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Some background kr

Working with organie chemistry requires a lot of bac

Valencc Bond Tlmry •    StwctlW

Ai Kom Md M SłMOs ee*«t>tciMr ^' WSTtini h*    "i7ii

oatar «łMd XI    by *•« c*"*t •* imwiwiliiinH|iHliMliwi«imi

Lewis structure

Lewis structure* are diaęrams that show the bondng between atoens of o moiecute and the looe pairs of ełectrons that may etist m the moiecute- A Lewis structure can bc drawn any covalent)y bonded motecule. as wd as coordanabon compound* The lewts structure was named after Glbert N. Lrwts. who mtroduced it m his 1916 artkte The Atom and the Motecule They are simiar to etectron dot diagram* m that the valence eieetrons in k>ne pairs are represented as dots. but they aiso contaśn bnes to represent shared paxs in a Chemical Dond.

e**nbp«toorg Te»t uncte* CC6Y SA kertse Morę q j<k insights

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VK SłdKUlc Tticy doi **gram»ir «m«ilerwp*<-s


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