
ÿþCAN Bus Drivers for Atmel C51 Products CAN This application note describes the CAN Driver functions Version 1.0.0 for the CAN Microcontrollers microcontroller T89C51CC01. The purpose of these functions is to help customer start a CAN application by provide him some basic functions. Application Note The package contain following files: " can_lib.c " can_lib.h " compiler.h The KEIL compiler was used for compilation. Rev. 4229B CAN 01/03 1 Interface Description Types definition Typedef declared in compiler.h file. " Uchar: unsigned char " Uint16: unsigned short " Uint32: unsigned long " Int16: signed short " Int32: signed long Typedef declared in can_lib.h file. " can_id_t: union  Uint32 ext: "ext" field allows access to 29-bit identifier (extended mode).  Uint16 std: "std" field allows access to 11-bit identifier (standard mode).  Uchar tab[4]: "tab" allow access by byte to identifier. " st_can_msg_t: struct  can_id_t id: identifier of the CAN message, 11 bits in standard mode and 29 bits in extended mode.  Uchar ctrl:  b7: RTR -> Data Frame = 0 or Remote Frame = 1 (access by mask MSK_CTRL_RTR)  b4: IDE -> Standard = 0 or Extended = 1(access by mask MSK_CTRL_IDE)  b3:0 DLC -> number of data used dlc_t (access by mask MSK_CTRL_DLC)  Uchar * pt_data: pointer on Uchar table of data (size max = 8). " channel_t: enum CHANNEL_0 .. CHANNEL_14, NO_CHANNEL " dlc_t: enum CONF_DLC_0 .. CONF_DLC_8 2 CAN Application Note 4229B CAN 01/03 CAN Application Note Functional Description CanSetBRP This function is used to initialize the prescaler of CAN controller with parameter "prescaler". 1. Prototype:  void CanSetBRP (Uchar prescaler) 2. Input:  prescaler: Value of field BRP (Baud Rate Prescaler) in CANBT1 register 3. Output:  void CanSetSJW This function is used to initialize the re_Synchronization Jump Width of CAN controller with parameter "sjw". 1. Prototype:  void CanSetSJW (Uchar sjw) 2. Input:  sjw: Value of field SJW (re-Synchronization Jump Width) in CANBT2 register 3. Output:  void CanSetPRS This function is used to initialize the programming time segment of CAN controller with parameter "prs" 1. Prototype:  void CanSetPRS (Uchar prs) 2. Input:  prs: Value of field PRS (Programming time Segment) in CANBT2 register 3. Output:  void CanSetPHS2  This function is used to initialize the phase segment 2 of CAN controller with parameter "phs2". 1. Prototype:  void CanSetPHS2 (Uchar phs2); 2. Input:  phs2: Value of field PHS2 (Phase Segment 2) in CANBT3 register. 3. Output:  void CanSetPHS1 This function is used to initialize the phase segment 1 of CAN controller with parameter "phs1". 1. Prototype:  void CanSetPHS1 (Uchar phs1) 2. Input:  phs1: Value of field PHS1 (Phase Segment 1) in CANBT3 register. 3. Output:  void 3 4229B CAN 01/03 ConfChannel_Rx This function is used to configure a channel in reception mode. Before calling this function the corresponding channel must be selected. Make sure the channel is free because no verification is performed by the function. To increase that the performance global variables are used. 1. Prototype:  void ConfChannel_Rx (void) 2. Input:  void 3. Output:  void 4. Global Variables:  can_id_t can_rx_filt: Value of the filter for identifier  can_it_t can_rx_msk: Value of the mask for identifier  Uchar conf_rx:  b7: mask ide field (CONF_MSK_IDE) or not (CONF_NOMSK_IDE)  b5: if mask on rtr field accept only RTR frame (CONF_RTR) or data frame (CONF_NORTR)  b4: if mask on ide field accept only standard identifier (CONF_NOIDE) or extended (CONF_IDE)  b2: mask rtr field (CONF_MSK_RTR) or not (CONF_NOMSK_RTR)  b0: configure channel in reception (CONF_NOBUFFER) or in buffer reception (CONF_BUFFER) 5. C Example:  To configure channel 3 in reception only for standard frame data accepting only identifier start by 0x35X.  can_rx_filt.std = 0x35F;  can_rx_msk.std = 0x350;  conf_rx = CONF_NOIDE|CONF_MSK_IDE|CONF_NOBUFFER|CONF_NORTR;  CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_3);  ConfChannel_Rx(); SendCanMsg This function is used to send a message on the CAN bus. Before calling this function the corresponding channel must be selected. Make sure that the channel is free because no verification is performed by the function. To increase the performance global variables are used. 1. Prototype:  void SendCanMsg (void) 2. Input:  void 3. Output:  void 4. Global Variables:  can_id_t can_tx_id: Value of the filter for identifier  Uchar * pt_candata_tx: Table with data to transmit 4 CAN Application Note 4229B CAN 01/03 CAN Application Note  Uchar conf_tx:  b5: remote frame (CONF_RTR) or data frame (CONF_NORTR)  b4: standard identifier (CONF_NOIDE) or extended identifier (CONF_IDE)  b3-0: number of data bytes to transmit (used dlc_t, CONF_DLC_0... CONF_DLC_8) 5. C Example:  To send standard frame with id = 0x318, and 8 data bytes.  Uchar data[8] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77};  st_can_msg_t can_msg_tx = {0x318, CONF_NOIDE | CONF_NORTR | CONF_DLC_8, data[]};   conf_tx = can_msg_tx.ctrl;  CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_3);  SendCanMsg (); ReadCanMsg This function is used to read a message received on "num_channel" and store it in the structure pt_st_can_msg. Before calling this function the corresponding channel must be selected. To increase the performance global variables are used. 1. Prototype:  void ReadCanMsg (Uchar next_conf) 2. Input:  Uchar next_conf: This field select the configuration of the corresponding channel after reading message.  channel must be disable = CHANNEL_DISABLE  channel enable in reception with same configuration = CHANNEL_RX_ENABLE  channel must be enable with same configuration but in buffer mode = CHANNEL_RXB_ENABLE. 3. Output:  void 4. Global Variables:  can_msg_t * pt_st_can_rx: application structure for received message. 5. C Example:  For read message received on channel 5, and reconfigure the channel in reception.  Uchar data[8];  st_can_msg_t can_msg_rx = {0x00, 0x00, data[0]};   pt_st_can_rx = &can_msg_rx;  CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_5);  ReadCanMsg (CHANNEL_RX_ENABLE); Fct_can_it This function is used to manage interrupt. This function must be called in application interrupt routine. 5 4229B CAN 01/03 Four functions can be called if they are declared by user: " void can_fct_it_rxok (void):  When a message is received this function can be called.  To use this function: #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_RXOK in a config.h file.  Create this function in user application. " void can_fct_it_txok (void):  When a message is sent this function can be called.  To use this function: #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_TXOK in a config.h file.  Create this function in user application. " void can_fct_it_error (void):  When a error occurs on a specific channel this function can be called.  To use this function: #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_ERROR in config.h file  Create this function in user application. " void can_fct_it_gen (void):  When a error occurs which match with any channel this function can be called.  To use this function: #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_GEN  Create this function in user application. 1. Example of config.h file  #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_RXOK  extern void can_fct_it_rxok (void);  #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_TXOK  extern void can_fct_it_txok (void);  #undef USER_CAN_FC_IT_ERROR  #undef USER_CAN_FCT_IT_GEN Fct_tim_ovf_it This function is used to manage CAN timer overflow interrupt. It must be called in application interrupt routine. Fct_tim_ovf_it can called can_fct_it_timovf only if this function is declared by user " void can_fct_it_timovf (void):  When the CAN timer overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000 this function can be called.  To use this function: #define USER_CAN_FCT_IT_TIMOVF in a config.h file.  Create this function in user application. Macros Description " CAN_CONTROLLER_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable the CAN macro.  Must be called before any action on the CAN bus is initiated. " CAN_CONTROLLER_RESET  This macro reset the CAN macro. 6 CAN Application Note 4229B CAN 01/03 CAN Application Note  Must be called once. " CAN_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable general CAN interrupt.  The macro CAN_IT_ENABLE must be called for used all other interrupts. " CAN_RX_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flag RXOK in CANSTCH register. " CAN_TX_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flag TXOK in CANSTCH register. " CAN_ERCH_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flags BERR, SERR, CERR, FERR and AERR in CANSTCH register. " CAN_ERG_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flags SERG, CERG, FERG and AERG in CANGIT register. " CAN_BUF_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flag OVRBUF in CANGIT register. " CANTIM_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE  These macros enable or disable interrupt on flag OVRTIM in CANGIT register. " CAN_CHANNEL_IT_ENABLE/DISABLE(channel_t)  These macros enable or disable interrupt on selected channel. " CAN_SET_CHANNEL(channel_t)  This macro change channel with the channel pasted in parameter.  All registers depending of the channel are updated. " CAN_GET_CHANNEL  return the channel selected. Typical use #define BRP_500k 0x00 #define SJW_500k 0x00 #define PRS_500k 0x02 #define PHS1_500k 0x03 #define PHS2_500k 0x03 void can_task_init(void) {  CAN_CONTROLLER_RESET; CAN_IT_DISABLE; CANTIM_IT_DISABLE; RazAllMailbox(); CanSetBRP(BRP_500k); CanSetSJW(SJW_500k); CanSetPRS(PRS_500k); CanSetPHS1(PHS1_500k); 7 4229B CAN 01/03 CanSetPHS2(PHS2_500k); CAN_CONTROLLER_ENABLE; can_rx_filt.ext = 0x00; can_rx_msk.ext = 0x00; conf_rx = CONF_NOIDE|CONF_NOMSK_IDE|CONF_NOBUFFER; CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_0); ConfChannel_Rx(); CAN_IT_ENABLE; CAN_TX_IT_ENABLE; CAN_RX_IT_ENABLE } void can_task(void) {  CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_1); can_tx_id =; conf_tx = can_200.ctrl; pt_candata_tx = can_200.pt_donne; SendCanMsg(); CAN_SET_CHANNEL(CHANNEL_2); can_tx_id =; conf_tx = can_208.ctrl; pt_candata_tx = can_208.pt_donne; CAN_CHANNEL_IT_ENABLE(CHANNEL_2); SendCanMsg(); } Acronyms CAN: Controller Area Network (BOSCH Standard) References " Datasheet T89C51CC01 8 CAN Application Note 4229B CAN 01/03 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory RF/Automotive 2325 Orchard Parkway 2325 Orchard Parkway Theresienstrasse 2 San Jose, CA 95131 San Jose, CA 95131 Postfach 3535 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 74025 Heilbronn, Germany FAX 1(408) 487-2600 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 TEL (49) 71-31-67-0 FAX (49) 71-31-67-2340 Europe Microcontrollers Atmel Sarl 2325 Orchard Parkway 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Route des Arsenaux 41 San Jose, CA 95131 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Case Postale 80 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 TEL 1(719) 576-3300 CH-1705 Fribourg FAX 1(408) 436-4314 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 La Chantrerie Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ FAX (41) 26-426-5500 BP 70602 High Speed Converters/RF Data- 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France com Asia TEL (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Avenue de Rochepleine Room 1219 FAX (33) 2-40-18-19-60 BP 123 Chinachem Golden Plaza 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards TEL (33) 4-76-58-30-00 East Kowloon Zone Industrielle FAX (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Hong Kong 13106 Rousset Cedex, France TEL (852) 2721-9778 TEL (33) 4-42-53-60-00 FAX (852) 2722-1369 FAX (33) 4-42-53-60-01 Japan 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 1-24-8 Shinkawa TEL 1(719) 576-3300 Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 Scottish Enterprise Technology Park FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland TEL (44) 1355-803-000 FAX (44) 1355-242-743 e-mail Web Site © Atmel Corporation 2002. Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel s Terms and Conditions located on the Company s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. ATMEL® is a registered trademark of Atmel. . Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 4229B CAN 01/03 /xM


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