed in on Cory as he pointed toward him. “I’ll speak to you later. First I have a little emergency to attend to.” Cory ducked his head. Dammit. He couldn’t believe Dominic had told on him. Hopefully Lu would be in such a good mood after getting his brains fucked out, he would forget all about Cory getting his lover worked up. Nick’s cell phone rang and he pulled it out of his back pocket. “Yep. We’ll be right there.” Nick placed a kiss on Galen’s neck. “Dinner’s ready.” Galen moved out from between Nick’s legs and the bigger man stood. “It could get crazy in here later. Don’t forget to ask for help if you need it.” “I won’t,” Cory told Nick. “Enjoy your dinner.” After Nick and Galen retreated to their apartment upstairs, Cory continued to ready the bar while watching the rest of the staff slowly trickle in. He wasn’t even facing the door when Tao entered the club, but he knew it the moment the large tattooed Samoan entered. Like always, Cory’s skin broke out in gooseflesh. “Evening, Cory.” “Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Tao,” he answered without looking up from the bottle of red wine he was uncorking. Cory wished he knew why the giant man had that affect on him. It wasn’t that Cory didn’t find Tao attractive. Damn, anyone with eyes would agree the man was hotter than hell, but Tao made him nervous. At more than twice his size, Tao represented the bullies Cory had more than his share of run-ins with. In Cory’s opinion, size did indeed matter. The bigger the man, the more they felt they had a right to push Cory around. “I like your hair. It’s fun,” Tao said. Cory shrugged. “I thought it was appropriate for the day. I used to do it all the time before…I came here.” Cory glanced up at Tao before quickly averting his gaze. Tao looked damn good in a suit, but in regular clothes, he was crazy sexy. Cory’s eyes went to the clock on the wall behind the bar. “It’s about that time.” Tao patted the bar with one large brown hand. “Yeah. Guess it’s show time. Take care of yourself tonight, and call me if there’s trouble.” “Will do. Thanks.” Cory watched Tao walk toward the front door. Tao’s back muscles seemed to ripple under the tight black T-shirt as he walked. Just because men of a larger size were intimidating to him, didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the view. * * * * Tao put up a hand. “Sorry, sir, we’re at maximum capacity at the moment. You’ll have to wait.” “Are you fucking joking? I’ve just waited two hours in this stupid line. I doubt one more person is going to bring the whole place down.” “Sorry, but I can’t do that.” Tao didn’t get upset with the man even though the guy was screaming in his face. For the most part, Tao had always been even-tempered. Besides, the patron was right, he had been waiting a long time. Tao felt bad he couldn’t let everyone in, but overwhelming Ice Water with too many people would only cause problems for the wait and security staff. The man tried to hand Tao a hundred dollar bill. “Can’t you please see if there’s room for one more?” Tao fisted his hands at his sides. “Please put your money away before you offend me.” As luck would have it, a small group of men and women exited the club laughing and singing one of the Irish jigs that was playing inside of the club. Tao stepped to the side and gestured for the obnoxious man to enter along with five others. Before turning back around, Tao’s gaze sought out Cory. He couldn’t help but smile as the slighter man appeared to be singing for the patrons surrounding the bar. The large jar set on top of the bar was already stuffed full of money. Tao shook his head. If he weren’t on duty, he’d give an entire month’s wages to sit at the bar and stare at Cory all evening. The man seemed to know just how far he could go in the flirting department to insure a nice tip without attracting unwanted trouble. Tao sighed and turned back to the long line of people still waiting to enter Ice Water. He’d watched Cory flirt time and time again with perfect strangers while the good-looking man could barely bring himself to make eye contact with Tao. Lately, he’d wondered if it had something to do with his tattoos. He knew the tribal symbols decorating his body were misunderstood by most people. They were part of his culture, one he took great pride in. The fact Tao also chose to ride a motorcycle also helped in giving people the wrong impression of him. Tao could do little about others’ perceptions, but where Cory was concerned, the misunderstandings hurt. Tao would do anything Cory asked, if only Cory would see him as a man, and not a monster. * * * * As the night wore on, Cory’s chance at finding a man sober enough to take home quickly diminished. Fucking drunks. “Beer,” a handsome man slurred, stepping up to the bar. “Sorry, friend, looks like you’ve already had one too many. Do you have a designated driver?” Cory asked, wiping the top of the bar with a towel. “What business is that of yours? Just get me a fucking beer.” “Are you here with anyone? If you don’t have a designated driver or won’t hand me your keys, I’m not serving you anything else to drink.” “That’s bullshit!” Cory took a step back, out of arm’s reach. He’d learned his lesson about putting his face within swinging distance. “Sorry, fella, those are my terms.” The drunk’s eyes narrowed. “Do you have any idea who I am?” “Nope, and don’t really give a shit.” “I’ve got an uncle in Old Town who does anything I ask him to do.” “Well good for you. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna serve you.” The more flushed the man’s face became, the more Cory began to worry. He glanced around for Nick or Dominic. When he didn’t spot help in the area, he hit a button under the bar. “Do yourself a favor and walk away now while you’ve still got the chance.” “Fuck you!” As soon as the words were out of the man’s mouth, he was gripped by the back of the neck and practically lifted from the floor. “Tao, would you see this gentleman to the door and put him in a cab? If he tries to drive, stop him.” “You okay?” Tao asked Cory. Cory nodded. “Just a misunderstanding. Thanks.” The man stupidly tried to get away from Tao by swinging his arms wildly. Idiot. Cory had seen Tao in action enough times to know what would come next. Tao’s huge hand landed on the top of the man’s shoulder, close to his neck and squeezed. The drunk went to his knees immediately, while trying to pry Tao’s hand away. “Let’s go.” Tao loosened his grip enough for the man to get back to his feet before frog marching him towards the front door. As grateful as Cory was for Tao’s intervention, it was yet another reminder that the big man wasn’t someone Cory wanted to mess with. The in-house phone under the bar began to ring. Cory picked up the receiver as his gaze went up to the windowed offices overhead. “I’m okay.” “You sure?” Dominic asked. “Yeah. Just a drunk who didn’t want to take no for an answer. Tao’s handling it.” “I applaud your convictions about not over-serving, but are you sure it’s worth putting yourself in danger?” “I’m positive.” Dominic sighed heavily into the phone. “Just be careful. I’d hate for anyone to put another scar on that pretty face of yours.” “Thanks, boss, but I’m all right.” Cory hung up the phone and scrambled to help the other bartender, Teddy, catch up on the drink orders. He didn’t usually work with someone, but Nick had brought in Teddy to help with the St. Patrick’s Day festivities. Cory found it was much easier to work alone, but he wasn’t the owner, so he kept his mouth shut. * * * * “Take a break and join me at my table,” Lu ordered, stepping up to the bar. Cory cringed. Was Lu going to yell at him for getting Dominic worked up earlier, or because he refused to serve someone? After telling Terry that Lu wanted to speak to him, Cory made his way over to Lu’s reserved alcove. “Yes, sir?” “Have a seat.” Lu gestured to one of the snow white leather sofas. Cory sat down as Lu waved a hand in the air. Suddenly, the loud noise of the club vanished. “How’d you do that?” Lu grinned and shook his head. Oh, right. Satan. “Am I in trouble?” Lu’s gaze raked over Cory’s body like a living touch. Shit. Cory tried to pull the hem of his shirt down far enough to cover his bellybutton. “Don’t. I quite like the view.” Lu gestured for Cory to stand. “It was suggested we use what you’re wearing as a model for club uniforms, but I think there needs to be an adjustment.” Lu reached over and ran his hand up Cory’s thigh. “These jeans are nice, but not dressy enough. With a snap of Lu’s fingers, Cory was dressed in skin-tight white low-rise leather pants. “Fucking perfect.” Cory glanced down at himself and almost swallowed his tongue. If he’d been able to afford leather pants, he would wear them all the time. A quick image of Tao in the new uniform came to mind. Fuck. “Keep the pants. They suit you quite nicely. I’ll have more for you and everyone else on staff by the end of the week.” “Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Cory asked, hoping for a quick getaway. Lu crossed his legs and took a sip of the Scotch one of the waiters had already delivered. “I was going to tease you about getting Dom all worked up earlier, but now that I’m here, I can’t say that I blame him.” Cory shuffled his feet nervously. Lu shook his head and gestured for Cory to resume his position on the couch. “We need to talk about the risks you’ve been taking lately. I’m beginning to understand how important it is to you not to over-serve drinks, but twice now in three weeks you’ve put yourself in a dangerous position.” Cory clasped his hands and rested his forearms on his knees. “Please don’t tell me I’m not allowed to refuse service to a customer.” “Depends. Can I ask why you feel so strongly about it?” Lu inquired. Cory blew out a breath. “I used to be an alcoholic.” “Used to be? Don’t they say once an addict, always an addict?” Cory shook his head. “My death was truly my salvation. When I died, so did my addiction.” Lu tapped his lips with his forefinger, obviously in thought. Cory waited. If Lu ordered him to serve anyone who wanted a drink, Cory would be forced to quit. “Okay. Here’s what I’d like to implement. From now on, if you have a customer you feel should not be served, I want you to press the security button before you inform them. You will wait until help arrives and only then will you refuse that customer.” Cory didn’t like the change, but at least he wasn’t being shut down completely. “I can live with that.” Lu stood and held out his hand, helping Cory to his feet. “You know you can talk to me about anything. I’m not one to pass judgment.” “Thanks. I’ll remember that.” Cory went back to work feeling as if Lu had just taken a peek into his soul. * * * * At three in the morning, Cory climbed on his bike for the long ride home. “You want me to follow you?” Tao asked, pulling up on his silver motorcycle. “No need. I’m fine.” Cory snapped his helmet into place and smiled. Tao’s big brown eyes stared at Cory for several moments before he gave a slight nod and roared off down the street. Despite being bone tired, Cory managed a good speed as he pedaled his way toward home down the early morning empty streets. It was probably better he hadn’t found someone to invite over anyway. What he really needed was to take a long shower and get the green out of his hair. The stuff was really starting to itch. He’d never had issues before, but maybe his skin had changed. Duh. You’re dead you stupid fucker. Cory slowed as he neared his apartment building. Climbing off his bike, his legs felt like rubber and he had to take a moment to get his bearings. He was in the process of hoisting the heavy bike onto his shoulder when he was struck from behind. The bicycle fell, tangling itself between Cory’s feet. He went down like a ton of bricks, never seeing the face of his attacker. When he regained consciousness, Cory tried to roll to his side but the pain was too much. He put one hand to his ribs and reached for the back of his head. His hand came away sticky with blood and cheap green hair dye. When he tried to get to his feet, the simple movements made his head spin. Falling back to the sidewalk like a rag doll, Cory emptied the contents of his stomach. Think. Think. Despite the pain, Cory managed to dig the phone out of his pocket. He hoped Lu had genuinely meant the offer he’d made earlier. “Lu.” “Hate to bother you, boss, but I need help getting upstairs to my apartment.” Lu chuckled. “What, fall off your bike?” “No. Someone jumped me. I know I have a concussion, and my guess is the bastard aimed at least one kick to my ribs while I was down. I could probably make it upstairs on my own, but I can’t leave my bike out here on the sidewalk. I just can’t afford to replace it right now.” “We’re on our way,” Lu returned. Cory detected a slight edge to Lu’s normally smooth voice. “If you’re busy, don’t worry about it.” “Don’t be daft. Can you get inside the building? I hate the thought of you out in the open.” “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ll try, but I need to hang up now. I feel another wave of nausea coming on.” “Shit. Okay. We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Cory didn’t even get a chance to close his phone before he once again threw-up. He’d suffered a concussion as a child by falling off the monkey bars in the local park, and spent nearly half a day throwing up until his parents had finally taken him to the emergency room. Cory wiped his mouth on his arm and tried once again to get to the front door. Standing wasn’t an option, so he tried to first crawl before opting for trying to scoot. Nothing worked. With each movement, the nausea returned. He finally gave up and closed his eyes against the dizziness. When he heard a car braking hard nearby, Cory opened his eyes to the sight of Lu and Dominic running toward him. Lu surprised Cory by easily lifting him off the pavement. Cory grabbed his side, trying to protect his ribs. “Sorry,” Lu offered. “It’s okay. Just get me upstairs,” Cory told his friend. “We thought we’d take you back to our place. You shouldn’t be left alone,” Dominic cut in, picking up Cory’s bicycle. “No. I need my own bed. I’ll be okay,” Cory insisted. He’d never been comfortable sleeping at someone else’s house. Lu and Dominic shared a look between them before Lu carried Cory toward the front door of the building. “Have you always been this hard headed or is it something new?” Cory reached for the back of his head. “This is one instance when my hard head probably went a long way in saving me.”           Chapter Two     “Bathroom,” Cory instructed as soon as they entered his apartment. Lu swiftly carried him to the small room and gently set him down in front of the toilet. Cory crossed his arms over the seat to support his forehead. He was thankful he’d cleaned earlier in the day. Nothing was worse than facing a dirty toilet bowl with a queasy stomach. While Cory closed his eyes and prayed for the room to stop spinning, he heard Lu turn on the faucet. Moments later, a warm washcloth was pressed to the back of his head. “You’ve got yourself a nasty gash,” Lu commented. “Do I need stitches?” Lu chuckled. “No. I can seal the cut. I’m not so sure about the concussion though.” Despite his rolling stomach, Cory grinned. It wasn’t often Lu admitted he was unsure about something. “Just do your best.” “I’ve got to say, this green stuff is nasty.” Lu leaned over to meet Cory’s gaze. “Sexy as hell on you, but nasty all the same.” “Thanks.” Cory tried to stifle a laugh, knowing the movement would be painful. “Of course the majority of your ass is hanging out of your new pants. That sorta counterbalances the yuck from the green,” Lu added with a wink. “Stop ogling Cory’s ass,” Dominic reprimanded from the doorway. “Do you want me to call someone?” “No. There’s no one,” Cory admitted. Damn, what a pathetic statement. Lu tossed the washcloth into the sink. “Will you rinse that for me, love?” Lu once again made eye contact with Cory. “This may sting a bit.” “Do what you have to.” “I’m going to basically cauterize the wound closed,” Lu explained. “You mean you’re going to burn me?” Cory asked, suddenly uncertain. “Maybe I should just go to the emergency room.” “Did you hear that, Dom? Cory doesn’t trust me.” Insulting his rescuers definitely wasn’t Cory’s aim. “No. Go ahead. Just don’t make fun of me if I end up pissing myself.” Lu snorted. “Humans.” Cory closed his eyes as Lu squeezed the wound closed. There was a brief sting and Lu sat back on his heels. “All done.” “What? That was it?” Cory questioned. “Why didn’t you do that with my lip?” “Because you wouldn’t let anyone get near you and because the cauterization leaves a completely different kind of scar. It wouldn’t have been pretty on your face, but with all this gorgeous blond hair covering the back of your head, no one will even know it’s there.” The statement brought to mind Draco. Cory had wanted to ask about him for a couple of weeks, but had held back. “Can I ask you something?” “Sure.” Lu took the washcloth back from Dominic and continued to clean the blood from Cory’s hair. “Why did Draco’s scars vanish, and I still have mine?” Cory asked. “Because it was time for Draco’s to disappear.” With his stomach somewhat settled, Cory put a hand to his side and turned to lean his back against the bathroom wall. “What do you mean?” Lu threw the washcloth toward the hamper and rested against the bathtub. “Very few people here realize the power they have over their own bodies. I guess that’s a good thing or The City would be filled with men who looked like me.” “Excuse me?” Cory was confused. “Just as you chose your everlasting age when you came here, you also have the ability to change almost anything about yourself. You have no power over anyone else, of course, but you do have the tools to change yourself. To be the person you’ve always wanted to be. To look like the most gorgeous creature you’ve ever laid eyes on.” Lu chuckled. “That’s where looking like me comes in.” “So you’re saying I can remove the scar just by wanting it?” Cory questioned. “No. I’m saying you can remove the scar if you truly feel you deserve it. Draco is finally coming to terms with his shame.” Lu snapped his mouth shut. “Well, let’s get you to bed.” Cory allowed Dominic and Lu to help him to his feet. If releasing his shame was required to remove the scar, Cory had no doubt he’d have the damn thing for eternity. He had no desire to release what was his duty to bear. A thought struck him as he was led into the bedroom. “Is that why they say everyone is beautiful in Heaven?” Dominic pulled back the covers and Lu waved his hand. Suddenly naked, Cory used his freehand to cover himself as much as possible. The action seemed to amuse Lu. “Do you have any idea how many cocks I’ve seen?” Lu asked, still chuckling. A growl from Dominic, and Lu laughed even harder. “Relax, love, I’m much older than you are.” Despite Lu’s statement, Cory continued to try to cover his bits while he was helped onto the mattress. “Lay on your side,” Lu instructed. “Dom? Will you find a big pan or bucket from the kitchen?” “Under the sink,” Cory instructed as Lu covered him. Once Dominic was out of the room, Lu sat on the edge of the bed. “It’s not my place to probe into your life, but I will tell you that anger, shame, hatred, bitterness…and all the other negative emotions work against you in The City. Those feelings are what you’re forced to confront on a daily basis. That’s what Hell is all about. That’s why you’re here.” Cory shrugged one shoulder. “I’m ashamed of myself. I’ll readily admit it. I was a horrible person when I was alive. But I’m trying to become a better man now.” Lu cupped Cory’s cheek. “Then you’re ahead of most people here.” “Here’s the bucket.” Dominic narrowed his eyes at Lu’s hand on Cory’s face. “What the fuck is going on?” Lu rolled his eyes. “You are such a dominating bastard at times.” He grinned and blew Dominic a kiss. “And I love it. But I’m simply trying to soothe, not stimulate.” Dominic set the red chore bucket on the floor beside the bed. “Anything else I can get you?” Cory didn’t want to go against Dominic when he was one hundred percent. No way would he take him on the way he felt. He subtly removed Lu’s hand from his face. “I have a bottle of pain relievers in the cabinet above the coffee maker. Would you mind terribly bringing me the bottle and a glass of water?” Dominic glanced at Lu. Once again, Lu pursed his lips and gave Dominic an air smooch. “I promise to keep my hands to myself.” By the time Dominic left, Lu was quite tickled. “I love it when he gets that way. I’ll admit sometimes I like to push his limits just to get his blood pumping. Dominic in full Alpha mode is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.” “You’re lucky you’re strong enough to stand up to someone Dominic’s size if you need to. I can’t imagine trusting someone that big not to try and overpower me,” Cory admitted. Lu tilted his head to the side. He started to reach for Cory but stopped himself and crossed his arms. “Is that why you won’t give Tao the time of day?” “Excuse me?” He’d never been rude to Tao. “He’s a gentle giant. He’d never hurt someone he cared about.” “Are you talking about me?” Dominic asked, striding into the room. A single black eyebrow rose as Lu turned to address Dominic. “Conceited much? I was talking about Tao.” Dominic handed Cory three tablets and a glass of water before bending to give Lu a deep, but short, kiss. “I learned from the best, babe.” “You hear that, Cory?” Lu slapped Dominic on the chest. “Completely irreverent.” Dominic sat on the chair beside Cory’s dresser. “So why are we talking about Tao?” “I have no idea,” Cory said. Lu sighed. “Tao practically drools every time he looks at you. Yet you barely make eye contact when he tries to gather the nerve to talk to you.” “He’s big,” Cory mumbled. “Yes. Believe me, big has its advantages.” Lu glanced at Dominic. “Several advantages.” “I’ve seen the way Tao gets with customers. He tosses them around like toys.” Cory took a moment to swallow his pills and take a drink before handing the glass to Lu. Setting the water on the bedside table, Lu nodded. “Yes he does. Have you noticed that nine times out of ten the men he tosses are the ones who’ve given you a hard time?” “It’s his job,” Cory countered. “Kind of. He’s supposed to help remove unwanted elements from the club. He’s not required to take the removal process so personally. Which he does when it pertains to you.” Lu started to reach for Cory’s hand but stopped and looked at Dominic. “Permission to soothe?” Dominic rolled his eyes and nodded. Lu covered Cory’s hand and squeezed. “Tao’s protective of you because he likes you.” “Now. But that doesn’t always mean he’ll use his size to protect me. What if I do something to piss him off? He could snap me like a twig.” Once again, memories of his childhood and teenage years ran through his mind. Always being picked last in physical education class was the least of his childhood traumas. How many times had he been jumped for his fucking lunch money? Once his sexuality got out in the open during his junior year, things got even worse. His parents had to drive him to school because the tires on his car wouldn’t last a day in the parking lot. He’d spent almost every weekend scrubbing dried eggs off the front of his family home. It really was no wonder he started drinking at the age of seventeen. “Tao’s not that kind of man. Do yourself a favor and at least get to know him before you make that kind of judgment against him,” Dominic cut in. * * * * “Where’s Cory?” Tao asked. Terry shrugged. “Nick called and asked if I could fill for a few days.” Tao’s hands fisted at his sides. “They didn’t fire him because of what happened last night did they?” “I don’t know, man. Go ask ’em.” Tao pushed away from the bar and strode toward the stairs leading up to Nick’s office. He pushed the intercom at the bottom of the steps and waited. “Yeah,” Nick answered. “It’s Tao. Can I talk to you?” He heard the lock disengage and pulled open the heavy door. Although the door was made of steel, the rest of the staircase had clear walls like the offices. When he reached Nick’s office, he took a calming breath and knocked. “Come in.” Tao stepped inside and shut the door. “Where’s Cory?” “Upstairs. He ran into trouble last night after he left here. Lu and Dominic stayed with him overnight, but it was decided to bring him here rather than leave him alone today. Galen’s playing nursemaid.” Tao’s gut twisted at the news. “Was he hurt?” Nick leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “He was hit on the back of the head with something. Evidently while he was unconscious, whoever hit him decided to kick him in the ribs. Nothing life-threatening, but he’s too sore to move much today.” Tao licked his lips. A glance at the clock on the wall told him he was due to be on duty in less than thirty minutes. “Do you think I could go up and see how he’s doing?” Nick stared at Tao for several seconds. “His ribs were hurting pretty bad earlier so Lu mixed up some crazy concoction and made him drink it. You can go up, but don’t be disappointed if he’s asleep.” “Thanks, boss.” Tao turned to leave. “Do me a favor,” Nick said before Tao could get out the door. “Sure.” “After Cory gets back to work, I want you to make sure he gets home okay every night. I’ll pay you an extra hour’s wage a day.” Tao gripped the door handle so tight it was a wonder it didn’t turn to powder in his hand. “I’ll make sure Cory’s safe. No need to pay me.” Tao left the office and climbed to Nick, Baz and Galen’s third floor apartment. He felt like kicking his own ass for not following Cory home the previous night. He’d had one of his feelings and he should have known enough to trust it, but he’d let Cory decline his offer without putting up a fuss. Before he could even knock, the door opened and Galen stood with the phone at his ear. Galen stepped back so Tao could enter and gestured to the phone. “Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.” Tao took off his shoes and set them outside the apartment before entering. There were some customs he simply wouldn’t give up, and wearing shoes inside a house was one of them. Galen hung up and gestured to the bedroom. “Nick said to let you see him even if he was asleep. I haven’t checked on him for an hour, so if he wakes up, ask him if he needs anything.” Tao glanced at the rich furnishings on the way to the indicated bedroom. He’d sat on a couch a time or two but had never felt the need to purchase one. The door wasn’t latched, so Tao slowly pushed it until he could see Cory’s sleeping form. He glanced over his shoulder but Galen was nowhere to be seen. After entering the room, Tao sat cross-legged on a small rug beside Cory’s bed. His height allowed him the opportunity to watch Cory on the raised bed, something else Tao had never owned. If he were back on his home island, he would be able to get his hands on plants that would soothe Cory’s pain. Although Lu had been thoughtful enough to recreate the tropical feel of his home in a small pocket of The City, the plants weren’t the same. Cory shifted and his eyelids began to flutter. His face twisted in apparent pain moments before he cried out. “I’m sorry!” Tao quickly knelt beside the bed and reached out. “It’s okay. It was just a dream.” Cory opened his eyes and flinched away from Tao’s touch. “Tao?” Feeling rejected, Tao sat back on his heels and bowed his head. He should have known better than to reach out for Cory. His size had always been a problem. He’d been the biggest child in the village, the biggest warrior, always the biggest. It hadn’t mattered that he’d always gone out of his way to be extra careful with others, people were naturally afraid of his appearance. “I came up to check on you and then you had a bad dream. I’m sorry I touched you.” “Tao?” Tao glanced up and became lost in a pair of large deep blue eyes. “Do you forgive me?” Cory smiled. “You didn’t need to apologize. I just had a bad dream and was confused for a second. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.” “How’re you doing? Nick said you’d been mugged.” Tao took a chance and rose to his knees once more. “I wasn’t mugged. I had a pocket full of money and whoever hit me didn’t take it.” Tao leaned forward, resting his forearms on the mattress. “Someone hurt you for no reason? Why would anyone do that?” Cory smiled and brushed Tao’s hand with his own. “I make a lot of people angry by refusing them drinks. Who knows? Maybe one of them followed me home.” “Then you can’t go back there. Whoever did this to you knows where you live.” Tao hated the idea of someone intentionally seeking Cory out. He remembered the premonition he’d had the previous night. “I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. I’m sorry I didn’t insist on following you home.” Cory squeezed Tao’s hand. “It’s not your fault. I know I look bad, but I’m actually feeling a lot better. I should be able to return to work tomorrow night. As a matter of fact, I’m going to ask Lu to take me home later.” Tao shook his head. Cory would be like a sitting duck. “No. You can’t go back there until we know who did this.” “We may never know who it was. Maybe the guy was just drunk and decided to take his bad mood out on me. I’m sure he’s feeling guilty about it today.” Even if Cory was right, Tao didn’t like the idea of him staying alone. He decided on the spot to make it his duty to keep harm from the smaller man, no matter what it took. “Would you mind if I made sure you got home safely after work every night?” Cory stared at Tao for several moments. “Why would you want to? I haven’t exactly been nice to you. It’s nothing personal, but I’m uneasy around someone of your size.” Deflated, Tao pulled his hand out of Cory’s. “I know that. I could say I’m used to it, which I am, but it still hurts. I would never do anything to harm you.” “That’s what Lu and Dominic said,” Cory mumbled. “Do you believe them?” Tao asked. He’d give anything for the chance to get to know Cory. It had been a long time since he’d taken someone into his home and heart. “I want to,” Cory admitted. “Will you let me take you back to your home later instead of asking Lu?” Tao asked. Cory sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. “The only way Lu was able to bring me here in the car was because I was asleep. I’m not sure what he gave me, but he’s going to have to give it to me again in order to get me home. I don’t drive or ride in cars.” “What about motorcycles?” Tao asked. “I’ve never ridden on one, but I’ve seen how fast they can go. Still, I guess if you wrecked, it would only be us you hurt.” Tao narrowed his eyes. “That’s why you ride a bicycle? Are you afraid of hurting someone?” Cory broke eye contact. “I don’t talk about that.” Tao nodded and the two of them sat in silence for several moments. A glance at the clock told Tao his shift had already started. He got to his feet and touched Cory’s hand with his finger. “I should go.” Cory didn’t say anything until Tao opened the door. “I would appreciate a ride home.” Tao couldn’t help but smile. “I’d be honored. I’ll be up after the club closes.” “Thank you,” Cory said as Tao closed the door. * * * * Tao was standing just inside the door when Lu approached. “Cory just told me you were taking him home.” “Yes, sir.” Tao had wondered all evening about Cory’s earlier remarks. “Sir, do you know why Cory’s afraid to ride in a car?” Lu shook his head. “He won’t talk about it.” “Yeah.” Tao rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s never been on a motorcycle, but I think if I take it slow he’ll do okay.” Lu clasped his hands behind his back and looked out over the club. “His balance is still off. You’ll have to be careful.” Tao tried not to grin. Lu liked to come across as Mr. Bad, but Tao had seen him with Dominic too many times to believe it. “He admitted that he was afraid of my size.” Lu nodded but didn’t take his eyes off the partying crowd. “He’s small. I would imagine it’s been a problem for him most of his life.” “I know how he feels,” Tao admitted. “Only I’ve always had the opposite problem.” Lu finally glanced up at Tao. “Then the two of you should be perfect together.” Tao shook his head. “I don’t think Cory likes me like that.” Lu grinned. “One step at a time. Let Cory get over his size issue and give him a chance to get to know the real you. He only knows you as the big bouncer. The guy who tosses grown men over his shoulder like they weighed nothing.” Lu checked the expensive watch on his wrist. “We close in an hour. Why don’t you call upstairs and see if Cory’s ready to go. I can watch the door.” The gesture made Tao feel special. “Thank you, sir.” Lu slapped Tao on the back. “Lu. How many times do I have to tell you that?” Tao shrugged. “Habit, I guess.” He pulled out his cell phone and called Nick’s apartment number. “Hello,” Galen answered in a sing-songy voice. “Hi, it’s Tao. Is Cory awake?” “He’s sitting right here. Hold on.” “Tao?” Cory answered. “Hi. I was wondering if you still felt like going back to your place. Lu said I could leave if I needed to.” “Yes. I’d appreciate that. I’ll be down.” “That’s okay. I’ll come up and get you. Lu said you were still having a problem with your balance. I wouldn’t want you to fall down the steps.” Cory sighed. “Thanks.” * * * * Cory hung up the phone. “Tao’s coming up to get me. Do you need to buzz him in or anything?” “Yeah.” Baz stood and crossed to the monitor beside the front door. “You know you’re welcome to stay.” “Thanks, but I’m feeling well enough to go home.” Although his friends had been accommodating, Cory knew he was cramping their style. Besides, he had a lot of things to think about. The conversation earlier in the evening with Tao kept replaying in his mind. When Tao admitted that he’d also been unfairly ridiculed because of his size, it had shocked Cory. And if he were totally honest with himself, it made him feel bad for doing to Tao what so many others had done to him. Baz opened the door and Tao stepped inside the apartment. “How’re you feeling?” Tao asked, crossing to where Cory sat on the couch. “Better. Still sore, but at least the headache’s gone.” Cory scooted to the end of the sofa and tried to pull himself to his feet using the arm of the furniture for leverage. A strong arm wrapped around his waist and righted him in no time. Tao quickly released Cory and averted his gaze. “You have a bag?” Cory nodded and pointed to the small red backpack. By the time Tao picked it up and slung it over his shoulder, the room had stopped spinning enough for Cory to walk toward the door. “Thanks for everything,” he told Baz and Galen, who had already curled around each other on the couch. “Our pleasure. Just take it easy. If you don’t feel up to working tomorrow, no problem,” Baz said. “I’m sure I’ll be ready. I don’t do well sitting around.” Being idle gave Cory too much time to think. Between taking college classes and work, he’d always managed to fill most of his day with activity. Tao opened the door for Cory and shut it behind them. Cory gritted his teeth as he slowly descended the first few steps. He heard a noise erupt from Tao’s throat moments before he was picked up off his feet. “Just let me help you,” Tao pleaded, his big brown eyes staring into Cory’s. “Okay.” It was strange to readily accept the big man’s help, but he’d known the stairs were going to be a problem. “I’m lucky my apartment building has an elevator.” The safety in Tao’s strength as he easily carried Cory down the two flights of stairs was surprising. Entering the club, Tao set Cory on his feet. “You okay to walk?” Cory nodded, but didn’t protest when Tao wrapped a steady arm around him. Although the crowd was thinning, there were still quite a few men and women milling around looking for that last minute hookup before they gave up and went home. Halfway across the room, a man bumped into Cory. The pain in his side would have sent him to his knees if it hadn’t been for Tao. The man walked off without apologizing. “Hey!” Tao screamed at the man’s retreating back. “It’s okay,” Cory said, holding his hand against his side. Tao shook his head. “No, it’s not.” Tao scooped Cory into his arms once again. He yelled “coming through” as he carried Cory through the club and to the front door. They were met at the entrance by a grinning Lu. “Damn, that’s hot. Maybe I should make Dominic carry me around like that.” Cory’s face heated at the remark. “Some asshole bumped into Cory. I figured it would be safer just to get him out of here in the quickest way possible.” “Of course you did.” Lu winked and opened the front door. “Make sure you call me if you need anything,” Lu told Cory. Cory waved and allowed Tao to carry him to where the motorcycle was parked. He was still nervous about riding on the back of the bike, but he knew it would be less stressing than a car. Tao deposited Cory on the seat. He handed Cory the helmet that had been dangling from the handlebars. “Put this on.” “Where’s yours?” Cory asked. The helmet was too big. He couldn’t help but chuckle as his smaller head was swallowed by the midnight blue helmet. Tao reached over and tried to adjust it to no avail. It didn’t seem to matter what Tao did, the helmet continued to slip down over Cory’s eyes. “Maybe it’s better that I don’t see where we’re going,” Cory teased. Tao touched the tip of Cory’s nose with his finger. “I’ll keep you safe, don’t worry.” Cory realized that he wasn’t worried. Wow. It was a night of surprises, and Cory found that he quite enjoyed them. Tao shifted the backpack off his shoulders and onto Cory’s. “That okay?” “Yeah.” Tao climbed onto the motorcycle. “It’ll be easier for you to hold on if you just stretch out over my back and wrap your arms around me.” Cory gave it a try and found it uncomfortable. “Can I take off the helmet? It hurts my neck in that position.” “You sure?” “I’m sure.” He couldn’t imagine trying to sit up and hold on. The bike was built for speed, and the driver was meant to stretch out over the gas tank. Cory pulled the helmet off, and handed it back to Tao. While Tao settled it onto his head, Cory smoothed his hair behind his ears. He wished he’d brought one of the elastic holders he used while studying. Although his hair wasn’t long enough for an actual ponytail, he often held the sides out of his face with a knot on top of his head. It might make him look like a girl, but it was effective. He was used to being compared to a female anyway, so it no longer bothered him. He’d figured out long ago it was more a reference to his build and facial features than his testosterone level. “I’ll go slow,” Tao said just before starting the bike. Cory’s eyes rounded as the thrum of the engine vibrated his balls. Fuck. Wrapping his arms around Tao’s waist, he leaned forward and rested against the big man. The slight change in position rested his sac further against the vibrating seat. I’ll be lucky to get home without coming in my pants. Under his cheek, Cory could feel Tao’s muscles move as he shifted gears. What would it feel like to be held in Tao’s arms? Would he feel safe or smothered? Tao turned a corner that Cory wasn’t ready for. Before Cory knew what was happening, he started to slide sideways. Tao was quick to reach behind and right him back onto the seat before slowly pulling to a stop. “You okay?” Tao asked. “Yeah. Sorry about that.” Cory bit his bottom lip, embarrassed. “Not your fault. It usually helps to squeeze the seat between your legs, but that’s not an option with your ribs. I’ll take it slow the rest of the way.” Tao once again fired up the bike. He reached back and drew Cory’s arms tighter around his waist before pulling away from the curb. Cory pressed his face against Tao’s back. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted the bigger man and began to question himself. Perhaps it was just the thrill of being on a motorcycle for the first time, or maybe the odd safety he felt while being around Tao was to blame. Before he knew it, they were pulling up outside his building. Tao shut down the bike and climbed off. With the pocketing of his keys, Tao didn’t seem in a hurry to leave. Cory wondered if he should invite Tao upstairs. He tried to remember if his house was clean after the previous night’s activities. “Wanna come up?” he asked once Tao helped him from the bike. Tao nodded. “That would be nice. I was planning to ask if I could accompany you to your door.” Cory glanced up at Tao. Am I just horny or is there something special about him? When Tao’s arm wrapped around him in support, Cory’s cock took notice. He gathered his nerves and leaned against Tao, closing the space between their bodies. Tao’s arm tightened even more, grazing Cory’s sore ribs. He made the mistake of flinching, and Tao quickly released his grip. “Did I hurt you?” Tao asked. Cory shook his head. “It’s okay.” Tao shook his head. “No it’s not. I should’ve been more careful.” Cory pushed the elevator button. He couldn’t help but wish Tao wasn’t wearing a suit coat. He wondered if the motorcycle ride had affected Tao like it had him. There was no hope in hiding his erection, although he was thankful he’d changed out of the ruined white leather pants he’d worn the previous night. Still, the jeans he wore left little to the imagination. They stepped into the elevator, and Cory pushed the button for the seventh floor. When he looked up at Tao, it was to see the other man’s attention squarely on the front of Cory’s jeans. Shit. Should I say something? “Sorry. I guess the ride kinda got to me.” Tao grinned and separated his jacket. “Get’s to me every time. Why do you think I ride the darn thing?” The elevator doors opened and Cory led the way to his apartment. “I hope it’s clean.” Before unlocking the door, Cory took a deep breath and pulled Tao’s head down for a quick kiss. The shocked expression on Tao’s face had Cory wanting to run inside and forget he’d ever made such a bold move. He opened his mouth to apologize when Tao leaned down for another kiss. When Tao’s muscular arms lifted him off the ground and pushed the door open, Cory started to protest, but the swirl of Tao’s tongue stopped him. Damn, the man knew how to kiss. Cory wrapped his legs around Tao’s waist as the kiss turned feral. It seemed he wasn’t the only horny male in the room. Cory doubted the bike ride was the only cause of the hard cock he felt trapped behind Tao’s black pants. Cory tore his mouth away. “Couch.” With his hands cupping Cory’s ass, Tao’s steps faltered. Before Cory knew what was happening, Tao lowered him to his feet. “What’s wrong?” Cory asked. Tao’s head bowed. “I have disrespected you already.” “By kissing me? I might call that kiss a lot of things, but disrespectful wouldn’t be one of them.” Tao shook his head and pointed toward his shoes. “In my culture, wearing shoes inside someone’s home is a sign of disrespect. I apologize.” Cory hadn’t been around Tao enough to know the customs he was used to following. He reached out and laid his hands on Tao’s chest. “If it would make you feel better, you may set your shoes beside the door.” Tao nodded and slipped off his shoes. When he started to open the door, Cory stopped him. “Not out there, or else they’ll be gone by morning. Just set them inside.” Tao put his shoes down before locking the door. When he turned to face Cory, he had a smile on his handsome face. “By morning? Does this mean I can stay?”           Chapter Three     “Would you mind if I took off my coat?” Tao asked. Cory smiled and shook his head. “Would you like a grape soda?” Grape? “Uhh, sure, but I’ll get them. Why don’t you take off your shoes and sit wherever you’re most comfortable.” Tao walked into the kitchen, pleased with the cleanliness of the small space, and opened the fridge. Although sparse, what food Cory did have was healthy. Tao chuckled. Well, except the entire shelf of grape soda. Returning to the living room, Tao tried to settle his nerves with small talk. “Guess you’re pretty into the grape stuff, huh?” Seated on the sofa, Cory took the offered can of soda. “It was my favorite growing up. Since I’ve given up alcohol, I guess I’ve reverted back to what makes me comfortable.” It was one of the things Tao had noticed in the weeks of watching Cory. Never had he seen the man with a drink in his hand. Most bartenders he knew had one or two during the night, but Cory always drank water at work. Tao looked down at the upholstered couch. It wasn’t that it was against his beliefs to sit on furniture. It simply hadn’t been part of his culture. Before taking a seat, he took off his suit coat and draped it over one of the chairs. “This is a nice place,” he commented. “It’s okay. I’ve been saving for a new couch, so sorry if one of the springs jabs you in the butt. I found this one on sale shortly after I got here.” Tao gave a subtle bounce, amazed at the give in the cushion. “Would it be rude if I asked how long you’ve been here?” “In The City?” Tao nodded and took a drink of his soda. Cory’s brows drew together in thought. Sadness seemed to cloud his beautiful blue eyes before he finally answered. “Twenty-four years.” Tao took a chance and scooted closer. He rested his arm over the back of the couch behind Cory’s head. “You’re just a baby. I’ve been here going on one hundred and sixty-eight years.” Cory leaned against Tao. “There are days when it feels like I just got here and days when I can barely remember who I was before coming to The City. Do you ever wonder what eternity will feel like?” Tao shook his head. “I try not to think about it. I like to focus on each day, because if I thought in terms of forever it would only depress me.” Cory put a hand on Tao’s chest. “Why would it depress you? Think of all the things you can accomplish and still have time left.” Tao shrugged. “I never felt alone until I came here.” Cory made a sound deep in his throat. “I was always alone until I came here.” Tao wasn’t sure he liked that idea. “So you’ve had a lot of lovers in The City?” “Lovers? No. I mean, I’ve had a few. I was talking about friends. Why? You haven’t had sex since you’ve been here?” Cory questioned. Tao took another drink before setting his can on the coffee table. “It takes people a long time to see past my size. Well, that’s not true for everyone, I guess. There are some who want me because of my size. Like I’m some kind of trophy.” Tao shook his head. He wasn’t explaining it right. With a hand on his side, Cory straddled Tao’s lap. “Have you ever had someone love you for you, and not what you looked like?” Tao thought of the lovers he’d had on the island of his birth. Homosexuality had been accepted, so he’d never had to hide who he was, but that didn’t mean love came any easier. “No, I guess not.” “Me neither,” Cory admitted. “Before I came here, I was really screwed up. I guess I can’t blame anyone for not loving the person I used to be. Hell, I didn’t even love myself. But I’m different here. I try really hard to become the person I should’ve been before. So far the only thing my hard work has netted me is a fantastic group of friends, and I’ve only had them for a few weeks.” Tao rested his hands low on Cory’s hips. “Is this okay?” Cory fit his groin against Tao’s. He reached down and moved Tao’s hands to his ass. “That’s better.” Tao squeezed the tight butt, not at all surprised his hand seemed to swallow each cheek. He briefly wondered if Cory would have a hard time accepting his cock. Cory began to unbutton Tao’s white dress shirt. “Did Lu tell you about the uniforms?” Tao was so lost in the random kisses Cory placed on his chest as it was exposed, he barely registered the question. “Uniforms?” Cory scraped his teeth across Tao’s nipple before following the intricate pattern of tattoos with his tongue. “Yep. The outfit I had on last night. Well, the second one with the leather pants.” Although Tao was used to wearing a sarong at home, he didn’t know if he could expose that much skin outside his house. “Everyone?” Cory sat up and pushed the shirt off Tao’s shoulders. “All the staff. I can’t wait to see you in it.” With Tao’s shirt off, Cory began rubbing himself against Tao’s chest and groin. “Am I going too fast for you?” Tao tilted Cory’s chin up. He wanted more from Cory than just one night. “No, but I can’t help but wonder about the sudden change.” Cory leaned in and ran the tip of his tongue around the outline of Tao’s lips. “Honestly? I don’t understand it either, but for some reason I’m not afraid of you anymore. Maybe the blow on the head knocked some sense into me.” The mention of Cory’s attack put Tao on edge immediately. Of their own volition, his hands gripped Cory’s ass in a possessive hold. “I won’t let that happen to you again.” Cory slowly shook his head from side to side. “I know what I’m getting into when I refuse to serve someone. I mean, it’s not like they can actually kill me, right? Believe me, I’ve been beat up before, and I’m sure I’ll be beat up again for my stance on over serving.” “You mean this wasn’t the first time?” “First time since working at Ice Water that someone actually followed me home, but no, hardly the first time I’ve been stalked by a pissed off customer.” Tao had to bite his tongue. Why would Cory put himself in that situation, knowing he could be hurt? With the weekend quickly approaching, Tao began to worry. “You know I don’t work past midnight on Saturday, right?” Cory continued to pepper Tao’s lips and face with soft kisses. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. Why is that?” “Because midnight begins the Sabbath. I spend Sunday in worship with the others in The Village.” Cory stopped kissing Tao. “The Village? I didn’t know you lived there, though it makes sense. I guess I just never thought about it. I’ve never been there.” Tao knew most outsiders didn’t understand why Lu allowed a small population of The City’s residents to live the way they’d lived for centuries. Although within the city limits, The Village was not often visited by outsiders. “Would you like to see where I live?” Tao needed to see Cory’s reaction to the sparse hut he called home. He should be ashamed of testing Cory in such a way, but he had to know before he got himself in too deep. Cory’s face lit up. “I’d love to.” Tao cupped Cory’s face in his hands and pulled him into a kiss. He quickly found the combination of grape soda and Cory addictive. Twining his tongue with Cory’s, he moaned when Cory ground his ass against the erection trapped in his suit pants. “Naked,” Cory said, biting at Tao’s lips. Tao was too far gone to answer. He helped Cory to his feet before standing. “Here?” Cory put his finger to his bottom lip and glanced toward the hallway. “Stuff’s in the bedroom.” Tao bit back a shout of triumph. If they needed stuff, it meant both of them needed the same thing. “Yeah. Bedroom.” As he followed Cory, Tao unfastened his pants. They fell to his ankles and Tao easily stepped out of them before reaching the bedroom. Clad only in a pair of short boxer briefs, Tao turned Cory around and started unbuttoning his shirt. He’d seen the shamrock tattoo the previous night through the sheer shirt Cory had worn, but he hadn’t noticed the initials P.D. hidden in the artwork. Tao traced the tattoo surrounding Cory’s nipple with the tip of his finger, pleased when Cory shivered. “PD? Should I be jealous?” Cory ran his hands down Tao’s decorated chest. “No. PD stands for Patrick Dylan, my grandpa.” Tao bent over and lapped at the green and black tattoo before sucking the pebbled nub into his mouth. He moved to his knees and wrapped his hands around Cory’s slim hips. Taking his time, Tao kissed and licked his way down Cory’s torso to the top of his jeans. “Your skin is so soft,” he whispered. “Hairless, you mean,” Cory said with a chuckle. “Perfect is what I meant.” Tao reached up and unsnapped the top of the faded denim as he began to mouth Cory’s cock through the material. A wet spot formed on the fabric, and Tao turned his attention to tasting the evidence of Cory’s desire. More. “No underwear. Be careful,” Cory said, tapping Tao on top of the head. Instead of taking the chance of catching the sensitive skin of Cory’s cock in the zipper, Tao pushed his hand down the inside of Cory’s jeans. With Cory’s precious cargo protected, Tao lowered the zipper. Tao used his free hand to tug the pants down far enough to free Cory’s cock. Before tasting the pre-cum directly from the source, Tao took the opportunity to learn every ridge and vein of the long, thin shaft. It had been over a decade since he’d allowed someone to fuck him, but he knew it was only a matter of time with Cory. He leaned forward and captured the bulbous crown in his mouth. “Aahhh, shit!” Cory cried as Tao took him to the back of his throat. Tao reached down and pushed Cory’s jeans to the floor as he continued to stroke the man’s cock with his mouth. With the gorgeous man naked, Tao pulled off Cory’s cock long enough to spit into his hand. As he continued to pleasure Cory, Tao ran his fingers down the crevice of Cory’s ass. He stopped to rub against the puckered hole before entering the tight ass with the tip of his middle finger. Cory thrust his hips forward at the invasion, and Tao herd a quick intake of breath. He stilled his hand and released the cock in his mouth. “Easy, babe.” Cory’s hand was on his side, a pained expression on his face. “I think I’d better lie down.” Tao removed his finger from Cory’s opening and helped him onto the unmade bed. “Can I get you something for the pain?” Cory shook his head. “I’ll be okay. I just got carried away.” Tao stood beside the bed for several moments, looking down at Cory. He should have known the man wasn’t physically well enough for what he knew they both wanted. Despite his aroused state, Tao decided they should wait until he knew he wouldn’t cause Cory any more pain. He noticed Cory’s wide-eyed stare as the smaller man gazed at the expansive network of intricate tattoos from Tao’s waist to his knees. “Pe’a. I had it done when I turned twelve to signify my entry into manhood.” Cory stretched out an arm to run his fingers over Tao’s inked skin. “Did it hurt?” Tao groaned. “You have no idea how bad.” He pointed to his cock. “I wanted to leave the hut and never return once they started this, but it wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as the back. As a gay twelve year old, the last thing you want is two men holding your cheeks apart while a master artist works on your anus.” Tao bit his tongue. He couldn’t believe he’d shared that much of himself with Cory so early in their…whatever it was they had between them. “I’m going to make sure everything is locked up tight.” Tao turned and headed back to the living room. He checked the door and turned off the lights before making a quick stop in the bathroom. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Cory was under the covers on one side of the large bed. Once again, Tao looked down at the sexy man. “What’s wrong?” Cory asked. Tao sat on the edge of the bed and shook his head. “I think we should wait until your ribs are healed.” Cory shook his head in return. “I need you. I’ll be good. Promise.” Tao grinned and moved to lie beside Cory. “Oh, I have no doubt you’ll be good.” The mattress under him felt strange to Tao, but he would happily endure a night on the unaccustomed softness to hold Cory in his arms. “I need you,” Cory said. He rolled onto his uninjured side, presenting his bare ass. “Please.” Already on edge, Tao could not deny his own need for the man. “Lube?” “Drawer,” Cory answered over his shoulder. Tao wasted no time in retrieving the bottle. With slick on his fingers, he ran his hand up and down the crease of Cory’s ass several times before zeroing in on the puckered hole. He rimmed the opening for several moments before pressing his middle finger slowly inside. Cory actually whimpered his approval when Tao worked his way up to the second finger. “Feel good, babe?” “I’ve missed being touched,” Cory admitted. “Missed being fucked.” Tao entered Cory with a third finger. “Get used to these. It’s a safe bet you’ll be feeling them often.” “So I’m not just a one nighter?” Cory asked, reaching back to smooth his hand over Tao’s hip. Tao removed his hand and dripped lube onto his cock. Taking himself in hand, Tao positioned the large head of his tattooed cock at Cory’s stretched entrance. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you, and sex was only part of the reason.” Cory hissed as Tao’s crown pressed inside. Tao paused to give Cory’s body a chance to adjust to the invasion. “Sorry I was so mean to you.” Cory reached for Tao’s hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. “Not mean. I thought you were indifferent until you admitted that you were afraid of me.” “It wasn’t you personally. You need to understand that.” Cory pushed back, signaling he was ready for more of Tao’s length. Tao kept his movements slow until he was fully seated. He kissed Cory’s neck. “I do.” Cory kept Tao’s hand, nuzzling his face into the palm as Tao withdrew and surged back inside. Cory moaned and bit the meaty flesh at the base of Tao’s thumb. “Again.” Tao grit his teeth as he tried to reign in his desire to fuck Cory hard enough to imprint the experience into the man’s memories forever. Slow, he told himself over and over as he pumped in and out of the tight heat. After a fairly savage bite to Tao’s hand, Cory directed Tao toward his cock. “Sorry about that. I tend to bite when I get excited.” “That’s okay. I tend to like it when I get excited,” Tao returned with a moan. Cory put his hand over Tao’s, teaching him exactly the pace and grip he preferred on his cock. “I’ll remember that.” He felt Cory’s body jerk as heat covered his hand. “Yeah, babe, give it to me.” Tao pressed his mouth to Cory’s shoulder and bit down as he came, hoping the smaller man enjoyed receiving as much as giving. Cory cried out, “Tao!” Tao’s entire body vibrated with the force of his climax. If slow and easy affected him so intensely, what would a full on fuck-‘til-you’re-raw feel like? He withdrew his teeth from Cory’s shoulder and rested his head on the pillow. “My balls may never be full again,” he panted. Cory giggled. It was the first time Tao could remember hearing a man make that particular sound. He found he enjoyed it and hoped to hear more giggles from the sated man in his arms. “You’ll stay, right?” Cory asked once he’d recovered. With his flaccid cock still trapped inside Cory’s ass, Tao grunted. “Not going anywhere.” Ever.           Chapter Four     Cory grinned at his tip jar. The new uniforms were a huge hit. He wondered if the waiters were cleaning up as much as he was. “Someone’s happy,” Baz said, taking a stool at the end of the bar. “Where’s your crew?” Cory asked. He’d heard Lu and Dominic teasing the threesome earlier about never being able to hold a conversation without some part of their anatomy being inside Galen. “Dancing.” Baz tilted his head to the side. “Or fucking. Who knows, but they’re doing it on the dance floor.” Cory poured Baz a glass of red wine and passed it over. He spotted Nick and Galen walking toward them, so began to build his boss a Guinness. Galen still didn’t have a set drink. It seemed he tried something different all the time. “So what’s the bright smile all about?” Baz asked. Cory used his head to gesture toward the door. There was no sense being shy around Baz. Hell, he’d seen the man fuck Galen right there at the bar in front of him. “Tao introduced my ass to his cock two nights ago. I’ve been smiling ever since.” Baz chuckled and tilted his head back for a deep kiss from Nick. “Good dance?” Galen sighed and dropped onto the stool beside Baz. “One of the best.” Galen turned to Cory. “I’d like a Wyoming Legspreader please.” Chuckling, Cory rested his forearms on the bar and leaned forward. “Do you even know what’s in it?” “Nope. Don’t care.” Galen jerked his thumb toward Baz. “Give him a Liquid Viagra. He’ll need it.” Cory shook his head. “Sorry, I’m out of Red Bull. I can make him a Sex Machine.” Galen reached over and ran his hand down Baz’s chest. “He’s already a sex machine. How about…” “How about you let me finish my wine first,” Baz cut in. Galen rolled his eyes. “Fine.” Cory got to work making Galen’s drink. He pulled a can of Coke out of the cooler and mixed it with grain alcohol and raspberry liqueur. How Galen heard about these oddball drinks was anyone’s guess. Luckily Cory had been a bartender long enough to have made just about every drink out there. He passed the concoction across the bar and waited. Every night Galen tried something new, and every night he ended up wrinkling his nose and asking for a beer. Galen stuck the glass up to his nose and inhaled. “Smells good.” Cory grinned. “Yep.” Galen positioned the skinny straw between his lips. Wait for it. Wait for it. Galen’s nose wrinkled. Cory slapped his hand on the bar. “Damn, I thought maybe I had you with that one.” “Sorry,” Galen apologized. “I guess you should just give me a beer.” Cory pulled one out of the cooler. Sliding it across the bar, he grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll try to come up with something you like.” Another customer got his attention. “Duty calls.” “What can I get ya?” he asked the woman. “Cosmo,” she replied. “Coming up.” Cory turned and quickly mixed up the woman’s drink. He was in the process of handing it to her when he saw him. Before he knew what had happened, the glass fell out of his hand and crashed to the bar. Paralyzed, Cory stared at the young man on the edge of the dance floor. For the first time since arriving in The City, Cory knew he was truly in hell. He heard the commotion going on around him as Nick tried to help the woman who’d been on the receiving end of the spilled drink, but Cory couldn’t move. “Joshua,” he whispered to himself. Although he’d never seen the young man in person, he’d seen several photographs of the once happy teenager. During Cory’s trial, Joshua’s father, Nelson, made sure everyone knew just how beautiful his son had been. Strong arms wrapped around him and lifted him off the floor. Breaking eye contact with Joshua also broke the spell. Cory looked up at Tao and blinked. “What happened?” Tao asked, leaning down to come face to face with Cory. “What?” Cory asked, still stunned. He leaned to the side to try and look around Tao, but Joshua was gone. Tao righted Cory and cupped his cheeks. “Babe, what’s going on?” Cory rubbed his eyes and shook his head. “Nothing. Sorry. I’m okay now.” The longer Cory thought about it, the more he believed he couldn’t have seen Joshua. What would the innocent teenager be doing in hell? Cory rubbed his stomach, feeling sick. “I need to use the restroom.” He started to turn away, but Tao stopped him. “Wait. I’ll go with you.” Cory put his hands on Tao’s chest. “Please. I just need a moment. I’ll splash some water on my face and be good as new.” “I’ll wait outside the door then,” Tao said. With a sigh of resignation, Cory crossed the busy bar. As he weaved his way through the crowd, he scanned the area for Joshua. If he was there, what did he want? Cory pushed open the restroom door. “Wait here.” Cory hated the worried expression on Tao’s face as he nodded his head. He’d have a lot of explaining to do, Cory knew that much, but how could he explain what he didn’t understand? Upon entering the bathroom, he waited for a man to finish washing his hands. Once the man was gone, Cory turned on the water and splashed his face. Bracing his hands on the sink, Cory stared at his reflection. No wonder Tao looked so upset. I’m white as a sheet. He heard arguing outside the door moments before it flew open. Lu stepped inside and leaned against the door. “What’s happened?” Cory shook his head. “Just a little dizzy spell.” “Bullshit. I was up on the balcony when I was nearly blinded by your aura. Who was that man?” “Not a man, a boy, and I can’t talk about it.” Cory turned away from Lu’s knowing glare. “Until you deal with it, you’ll never heal,” Lu explained. “I don’t deserve to heal! Don’t you fucking get that?” Cory’s eyes and nose began to burn as tears threatened. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to get himself under control. “Just drop it. I’m okay now.” Lu’s hand landed on his shoulder. “Next time you see him, talk to him. If he’s here, it’s for a reason.” With tears swimming in his eyes, Cory turned to regard Lu. “I know why he’s here. I thought I’d found a slice of happiness, and Joshua’s here to remind me I don’t deserve it.” Lu pulled Cory into his arms. “Maybe he’s here so you can deal with the past and move forward with your slice of happiness?” Cory couldn’t believe he was being comforted by Lucifer. He buried his face against Lu’s shoulder. “The ache in my head and side tells me he’s not here to chat.” “You think he’s the one who jumped you?” Lu asked, kissing Cory on the head. “I didn’t until I saw him out there. Now? Yeah. I mean, it’s not like I can blame the kid for wanting to hurt me.” A thought struck him. He pulled out of Lu’s embrace. “Maybe taking care of me is what’s holding him in The City. If I can give him what he needs, maybe he’ll be able to move on to heaven where he belongs.” Lu’s eyes narrowed. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” “Nothing. I mean, maybe you’re right. Next time I see Joshua, I’ll approach him.” Cory didn’t tell Lu he’d gladly stand in front of the teenager and allow him to do whatever he needed to do in order to release him from The City. Lu stared at Cory for several moments. During that time, Cory squared his shoulders and tried to show Lu he was okay. “I need to get back to work,” Cory said. Lu stepped to the side without saying a word. Cory strode toward the door. “Thanks for checking on me.” Lu remained silent. As he opened the door, Cory prayed he hadn’t damaged his friendship with Lu by being less than forthcoming. Tao was still blocking entrance to the restroom, and Cory put his hands on the man’s back. Tao spun around. “You okay?” “Yeah, but I need to get back to work.” Cory took off, but Tao was soon beside him with a hand on Cory’s lower back. “It’s almost time for me to leave, but now I’m wondering if I should stay,” Tao said once they’d returned to the bar. Even in the short time they’d spent with each other, Cory had learned the importance the Sabbath held for Tao. The idea that Tao would compromise his beliefs for him warmed Cory’s heart. He wrapped his arms around Tao and pulled his head down for a deep kiss. “I’m fine. I’ll see you Monday? Don’t forget you promised to take me to The Village.” Tao brushed his lips over Cory’s again. “I haven’t forgotten. Will you call me if you need me?” Cory nodded. “Really, I don’t want you to worry about me. I’ll be fine.” “Nick’s going to follow you home.” “That’s not necessary, but I appreciate you trying to look out for me.” Cory started to turn away, but Tao pulled him into his arms once again. “I’ll always look out for you,” Tao whispered in Cory’s ear. Cory didn’t doubt Tao’s statement for a second, but he knew if he was going to give Joshua what he needed, he’d have to find time away from Tao. Tao glanced at the large clock over the bar. “I have to go, but remember what I said.” Cory gave Tao one more kiss and released him. “I will. Thanks.” Cory watched Tao take several steps before stopping and speaking a few words into Nick’s ear. Nick nodded, and Tao squeezed their boss’s shoulder before giving Cory one last wave. After a deep breath, Cory returned to his work, confident in what he needed to do. * * * * Once in front of the elevator, Cory took his bike from Nick. “Thanks again for following me home.” “No problem. Sure you can get it from here?” “I’m sure,” Cory answered. The elevator doors opened and Cory wheeled his bike inside. He smiled at Nick as the doors shut. The moment he was alone, Cory released the breath he’d been holding since arriving at his building. It wasn’t that he was afraid of Joshua, it was more the unknown that got to him. He used to be the same way with mice. The small brown rodents didn’t really bother him if he knew they were there, it was the skittering across the floor in his peripheral vision that had always freaked him out. The elevator opened and Cory pushed his bike down the hall. One glance at his front door and Cory’s heart started to race. He leaned his bicycle against the wall and approached his broken door. Glancing around, he wondered if anyone had even bothered to check on the noise such destruction had to have caused. Probably not. Cory gave the door a gentle push and walked through the splintered doorframe. His apartment lay in ruins. There wasn’t a lamp, picture or dish in the entire apartment that wasn’t shattered and littering the floor. It was obvious that whoever had trashed the place did so in a fit of uncontrollable anger. “Joshua?” he called out, his stomach in knots. After a quick walk-thru, Cory went back out into the hallway and retrieved his bike. At least his mode of transportation had been spared. He cleaned the bits of broken glass from the shredded sofa and sat. If his apartment had been trashed in normal circumstances, Cory knew he’d not only be pissed, but heartbroken as well. Strangely, the only thing he felt was…nothing. He didn’t even bother to try and close the broken door. If Joshua came back, Cory vowed to meet his nightmare head-on. He had no idea how long he sat there before the phone in his pocket began to ring. As if on autopilot, Cory reached for it. “Hello?” “Are you home?” Tao asked. “Yeah.” When Cory didn’t say anything more, Tao spoke again. “Everything okay?” Cory’s gaze scanned the destruction all around him, knowing it was nothing compared to what was going on inside of him. “Yeah.” His answer was met by several moments of silence. “Do you want me to come over?” Tao asked. “No.” Once again, silence. “Can I call you in the morning?” Tao asked. “Yeah.” “Okay then. I guess I’ll let you get some sleep. It sounds like you’re tired.” “Thanks.” Cory hung up the phone and slipped back into memories of the night that his life had changed forever, trying to remember exactly what had happened that awful night had plagued him for almost twenty-five years. * * * * After trying to keep his thoughts on prayer for nearly two hours, Tao sighed. How could he pray when his mind and heart were somewhere else? He’d tried to call Cory after church service, but his lover hadn’t answered. Standing, Tao crossed his hut to look outside. The sun was already starting to set. Did he wait until the end of Sabbath or go to Cory immediately? Tao’s need to protect the ones he cared about was what had landed him in hell in the first place. Still, he wouldn’t take back the murder he’d committed. Mahal’s mistreatment of his people had warranted the death. How many had died at his chief’s hands before Tao had put a stop to it? Brushing the thoughts away, Tao turned and grabbed his keys off their hook. He walked outside, sat on the small stool and put his boots on. He prayed God would understand his need to check on the one man who made The City a tolerable place for him. He tried to make as little noise as possible as he walked through the village on his way to the parking lot. Instead of climbing on his motorcycle and firing it up, he decided to push the heavy bike far enough away from The Village so as not to disturb the weekly day of observance. Several blocks away, he climbed on and headed toward Cory’s apartment. Maybe Cory wasn’t answering because he was busy. Tao was ashamed to admit he didn’t know what Cory did on days the club was closed. During the week, Cory usually attended classes when not working, but Tao knew Cory was between semesters at the moment, which was why they had made plans for Monday. Tao made a left and roared down the street. The closer he got to Cory’s building, the more his gut twisted. He should have checked on Cory the previous night after their odd phone conversation. It had been obvious Cory wasn’t himself despite what he’d said. As he rode, Tao once again ran through the previous nights events. He’d been standing at the door when Baz ran up and told him something was wrong with Cory. Tao hadn’t given a second thought to leaving his position to run to Cory’s side. He’d found his lover staring off into space, completely oblivious to what was going on around him. It was as if Cory had simply checked out. Tao shook his head. He still didn’t understand what had happened, and Cory had refused to talk about it. One thing was for certain, in order to get close to Cory, Tao would have to get the man to trust him enough to talk. He pulled up to the curb and shut his bike down, pocketing the keys as he entered the building. After a short elevator ride, Tao made his way towards Cory’s apartment. The moment he spotted the door, his stomach started to roll. “Cory!” he shouted, running the few feet to Cory’s apartment. He pushed the broken door out of the way and rushed inside. Cory was sitting on the couch, once again staring off into space. Tao took in the destruction of the room and crossed to kneel in front of the man he was falling in love with. “Cory?” Cory blinked several times and glanced at Tao. “What’re you doing here?” “I came to check on you. When did this happen? Why didn’t you call me?” Tao began to fire off questions. “I guess it happened while I was at work,” Cory was slow to explain. “Do you think it was the same person who attacked you?” Tao asked. Cory nodded. “I’m sure of it.” Cory stared at Tao for several moments before leaning forward and falling into Tao’s arms. Tao tried to hold Cory as tight as he dared without applying too much pressure to his still-sore ribs. “It was Joshua,” Cory mumbled, his face pressed against Tao’s neck. Tao’s spine stiffened. “Who’s Joshua?” Cory shook his head, refusing to answer. With a hand under Cory’s chin, Tao made the smaller man look him in the eyes. “Please tell me who Joshua is.” Tears filled Cory’s eyes. “The teenage boy I killed.” Cory moved off Tao’s lap and slumped to the floor on his side. “I was drunk. I don’t even remember the events leading up to it. One moment I was partying in a bar, and the next I was in handcuffs.” Cory wiped at his eyes and nose. “Evidently I was so out of it, I didn’t even see Joshua when he tried to cross the street. I ran right over him, killed him instantly. The police said I had to have been traveling at around sixty miles an hour in order to do the kind of damage I did to him.” Instead of pulling Cory back into his lap, Tao laid on the floor next to him. He brushed the blond hair out of Cory’s eyes and gave him a soft kiss. What could he say? The guilt over what he’d done seemed to be eating Cory from the inside out. Tao didn’t know what that kind of remorse felt like. He had none for the crime he’d committed to land himself in hell. “Why do you think Joshua did this?” Tao asked, smoothing Cory’s hair behind his ears. “Next week is the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death. I think he’s seeking vengeance, and I can’t say I blame him.” “Well I can, and I won’t let him get away with it. You’re paying for your sins already. You have to understand that you don’t deserve what’s being done to you.” Tao could tell by the blank expression on Cory’s face he didn’t agree. “Was he at the club? Is that what upset you so much?” Cory nodded. “I glanced up, and there he was, staring at me from across the room. He looked really sad. I felt so sorry for him.” “Sad?” Tao looked around the room. “This isn’t the work of someone who’s sad. This is pissed.” Cory wiped at his face again, cleaning the remaining tears from his cheeks. “Sad or pissed, it doesn’t really matter. He’s found me for a reason. I think I owe it to him to find out what he needs.” “Fuck that,” Tao spat, wrapping his body around Cory. “I’m taking you home with me.” Cory tilted his chin up and kissed Tao’s jaw. “You can’t shield me from my past, especially not here. It’s the reason I was sent to The City in the first place.” “I’m falling in love with you. I’m not the kind of man who can just sit by and wait for someone to hurt you. That’s just not the way I was made.” Tao knew taking Cory home with him wouldn’t be without repercussions. Although the villagers weren’t opposed to homosexual activity, it was considered a sin to live with someone outside the bonds of marriage. “I need some time to think. Maybe I’ll take a long bath,” Cory mumbled. The man’s normal spirit seemed to be missing, hurting Tao even more. “Okay, babe. You go take a long soak, and I’ll try to get some of this cleaned up.” Tao rolled over onto his back, and Cory sat up. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll get to it sooner or later,” Cory said, getting to his feet. “You’re right. I don’t have to do anything. I want to.” Cory gave Tao a forced smile before retreating to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, Tao pulled out his phone. Maybe Lu would have an idea as to where he could take Cory to keep him safe. * * * * By the time Cory walked out of the bathroom, not only was the living room clean, but Lu and Dominic were chatting with Tao. “Hey,” Cory greeted. “Lu wants to help.” Tao stood and crossed the room to wrap an arm around Cory. Cory’s chest squeezed. He couldn’t believe Tao had betrayed his trust. He pulled out of Tao’s arms. “You told them?” “No. I mean, not everything. Just that I felt you were in danger.” Cory growled his frustration and left the room. He entered his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. How could Tao do that to him? Lu wasn’t just some guy off the street. He was Lucifer for Hell’s sake. He fell onto his bed and covered his eyes with his arm. First his lawyer had gotten him off without having to pay for his crime, and now Lu? No way. He heard his door open. “Go away.” The bed beside him dipped, whoever it was ignoring his request. Cory uncovered his eyes to look at Lu. “I seriously don’t want to talk about this.” Lu chuckled. “Really? Could’ve fooled me.” “Just say what you came to say and leave me alone. Please,” he quickly added. Lu sighed dramatically. “I don’t know what happened between you and this boy, but I do understand the need to face your past. Allow me to find Joshua and bring him to a place where the two of you can discuss your issues in a safe environment.” Although Cory’s initial reaction was to turn Lu down, the more he thought about it, the more sense it made. “You’d have to promise not to interfere. Not just you, but anyone, including Tao.” Lu eventually nodded. “I’ll agree to hold everyone back unless I see things get out of hand.” Being made to pay for what he’d done to Joshua was important to Cory. He started to shake his head no, knowing Lu and Tao would be the first to get into the fray should something happen. Lu held up a finger, stopping Cory’s words in his throat. “I’m a fun and charming guy, but don’t forget who I am. I can banish both of you to the inside of the Mountain of the Damned.” “What? What’s that? Why’ve I never heard of that?” Lu brushed a piece of lint from his expensive black pants before giving his shoulders a slight shrug. “You have your secrets, I have mine.”           Chapter Five     Cory glanced around the big open room as Tao set down two suitcases. He still couldn’t believe he’d agreed to leave his own apartment and move in with Tao until the situation with Joshua was resolved. “I know Lu talked to the chief already, but I think it would be best if I also spoke with him,” Tao said. He gave Cory a quick kiss before turning toward the door. “Feel free to look around, although this is pretty much it.” Tao left and Cory glanced down at his feet. Why hadn’t he remembered that Tao didn’t wear shoes inside? The sorry state of his socks was embarrassing. Cory frowned at the big toe peeking out from the white material. The hardwood floor gleamed in the lamplight. Cory walked over to a pile of colorful cushions in the corner of the room and sat down. He lifted his leg one at a time and pulled off his offensive socks. The room was so sparse it looked vacant, ready for someone to move in. He wondered how Tao had managed to live here for so many years without acquiring anything. He suddenly felt guilty for believing he’d needed a new couch when Tao didn’t even have one to begin with. What did Tao do with his money? Other than the small tables and lamps dotted around and the pallet in the opposite corner, the room was empty. Cory lay back on the pile of pillows and stared up at the beamed and thatch ceiling. His gaze focused on the two ceiling fans that stirred the air. The longer he watched them, the more tired he became. He let his eyes drift shut as he tried to imagine what he would say to Joshua when and if he got the chance to speak to him. * * * * After taking off his shoes, Tao entered his home. The sleeping man on the pile of pillows caught his attention immediately. Tao doubted Cory had slept the night before, so waking him wasn’t an option. He thought about letting him rest where he was, but the selfish part of him wanted Cory in his bed. Tao crossed the room and opened a small cabinet beside the kitchen sink. He pulled out his pillow and blanket and carried it to the two-inch thick mat in the corner. He wondered if Cory would have as much trouble getting comfortable on Tao’s bed as Tao had in Cory’s. Moving back to Cory, Tao knelt and lifted the sleeping man into his arms. He carried his lover across the room and gently placed him in bed before beginning the process of undressing him. Tao was thankful for Lu’s help in smoothing the way for Cory to stay with him. Although the chief didn’t seem overly thrilled with the idea, he did appear to understand the need for it. Tao tried to think of anything and everything to keep his mind off the gorgeous skin he was slowly uncovering. Cory stirred when Tao pulled off the last bit of clothing. Stretching his arms over his head, Cory yawned. “Didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” Tao pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it, along with his jeans and underwear, into the closet hamper. He lifted the thin blanket and slid in beside Cory. “Don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep.” Cory tucked himself under Tao’s arm and rested his cheek on Tao’s chest. “Why is your house so empty?” Tao knew the subject would eventually come up. “It’s the way I was raised. Material possessions get in the way of a man’s true worth.” Cory rolled on top of him, trapping Tao’s cock between his thighs. “Don’t pay any attention to me. It might take a day or two to get used to sitting on the floor, but that’s just because it’s new.” Tao ran his hands down Cory’s back to land on his ass. He was grateful for Cory’s reaction. The lifestyle he chose to live wasn’t for everyone, he knew that, but it was who he was. Hopefully Cory’s acceptance was genuine. There was one more thing Tao knew he needed to come clean about. Cory had been open and honest about his life before coming to Hell, and Tao owed him the same courtesy. “Would you like to know why I’m here?” he asked, lips brushing the top of Cory’s head. “It doesn’t matter to me why you’re here, if that’s what you’re worried about. I know I don’t want to be judged on the person I used to be.” Cory kissed Tao’s neck. “But if you want to tell me. I’ll listen.” “See, that’s the problem. I’m basically the same person I was before.” Tao took a deep breath. “I killed my family’s chief, and given the same set of circumstances, I’d do it again.” Cory sat up and positioned his ass so Tao’s erection was sandwiched between his butt cheeks. “What circumstances?” “In my culture, each extended family has a chief they answer to. Within my family, there were a few who opposed the greed our chief was exhibiting. When they tried to voice their concerns, the chief had them killed. One of the men who died was my favorite cousin, Ulani. When I found his body, I swore to him that I’d stop Mahal before he could kill again.” Tao shrugged, afraid of meeting Cory’s gaze. “I murdered the chief in broad daylight with no remorse.” “Were you caught? Is that how you died?” Cory asked before leaning over to give Tao a quick kiss. “No. Things were different, survival of the fittest, I guess. I lived to the ripe old age of ninety-three.” Cory’s eyes rounded. “Wow. I don’t think I know anyone who lived to be that old.” Cory began to move against Tao’s cock. “Did you still make love when you were old?” Tao reached under the edge of the mat, pulled out a tube of lube and handed it to Cory. “I had occasional lovers in my younger days. In my seventies, eighties and nineties? Hell, I was thankful to wake up each morning. An erection was an added bonus but couldn’t be counted on enough to worry about.” Cory gave an overly dramatic shiver. “That’s depressing. Maybe I should be thankful I was murdered in my prime.” Tao’s entire body froze at the new bit of information. “What?” Cory’s head tilted to the side. “What what?” “You were murdered?” Tao asked. Cory pulled the fingers out of his hole and began to impale himself on Tao’s quickly wilting cock. “I forgot that I hadn’t told you that part. Sorry.” The squeeze of Cory’s body surrounding his cock was enough to keep Tao semi-hard, but he couldn’t get the images of someone killing the kind man out of his head. “Why? How?” Cory swiveled his hips until Tao was fully seated before answering. “It’s not something I like to think about.” “I don’t blame you.” Cory shook his head. “Not for the reason you think. When I went on trial for Joshua’s death, my lawyer managed to get me off on a technicality. I was guilty. I knew it. The cops knew it. And Joshua’s family knew it.” Cory braced his palms on Tao’s chest and stopped moving. “Joshua’s dad, Nelson, didn’t take it very well. He started following me wherever I went. After about two weeks, I was coming out of a gas station with a brown paper bag in my hand. It was only Coke. I was trying desperately to rid my body of the alcohol it had been pickled in for so many years.” Cory blew out a breath. “Nelson thought I had a bottle of booze, I guess. Anyway, he approached me before I could get into my car and pulled a gun out of his pocket. I just stared at him. I think part of me actually wanted him to end my life. The overwhelming grief on that man’s face still haunts my dreams. Even as he pulled the trigger, he cried.” Tao was so overcome with conflicting emotions he couldn’t speak. He pulled Cory down into his arms as he tried to get himself under control. As much as he wanted to hate Nelson, he couldn’t. The man had done what he’d done. Tao was sorry Cory had to die, but he understood Nelson’s need to do it. “I don’t begrudge Nelson, even now,” Cory mumbled against Tao’s neck. “I can understand that.” Tao tilted his head to the side as Cory began licking at his throat. “I’m sorry it had to happen though.” Cory scraped Tao’s Adam’s apple with his teeth. “Me, too. I wish I could go back and hand my keys over to my friend before I left the bar that night. It’s why I feel so strongly about not over-serving people at Ice Water. Back then, no one was looking out for me, and an innocent teenager paid the price.” Tao sighed. I get it. “So despite the fact that you have multiple college degrees, you choose to work as a bartender. I’ve always wondered about that.” Cory rose up enough to look Tao in the eyes. “Okay. Enough of the personality dissection. Can we move on to the fucking?” Tao grinned. “As long as you try not to wake the neighbors when I give you the best orgasm of your life.” “Deal.” Cory sat up and swiveled his hips, driving Tao’s rejuvenated cock even deeper. Tao’s hands traveled down Cory’s chest, around his hips to cup and separate his ass. There was nothing in the world like the tight squeeze of his lover surrounding his cock. The words Tao yearned to say were on the tip of his tongue. He’d never had a life mate. He wondered if it would be too much to hope for to have one in death. Cory moaned as he moved up and down on Tao’s shaft. Maybe Tao should have shushed him, but the sounds Cory made when they made love ratcheted Tao’s passion to the next level. He removed his hands and carefully reversed their position. Tao planted his hands on either side of Cory’s head and hovered over him, allowing Cory to position himself for entry. As Tao pushed inside, he leaned down for a deep kiss, probing the depths of Cory’s mouth with his tongue. Cory cried out when Tao’s cock prodded his prostate. Tao chuckled and kissed his lover again. “You’re going to get us tossed out of The Village.” “Then you’d better keep kissing me.” “I can do that.” Tao’s lips returned to Cory’s. Never had he understood the joys of kissing until his first time with Cory. Growing up, sex between men may not have been frowned upon, but you were still expected to conduct yourself in the ways of a warrior. What Tao found strange was the fact he felt more like a man when he was making love to Cory than he ever had. Tao broke the kiss and moved to sit back on his heels. Holding Cory’s legs open by the ankles, Tao picked up speed. To Hell with The Village. At that moment, he needed to hear those sweet sounds Cory made when he was on the edge of an orgasm. Cory began a combination of gasps, pants and moans as his head moved side to side. “Harder.” Tao gave Cory what he needed, confident that Cory would let him know if he was hurting. With each thrust, Cory cried out, “Yes!” Tao’s gaze continually switched between Cory’s gorgeous face and the cock in his lover’s hand. Tao felt his balls draw up, signaling his climax. “Come for me, baby.” He bit the inside of his cheek as Cory painted his stomach with pearls of seed. The squeeze of Cory’s body tipped Tao over the edge. “Fuck!” Tao howled, confident that he’d woken every resident in The Village. He collapsed to Cory’s side and put a hand to his chest. “If I weren’t already dead that would have killed me.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Tao wanted to take them back. He rolled to his side and pulled Cory against his chest. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” Cory placed a soft kiss on Tao’s neck. “Don’t. You shouldn’t have to watch what you say around me. I’m fine.” Tao rolled off the mat and retrieved a warm cloth from the bathroom. After cleaning them both, he settled Cory against his chest once again. Once Cory’s breathing evened out, Tao kissed the top of his lover’s head. “I love you,” he whispered. * * * * Cory slung his backpack over his shoulder as he left the administration building with a smile on his face. He’d been lucky enough to get his money back on the classes he’d decided to bow out of for next semester. His new relationship with Tao was going so well, he’d decided to invest his free time in finding out how far the two of them could go. He jogged across the lawn to join Tao, who still sat comfortably on his motorcycle. “Good news. I got my money back.” Tao handed Cory the helmet. “That is good news.” Cory climbed onto the back of the motorcycle as he stuck the helmet on his head. “Wanna grab a burger on the way home?” “Sure.” Tao smiled as he snapped the chinstrap of Cory’s helmet before climbing on the bike. Cory wrapped himself around Tao as they pulled away from the curb. With no sign of trouble in over a week, they’d spent almost every spare moment getting to know each other. Cory found Tao’s subtle sense of humor and caring nature completely refreshing. The more time they spent together, the less he thought of Joshua. “Demon Dan’s,” he yelled over the roar of the motorcycle. Tao nodded in acknowledgment and made a right at the stoplight. Demon Dan’s was his all-time favorite pig-out joint. He loved a hamburger so greasy you had to wash not only your hands once you were finished, but your arms as well. They pulled to a stop between two other cars, and Cory removed his helmet. Tao got off the bike and adjusted himself in his jeans. Cory chuckled at the action and Tao grinned. “Told you it happens every time.” Cory glanced around at all the milling shoppers before gesturing to his cock. “You’re not the only one.” Tao lifted Cory into his arms and kissed him, taking the opportunity to rub his erection against Cory’s. “You know I could fuck you right here and no one would bat an eyelash.” Cory moaned and wrapped his legs around Tao’s waist. Breaking the kiss, he stared into the big brown eyes he was falling so desperately in love with. “You’d fuck me in front of all these people?” “You bet. Just give me the word and I’ll have you stripped and bent over the seat of the bike before you have a chance to change your mind.” A resounding ‘yes’ was on the tip of his tongue when he spotted him. There, across the street, stood Joshua. “Sonofabitch!” Before he could talk himself out of it, Cory was out of Tao’s arms and running across the street, eyes locked with Joshua’s. An expression of horror crossed Joshua’s face as he held his hands out in front of him, signaling Cory to stop. Fuck that. Cory was tired of waiting for Joshua to pop out of the shadows. He was going to meet his past head-on and deal with the consequences later. “No!” Joshua screamed just as Cory heard Tao yell something from behind him. An entirely different noise caught Cory’s attention. He turned his head towards the roar of an engine and cried out as the big black truck roared straight for him. In the next second, Cory was tackled from behind, landing hard on the pavement, Tao’s heavy weight on top of him. Before he had a chance to catch his breath, Tao had Cory in his arms, running toward the safety of the sidewalk. He set Cory down and took off again, this time chasing a running Joshua. Cory’s hand went to his abraded cheek as he tried to shake off the fall. How could Joshua…? “I got him,” Tao announced, leading Joshua by the back of the neck. For the first time, Cory was close enough to the teenager he’d killed to see the green flecks in his brown eyes. What should I say? That was the million dollar question. What did one say to the person they’d killed? I’m sorry wouldn’t cut it, not in this case. Cory didn’t know who’d been driving the truck but it obviously hadn’t been Joshua. “Call Lu,” Tao said. Cory’s attention flew to his lover. “Lu?” Tao nodded, his grip still firmly around the back of Joshua’s neck. “Ask him to either send a car or come down and pick us up.” Cory pulled out his phone and returned his attention to Joshua. He couldn’t imagine being trapped inside a teenager’s body for eternity. Maybe Lu could do something about that. “Lu.” “It’s Cory. We finally caught up with Joshua. Tao was wondering if you could pick us up in front of Demon Dave’s?” “Leaving now.” * * * * Cory continued to stare at Joshua. Settled on Lu’s sofa, drinking a glass of lemonade, Joshua looked so young and innocent. The others in the room sat back, allowing Cory to take the lead, but he wasn’t sure what direction to take. He had so many questions, not all of them centered on the attacks. “Who was driving the truck?” he finally asked. Joshua took a sip of his drink before setting the glass on the coffee table. “My father.” Cory nodded. He’d already figured as much but it was nice to have confirmation. “He’s not a bad man,” Joshua added. From beside him, Tao let out a loud snort. “Not bad? He not only murdered Cory, but beat him, trashed his home and tried to run him over.”  “I know, and I’m sorry. I was sent here to take care of something else, but…” Joshua’s eyes closed and his chin dropped to his chest. “I saw what my father was doing to you, and suddenly my reason for being here seemed inconsequential.” Joshua shook his head. “I wanted to warn you. I just wasn’t sure how you’d respond. I don’t want anything bad to happen to my dad. He’s suffered so much already.” Tao chuckled. “He’s suffered? He murdered Cory.” “I know, believe me I know. But he’s paid for that crime. He died in prison after serving twenty-three years. I think the upcoming anniversary of my death is pushing him over the edge once again.” Cory scooted to the edge of the chair and leaned forward. “Why did you really come here?” “A friend sent me,” he muttered, refusing to look up from the floor. “I asked him for a favor. I wanna age. I’m tired of looking like a kid.” Lu crossed his legs. “Which of my brothers sent you?” Joshua’s head snapped up to regard Lu. “How’d you know?” Lu grinned. “It is something only an Archangel would have the power to do.” Lu’s head tilted to the side as he tapped his lips with his finger. “Which of my brothers have you impressed to the extent he would grant you this favor?” “Michael,” Joshua whispered as if he was afraid of getting into trouble. Lu’s grin grew into a broad smile. “Good for him. It’s nice to hear he’s pulled the stick out of his ass.” “He’s always been very nice to me,” Joshua growled in Michael’s defense. Cory watched as the realization of who he’d snapped at hit Joshua. The young man flinched when Lu reached toward him. Lu chuckled, obviously enjoying Joshua’s reaction to the move. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” Lu rested a hand on Joshua’s shoulder. “How long have you been in The City?” “Almost a month,” Joshua mumbled. “Where’ve you been staying?” Cory asked. “Wherever I can. I wasn’t supposed to be here this long, but…” Joshua shrugged. “It hasn’t worked out that way. My dad is living in Old Town, and Michael refused to give me permission to go there.” “As well he should,” Lu agreed. “Let me call Draco. He’s in need of a project. The man has been bored shitless lately.” Cory glanced at Tao. “Do you think Nelson will try again tonight? I really need to go to work.” “He can’t do anything if he can’t get through the door.” Tao leaned over and gave Cory a kiss, pushing his tongue into Cory’s mouth. Cory responded by rubbing Tao’s tongue with his own before breaking away. “You won’t do anything to get yourself hurt, will you?” Tao cupped Cory’s cheek in his big hand. “Hurting you is far more painful than anything Nelson could do to me.” “Thank you.” Cory practically swooned at Tao’s words. He needed to tell Tao how deeply he’d fallen in love with him, but he knew it wasn’t the time or place. Instead, Cory settled for another deep kiss. Lu hung up his cell phone and stood. “Draco is expecting us.” Cory’s stomach rumbled. “Can we run through a drive-thru on the way over?” * * * * Despite Joshua’s apparent innocence, Tao continued to put himself between Cory and the boy. It wasn’t only a matter of Cory’s safety, but his mental well-being. Tao hated the guilty expression that crossed Cory’s face every time he glanced at Joshua. Standing on Draco’s front porch, Tao tucked Cory under his arm, holding his lover as tight as he dared. He only knew Draco in passing, but he still couldn’t get over the changes in his appearance since the first time he’d met him as Bruga. Gone were the physical scars from the handsome man’s face, but Tao had a strong feeling Bruga’s internal scars were still very much part of Draco. The door opened and Draco nodded before gesturing for them to enter. Dominic had already called Lu several times and while Tao was taking his shoes off, Lu’s phone once again began to play Bad to the Bone. “Please, have a seat,” Draco offered, ushering them into the living room. “Can I get you something to drink?” “No thank you. We had something on the drive over,” Cory answered, sitting in one of the chairs. Tao immediately dropped to sit cross-legged on the floor beside Cory’s chair. Lu snapped his phone shut and sat in the opposite chair. “As I told you on the phone, we need help locating a man living in Old Town.” “How long has he lived there?” Draco asked, straightening the pleat of his expensive black dress pants. “A little more than a year,” Joshua answered. Draco’s dark eyes narrowed. “How long has he been in The City?” “Same,” Joshua added. Draco rubbed his long slender fingers over his lips in thought. “That’s unusual. Your father must hold a great deal of darkness within his soul.” “If he does, it’s because of me,” Cory said. “No,” Joshua jumped in. “Other fathers have lost their sons and not resorted to stalking the perpetrator in the afterlife. I’m hoping if I can talk to him, I can relieve some of his hatred. But so far, I haven’t been able to get close enough. Each time I’ve tried, he’s lashed out at Cory.” Draco turned his attention to Lu. “And what does your brother have to do with this?” Lu looked at Joshua. “Evidently, Michael has taken a liking to Joshua. He sent him here for a different purpose. Joshua wants to age his appearance. In order to do that, he needs his father to release the image of the innocent boy of seventeen he’s holding onto so strongly.” Draco nodded. “Well, Joshua, you’re welcome to stay in my home until we can resolve the situation with your father. I am wondering, however, if it would be possible for me to discuss something with Michael directly?” Joshua glanced at Lu, who shrugged. “I’ll have to ask Michael.” “Very well. Until I speak with him, I won’t venture into Old Town, so I would suggest you ask him nicely.” “So where does that leave us?” Tao asked. “At a stand-still until I speak with Michael.” Draco glanced around the room. “Although there are several things I need to speak privately with Michael about, I would like for you all to join us for the majority of the conversation.” “Count me out,” Lu replied. “I know my brother. He’ll hedge on a meeting if he knows it involves me.” Draco nodded. “Just get us that meeting.”           Chapter Six     On his break, Cory sought out Tao. As usual, his boyfriend was standing at the door, arms crossed, showing his powerful muscles to anyone who dared challenge him. Cory pressed against Tao’s back and nipped his shoulder blade. “If anyone knew just how sweet you really are, they’d be pushing you to the side to get through.” “That’s why they’ll never know,” Tao growled. “You’re just a big ole Teddy Bear. Luckily, I’m the only one who gets to snuggle with you at night.” Tao spun around and chuckled as he picked Cory up off his feet and into his arms. “Everything okay?” “Perfect,” Cory said with a smile. “I’m on break and thought I’d sneak over for a few kisses.” Tao grinned. “Nick and Dominic are right when they call you their sprite. It used to piss me off, but I get it. You’re like a ray of sunshine in this place.” Cory grabbed Tao by the back of the head and pulled him into a deep kiss, swirling his tongue around the interior of Tao’s mouth. “Flatterer.” “Two hours and then you’re all mine,” Tao growled. Cory bit his bottom lip. He hated to douse Tao’s ardor, but he had a message to deliver. “Sorry, but first we have to go to The Between for a meeting with Michael. After that, I’m all yours.” “After that it’ll be morning,” Tao grumbled, setting Cory on his feet. “You don’t have to go.” He’d already asked so much of Tao. It was obvious the big guy was becoming irritated. Tao shook his head. “I do have to go. Whatever affects you, affects me. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t rather take you home and have my way with you, though.” Cory gave Tao a quick smooch. “Hold that thought.” “Hey, where’re you going?” Tao called as Cory walked off. Cory turned around and blew Tao a kiss before seeking out Nick. “Hey.” Nick turned and set his Guinness down. “What’s up?” Cory leaned an elbow on the bar. “Tao’s getting grouchy. Is there any way you could relieve him at the door for twenty minutes so I can take him to the back?” Nick grinned. “I’ll watch the door, but you know you don’t have to go to the back. Look around you.” “I’m on the clock,” Cory reminded Nick. “So am I, but I don’t let that stop me whenever Galen or Baz come around shaking their tail feathers.” Cory glanced over his shoulder towards the door. If he were completely honest, he didn’t like the idea of sharing something so private. It wasn’t that he was a prude, he just never had something as special as what he and Tao shared. “I think I’d rather use the storeroom if that’s okay?” he finally asked. Nick laughed. “There’s a blanket in the basket on the shelf.” Cory nodded. “I’m gonna go get it ready. Send Tao back in five minutes.” Nick reached into his pocket and removed a small tube of lube, tossing it to Cory. “You might need that.” Cory was shocked his boss carried lube, but then the way Nick was with Baz and Galen… Cory figured it must come in handy. “Thanks.” He weaved through the crowd to the large storeroom and dug his keys out of his pocket. He was going through them when someone grabbed him from behind. One moment he was struggling and the next he was lifted off the ground and a rag was pressed against his face. As he fought to remain conscious, Cory thought of Tao and what he would or wouldn’t find when he made it to the back of the club. * * * * Tao had just let four more people enter Ice Water when there was a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Nick, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. “Cory asked me to watch the door while he let you fuck him out of your grouchy mood.” Tao’s brows rose. “Now?” “Yeah. Well, as soon as you get your ass back to the storeroom.” Tao’s cock hardened in anticipation. As he made his way through the crowd, he refused to make eye contact with the club’s patrons. The stupid low-rise leather pants did nothing to hide his desire for the man he loved. By the time he reached the back of the club, Tao was breathing heavily, the tip of his cock barely concealed. He grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it but nothing happened. Tao tried knocking. “It’s me!” he yelled. When the door didn’t open, he used his fist to pound against the gleaming white door. “Cory!” The longer he stood there, the more nervous he became. Tao turned and scanned the room. He spotted Dominic and Lu on the dance floor and ran toward them. “I need your keys to get into the storeroom. Cory was supposed to be there, but the door’s locked and he’s not answering.” Tao rubbed at the tightening in his chest as Dominic fumbled around in his pocket for the keys. “I must’ve left them upstairs in my office,” Dominic said, coming up empty. “I don’t need them.” Lu took off with Tao and Dominic in tow. With a wave of his hand, Lu opened the door and flipped on the light switch. Tao’s stomach lurched when they realized the room was empty. “Nelson didn’t get by me,” Tao growled, leaving the storeroom. He went to the back door. “Dammit!” he yelled, punching the steel door when he spotted the broken lock. Tao pushed his way out into the alley and started running. * * * * Opening his eyes, Cory started at the site that greeted him. He was in what appeared to be, a young boy’s room. Bile rose in his throat as the realization of his abduction sunk in. Was Nelson so tormented by the past that he was still living in it? “Nelson?” he called out, struggling against the rope that secured him to the small twin bed. He heard footsteps against a hardwood floor moments before the door opened. “You’re awake.” Cory nodded, and glanced at his bound hands and ankles. “These are tight. Would you please loosen them? I won’t try to escape.” It wasn’t an escape tactic. Cory honestly had no plans of running away from Nelson. The City was only so big, and dealing with Nelson now meant he could try to put his past behind him once and for all. Nelson shook his head. “I can’t do that.” Nelson looked around. “This is Joshie’s room.” “It’s a nice room,” Cory commented. “He picked out these colors. I told him he’d get tired of the red, white and blue theme, but he never did.” Nelson ran a hand over the deep blue wall beside him. “He wanted to be an Air Force pilot. Did you know that?” Cory shook his head. “No, sir.” Although Cory had apologized to Nelson before the trial, he needed to do it again. “I’m sorry for what I did. I haven’t had a drink since.” Nelson’s head snapped toward Cory. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” “No. I just needed to tell you.” Nelson slammed his fist against the wall. “This isn’t about making you feel better!” * * * * Tao paced back and forth on the green grass of The Between. Had he been in such a serene setting in normal circumstances, perhaps he would have taken the time to appreciate the grass he hadn’t seen in so long, but he had other things on his mind. “Where is he?” he growled. “Patience,” Draco said. Tao rubbed his hands over his face. “Do you really think Nelson took Cory to Old Town?” “I do,” Draco stated, reaching over to rub Joshua’s back. “You okay?” Joshua shook his head. “I don’t understand why you need to speak to Michael before we go after Cory.” “Because once you enter Old Town, you won’t be allowed back in Heaven,” a deep voice said from behind Tao. Tao spun around and came face to face with the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on. Michael’s snow-white wings were tipped in the same brown as his hair color, creating a stunning affect. He couldn’t explain his reaction, but Tao immediately found himself on his knees, bowing to the winged Archangel. “Stand,” Michael ordered, his expansive wings settling into place behind his back. Tao managed to get to his feet, but still found himself without words. The sword sheathed against Michael’s waist was intimidating to say the least. Besides the billowing white knee-length skirt, Michael wore nothing but battle gear. The Archangel’s broad chest was bared to Tao’s gaze, having an unwelcomed affect on Tao’s cock. Tao closed his eyes and dropped his chin as shame assaulted him. Not only was he looking at one of God’s warriors with lust, but for a brief moment, he’d almost forgotten why he was there in the first place. Tao felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced up to see Draco’s handsome face. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Beauty is one of Michael’s weapons and he wields it with the same precision he wields his sword.” Tao couldn’t help but notice the erection pressing against the front of Draco’s black dress pants. Draco always appeared in control, so if he was affected by Michael’s beauty, the Archangel must have some powerful mojo on his side. “What’s happening, Joshua?” Michael asked. “It’s my dad. He’s worse than I thought. He’s determined to hurt Cory, and now he’s taken him to Old Town.” “Nelson doesn’t have the power required to vanquish Cory’s soul, so what do you think he wants from him?” Michael turned and began pacing, his hands clasped behind his back tucked under his wings. “I think he wants Cory to suffer like he’s suffered,” Joshua answered. “Cory’s already doing that,” Tao cut in. “He lives with what he did to you every moment of every day, and always will.” Joshua bit his bottom lip and nodded. “I know. If I could make it stop, I would.” Draco stepped in front of Michael, causing the Archangel to stop short. “My soul is already so dark there is no hope of salvation. I plan to go after Cory, but I need your help with something before I agree to do so.” Michael shook his head and narrowed his dark green eyes. “I don’t make deals.” “I know that, but you haven’t heard this one. I want you to cleanse Nelson’s soul.” Michael once again shook his head. “I can’t do that. The evil that invades a soul cannot be let out or there is the possibility it will taint an innocent.” “I know that, too. That’s why I am offering myself as the vessel for the evil that taints Nelson’s soul.” Michael’s head snapped back in surprise. His wings fluttered for several moments before he was able to calm himself. “Why would you do that? Although you say you’re past redemption, you’re still young in the grand scheme of things. There’s simply no way to know what the future will bring.” “I’m in The City for good. I know that. If I can help reunite Joshua with his father, I will gladly do what I can. But,” Draco held up his finger, “I need your word that you will accept Nelson into Heaven if I do this?” Tao held his breath as Michael took another step. Michael leaned down until only a quarter of an inch separated his nose from Draco’s. “You’re the one who helped Lu rid Hell of Lysander.” “Yes.” The heat between the two men was a physical presence. Tao wiped his forehead as the air around them continued to warm. Tao took a chance and quickly glanced at Michael’s groin. Fuck. He suddenly felt like an intruder. He turned toward Joshua. “Awkward,” he mumbled. Joshua grinned. “I’ve seen plenty of men have the same reaction to Michael, but this is the first time I’ve seen him look twice at a human.” Tao glanced over his shoulder. The two men were talking, but their voices were so low he couldn’t hear what they were saying. As he watched, Draco shook his head and stepped back. Michael reached out a hand, but stopped himself before he could touch Draco’s cheek. “Ready?” Draco asked after one last look at Michael. “Yes,” Tao and Joshua answered at the same time. All three men knelt and closed their eyes. Tao felt the soft breeze on his face as Michael’s wings, once again, unfurled. “Be careful.” Tao heard Michael say. When Tao opened his eyes, they were once again in The Temple, kneeling in front of the statue of Michael. Tao stood and stared at the white marble statue. “This has nothing on the real thing,” he mumbled. “I don’t know. I imagine neither of them listens very well,” Draco grunted. “The car’s out front,” Lu informed them from his position in the back of the chapel. He handed Draco his long black leather coat on his way by. “Did you get what you needed from Michael?” Draco jerked his head forward in an apparent nod before draping himself in the long fitted coat. Tao wondered if Draco’s sudden mood change had more to do with Michael or where they were headed. The thought of Cory being behind the high walls of Old Town was eating at Tao’s gut. How would someone like Cory survive the evil that hung over the city within The City? Before he could get out the door, Lu pulled him to a stop. “We need to talk.” “Not now. Let’s get Draco to Old Town. The sooner we get Cory back, the better,” Tao informed Lucifer. Tao noticed the way Lu’s jaw clenched as he opened the front passenger door and climbed in next to Dominic, who’d been sitting patiently behind the wheel of the big black sedan. “Go to the east side entrance,” Draco informed Dominic. Dominic studied Draco in the rearview mirror. “You already know where Cory is?” “No, but I know where I can buy the information. In Old Town, everything is for sale.” Lu turned enough to meet Draco’s eyes. “You need money?” Draco frowned and turned his attention to the view out the side window. “Money’s not what they want.” Lu turned back around and the interior of the sedan went silent. Tao wasn’t sure what Draco would have to give up for the information, but he would forever be indebted to the man. Dominic pulled up outside the walled city. “You’re sure about this?” Lu asked. Draco opened the door and straightened his coat, pulling the collar up as high as it would go. “Just make sure your brother keeps his end of the bargain.” Without another word, Draco slammed the door shut and strode toward the gate. He spoke to a man positioned outside before being allowed in. Tao looked at Lu. “Now what?” “Now you take a walk with me.” Lu leaned over and gave Dominic a kiss. “We won’t be long. Keep an eye on Joshua.” Dominic nodded and pulled Lu in for another kiss. “Be careful.” Although the area was lit by various streetlights, even Tao knew danger lurked around every corner. “This is my city. I’ve walked its streets since before you were a gleam in your mother’s eyes,” Lu declared. Tao opened the door and stood on the sidewalk as Lu gave Dominic another tongue bath before exiting the car. Lu took off and Tao followed. “What did you want to talk to me about?” Tao asked. “Several things. I need you to tell me what happened in The Between?” “Michael came,” Tao began. “Very intimidating with the beauty and the wings and the big sword.” Lu began to laugh. “Michael always was a show-off.” Tao glanced down at Lu. “Do you have wings?” Lu’s face took on a mask of sadness. “No. They were taken from me when I was expelled.” Suddenly, Lu’s expression changed to one of longing. “But when I did have them they were glorious, raven colored with pale blue tips.” Lu sighed wistfully. “I miss them.” Tao shouldn’t have brought it up. He kicked himself for reminding Lu of everything he’d lost. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “Yeah, me, too.” Lu shook his head. “So what happened between Draco and my brother?” Tao tried to remember the conversation that he’d witnessed. “Draco asked Michael to cleanse Nelson’s soul. Then he offered to take the evil inside of himself.” “No!” Lu spat, turning to run toward the east gate where Draco had entered. Dominic must have been watching because he managed to get out of the car and step in front of Lu before he could get to the gate. “What’re you doing?” “Draco’s on a suicide mission. I can’t let him do it.” “It’s too late, babe. He’s gone.” Dominic pulled Lu into his arms. “But he finally had a chance at something normal.” Lu buried his face against Dominic’s neck. “I should’ve done it. Dammit!” Dominic shook his head. “We both know if the elders of Old Town got you within the walls they wouldn’t let you go.” Tao felt like a third wheel, but he needed to know why Lu was so upset. “I don’t understand. I remember when you took Valstaat’s evil into you. It took you a while to heal, but you’re fine now.” Lu turned his head enough to look at Tao. “I’m not human. Depending on the amount of taint on Nelson’s soul, Draco may never be allowed out of Old Town again.” Lu closed his eyes. “Why would he do it? I know he’s fond of Cory, but what does he owe Nelson?” “Draco told Michael his soul was already so dark he had no hope of salvation. Do you think that’s why?” Tao asked. Lu opened his eyes to stare at Tao. “He said that?” “Yes.” For the first time since he’d met Lu, Tao saw tears fill Lucifer’s eyes. “It means he longs to rise to Heaven, but doesn’t feel worthy of such a gift.” Lu sighed. “He is worthy, though. The only thing holding him here is him. If he’s willing to risk his shot at Heaven, it tells me he’s in a state of inner turmoil.” Lu wiped at the few tears that had managed to run down his cheeks. “I’ve been working so hard to get Draco to see the good within himself. I thought…I thought I was getting somewhere.” “Shhh,” Dominic soothed, kissing Lu’s forehead. “This isn’t about something you did or didn’t do. This is about Draco, and no matter who you are, you can’t make someone see what they don’t believe.” Lu nodded and separated himself enough from Dominic’s chest to square his shoulders. “What else did Draco and Michael discuss.” “I don’t know. They walked off far enough that Joshua and I couldn’t hear their conversation.” Tao’s attention drifted to the walled city. “Do you think Cory’s okay?” Lu broke away from Dominic completely and put a hand on Tao’s shoulder. “That’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. There’s no way of knowing what effects Old Town will have on him.” “What do you mean? You think he’s being hurt?” Tao asked, ready to storm the walled city. “Evil has a way of infiltrating even the purest of souls. Cory’s is so fragile right now. The guilt he feels over Joshua’s death leaves him open to attack from those who would love nothing more than to bring one more over to their dark ways.” Tao shook his head. “No. Cory would never. Could never. Be evil.” “I hope you’re right.”           Chapter Seven     Cory tried to see out of eyes swollen from the beating he’d endured earlier. Since losing his temper, Nelson had taken up position on the floor in front of the bookshelf. In the hours that followed, Nelson had read aloud almost every book in the room. Many of the stories took Cory back to his own childhood. How could he feel anything but sorrow and pity for a man so locked into the past? Cory had an idea of how to help Nelson, but he knew he was taking a big risk. “Which story was Joshua’s favorite when he was a boy?” Nelson turned and immediately grabbed a bright yellow book from the shelf. “Curious George. He had several of them, but this one he’d ask me to read at least three times a week.” “Did his mother read to him, too?” Cory asked. He’d never heard Nelson mention his wife. “Diane died giving birth to Joshua,” Nelson mumbled. Although sad, Cory knew he could use the information to help Nelson. “I bet she misses you.” “Who?” Nelson asked, clutching the book to his chest. “Your wife. Joshua seems happy in Heaven. I bet he and Diane wish you would have joined them.” Nelson sprang to his feet. “You don’t get to talk about that. You’re the reason I’m here and not with them.” Cory flinched when Nelson swung, clipping him on the jaw. “I know you feel guilty about what you did to me.” “No. See, that’s just it. I don’t feel one bit guilty. You took away the one person in my life who loved me. I’m glad I get to see you rot in Hell.” The vehemence in Nelson’s voice left little doubt that the man truly believed it. “I ruined your life, Nelson. Don’t let me ruin your afterlife, too. I don’t blame you for what you did. I deserved that bullet. I know it. You need to come to terms with what happened and ask God for forgiveness.” “Never!” Another slap landed on Cory’s already swollen cheek. Cory’s face felt like it was on fire, but it was nothing compared to the pain evident in Nelson’s eyes. “I don’t need you to punish me, Nelson. I do that all on my own every day.” When his words didn’t seem to get through to Nelson, Cory tried another tactic. “Joshua’s here in The City. Have you seen him?” Nelson’s head reared back. “You’re lying. My Joshua would never be in this cesspool.” Cory shook his head. “He’s here to speak to you. He wants to age, but your hold on his past is too strong to allow that to happen.” “He’s my baby. Always will be,” Nelson growled. “He’s your son. He’s not a baby or a boy,” Cory countered. Nelson blinked several times. “Is he really here?” Cory nodded. “If I were a betting man, I’d say he’s outside the walls of Old Town with my boyfriend. I would imagine Joshua is trying to find a way to come in here and talk to you.” “No, he can’t. That would ruin him!” Suddenly Nelson seemed to panic. He ran his fingers through his hair and began pacing the room in agitation, knocking books and other childhood mementoes from the shelves. “Shit!” “Take me back and you can talk to him before he risks his soul trying to find you.” Cory held his breath, waiting for Nelson to do the right thing. After several tense moments, Nelson left the room. Cory released his breath and sighed. What if he never saw Tao again? Nelson may not be able to kill him, but keeping him from the man he loved was worse than death. Tao’s laugh came to mind, bringing gooseflesh to Cory’s skin and a smile to his face. Maybe he could survive on the memories of the time he’d been lucky enough to spend with his lover? The door opened and Nelson stepped into the room, knife in hand. “If you’re lying to me about Joshua being here, I’ll hunt you for the rest of eternity.” “I know.” Nelson cut the ropes that secured Cory’s wrists to the bed. Before freeing Cory’s ankles, Nelson tied the remaining ends of the ropes behind Cory’s back, shackling him. “Let’s go.” * * * * Nelson forced Cory through the streets of Old Town with a grip on his arm. Cory tried to concentrate on his feet, the surroundings too much to bear. No wonder Old Town tainted the souls of its inhabitants. Everything around him was black as coal with dirt and grime, the buildings crumbling, the streets littered with trash and lost souls. Cory shivered as a man with eyes devoid of any humanity, stared at him. Cory quickly looked away and tried once again to concentrate only on where he was stepping, avoiding the pools of thick, congealed blood that seemed to be everywhere. For Nelson to voluntarily live in Old Town, the man must be more tormented than Cory had originally thought. Why would anyone feel they deserved such a dire eternity? Nelson led Cory through the gate. Cory surveyed the area as his heart plummeted. “I thought you said they’d be out here,” Nelson spat. Cory refused to believe Tao wouldn’t be waiting for him. “They have to be here somewhere. Maybe another entrance?” With a grunt of disgust, Nelson continued to pull Cory along beside him. “You’d better not be wrong.” After twenty minutes of walking, Nelson stopped dead in his tracks. “Is that them?” Cory blinked several times, trying to get his swollen eyes to focus on the figures in the distance. They were still too far away to discern faces, but Tao’s size compared to the other men was easy to spot. “Tao!” Cory screamed. Within seconds, the group of men was running toward them. Cory noticed the smallest figure and gestured with his head. “There’s Joshua.” Nelson released his grip on Cory’s arm and stopped walking. “Joshua,” he whispered. The murderous expression on Tao’s face as he neared prompted Cory to step in front of Nelson. “Tao! I’m fine. Don’t touch him!” Tao skidded to a stop in front of Cory. He reached out and cupped Cory’s swollen cheek before leveling a narrowed-eyed gaze over Cory’s shoulder. With his hands still bound behind his back, Cory leaned against Tao. “It’s okay. Please trust me on this.” Tao wrapped his arms protectively around Cory and pulled him to the side just as Joshua launched himself at his father. “Dad!” Nelson hesitated only for a moment before embracing his son, picking him up off his feet to swing him in circles. “I never thought I’d see you again.” Cory gave Tao a nudge with his shoulder. “Take these off of me and let’s give them some privacy.” Tao spun Cory around and went to work on the knotted rope. “How can you be so forgiving? That man kidnapped you.” Cory glanced over his shoulder at the teary-eyed man. “I feel sorry for him.” “Where’s Draco?” Lu asked, coming to a stop. “Draco?” Cory shook his head. “I never saw him.” “Fuck!” Lu screamed and grabbed fistfuls of his black hair. Cory looked to Tao for clarification as to what was going on. Tao tossed the rope to the pavement before pulling Cory into his arms once more. “Draco went in to find you.” Cory’s jaw dropped. He knew what that meant. “He didn’t find me.” Lu turned toward Dominic. “I need to get to The Temple. Now!” “I think we all should go,” Cory said. “As much as I’d love a shower, I think there are other parts of me that feel dirtier than my skin.” * * * * Safely ensconced in his bed, Cory snuggled further into Tao’s warm embrace. “I don’t think I’ll ever feel warm again.” Tao adjusted the pile of blankets around the back of Cory’s neck. “You will. Lu said it would take some time, but you’ll feel right in your skin again.” Cory closed his eyes. If anyone could help him, he knew it would be Tao. Since leaving Old Town, Cory hadn’t been able to sleep more than an hour or two without waking in a cold sweat, the nightmares chasing him even after his eyes opened. “Make love to me,” he whispered. He didn’t want to think about Draco and what he must be enduring behind the walls of Old Town. It didn’t matter to Cory that Lu and Michael were working closely to get Draco out. Cory knew it was his fault Draco entered Old Town in the first place. According to Lu, Michael was beside himself with remorse for the bargain he’d made with Draco. Evidently, Draco set the transfer of Nelson’s taint into motion before he’d left The Between. Somewhere behind the walls of Old Town, Draco carried not only his own burdens, but Nelson’s as well, and there didn’t seem to be a damn thing anyone could do about it. Although Joshua’s reunion with his father had gone better than any of them had hoped, it still hadn’t released Cory from his guilt. The remorse over Joshua’s death was still in his heart, but now he also carried the guilt of Draco with him. Perhaps his purpose in Hell was to carry more than his share of remorse and guilt. Regardless, both feelings seemed to have taken up permanent residence inside of him. “Stop thinking so hard,” Tao said, smoothing the worry lines of Cory’s forehead with his thumb. “I love you so much, but I’m afraid I don’t deserve you,” Cory confessed. Tao rolled over on top of Cory. “You deserve better than me, but I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.” Tao insinuated himself between Cory’s thighs and kissed him. Cory opened himself to Tao’s questing tongue and moaned. Maybe Tao had the right idea. Instead of questioning why he deserved to be loved by someone like Tao, perhaps he should just embrace the gift he’d been given. Cory reached for the lube and handed it to Tao. As much as he enjoyed the simplicity of Tao’s home in The Village, nothing beat a nice soft bed. He’d be willing to give up everything else in his home, but his bed simply wasn’t one of them. Tao’s slicked finger found its way to Cory’s hole. They’d made love earlier that morning when they’d returned home from work, so it took no time for Tao to stretch Cory’s body enough to accept the thick cock. Work had been tense since Draco had gone missing. Dominic stormed around Ice Water, growling at everyone, while Lu spent his time either in The Between with Michael or holding vigil outside Old Town. “Just feel,” Tao whispered as he entered Cory. Cory did his best to push the thoughts away, he owed it to Tao. His lover had been more than supportive, holding Cory before, during and after the nightmares, putting up with the occasional flare up of his temper, which seemed to have come from nowhere. Never once did Tao complain and for that, Cory knew the man deserved to have Cory’s full attention every moment they were together. He threaded his fingers together behind Tao’s neck and hoisted his legs higher around Tao’s back. Fucking had taken on a whole new dimension since he’d fallen in love. He knew it was girly, but it was more than a physical feeling when Tao made love to him. Each time, another corner of Cory’s insides seemed to thaw. Tao pulled out and tapped Cory’s hip. “Turn over for me, baby.” Cory did as asked, positioning himself on his hands and knees. There had been a time when Cory would have considered doggy-style as fucking and nothing more. How could two people who loved each other not want to hold and kiss during sex? As Tao began to move in and out of Cory’s ass, he couldn’t help but smile. He’d discovered the love between them was always present, regardless of their particular position. Although they still enjoyed making love face to face, he was becoming more comfortable asking for what he needed during sex. Cory figured that was what making love was all about. Loving someone enough to tell them what you desired, even if out of the norm, was a true gift. As Cory came, he panted words of love to Tao. Yeah. Love was definitely the true gift in someone’s life, or death, as the case may be.           About the Author     An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. Carol juggles life as a full-time mom and a full-time writer. These days, you can usually find her either cleaning jelly out of the carpet, or nestled in her favorite chair writing steamy love scenes.         Thank You!   We appreciate your purchase of this Resplendence Publishing title. We hope your reading experience was a pleasurable one, and invite you to take 10% off your next electronic book purchase from website. Visit, select any title, and enter the following code when you check out: ReadRP10. This code is valid only on our website, for electronic book purchases only. 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Born and raised in the Canadian Province of Newfoundland, Jack remembers his grandparents telling stories of a race of people eradicated by European settlers in 1829. According to the legend, the Beothuk people didn’t die out as first thought, but were transformed into wolf shifters. When Newfoundland wolves began to appear in great numbers, the European settlers began killing them under the guise of population control. In 1910, the last of the Newfoundland wolves was shot, making them one of the few extinct species of wolves in the world. Following spotty leads, Jack begins to track what he believes are Beothuk/Newfoundland shifter wolves. His search leads him to the Lake Mead National Recreational Area outside of Las Vegas. There, on Spirit Mountain, he finally comes face to face with not only the shifter he’s been looking for, but the man of his dreams he didn’t know he needed.   Retribution Three lonely souls find each other in the midst of an all out war between the shifters and the Hunters. Mother Earth gave Ryker Allen rebirth over a century ago, his main purpose to protect Mother’s shifter children. Ryker has never begrudged his duties, but the loneliness is something he’ll never get used to. Daniel was the King of the Coyotes until a mistake led to the decimation of his species. Alone and half-dead, he was taken in by a pack of wolf shifters as a pet for the Alpha’s mate. When he’s given a chance to live as an Alpha once again, he’s reluctant to accept, afraid he’s no longer worthy to lead. Hakan is the son of Father Sky. He was awarded rebirth over a thousand years ago to protect the Native American Bird Shifters. When animosity towards Native Americans escalated, Hakan’s charges took to the sky permanently, leaving him without a purpose. He’s lived his long life alone, waiting for the day he can once again serve his Father. Three men, three very different backgrounds, one thing in common. Loneliness. Can these three souls come together to form a family?   Evolution Jarek, a young cougar shifter, arrives at Refuge full of hope. He is finally in a place where he can have a lover and his first-ever home. Meeting Mica feels like icing on the cake, but his dreams are quickly shattered by a night of pain and violence at the hands of his Alpha. Mica, a stone man, is trying to get his emotions under control. He likes Jarek, but isn’t sure what to do with the overwhelming lust he feels whenever Jarek is near. After the two of them are caught in a compromising position, Jarek goes missing, and Mica will do anything in his power to track him down. Suni, the true-blue Alpha of the cougars, doesn’t want anything to do with the rest of his kind. He is perfectly content to live out his life in seclusion. When he stumbles across a young cougar shifter near death, he realizes he’s found his mate. When Jarek regains consciousness and tells Suni about Mica, the true Alpha is left wondering where he’ll fit in. Three men, one who wants to feel, one who doesn’t know how to feel, and one who refuses to feel, come together on the side of a mountain. The resulting clash of personalities and sexually charged energy will change their lives forever.   Resolution After an attempt on their lives by an unknown group, the bird shifters are forced to seek shelter at Refuge. Having spent years in their bird-skin, the adjustment for some isn’t easy. Bird shifters Takoda and Enapay have been best friends for years. Enapay knows Takoda is his chosen mate, but Takoda refuses to consider a life living in his man-skin. When Enapay starts to work closely with Dr. Gray Whitmore, he can’t understand his overwhelming attraction to the human. With Takoda’s continued rebuffs, Enapay finally gives into his desire for Gray. It is soon apparent, Gray was meant to be Enapay’s mate. But when Takoda’s health takes a turn for the worse, old feelings resurface. Enapay is left wondering why Father Sky gifted him with two mates, especially when one of them still refuses to live as a man.         Also Available from Resplendence Publishing     In For a Penny by Carol Lynne What’s the old saying…you can never go home again? Raven Black resigned himself to never returning after being ordered from the only real home he’d ever known. Now, seven years later, Raven is back to face the man who sent him away. Zane Conner is not only Raven’s foster brother but the only man Raven ever loved. 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