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Java Ali Java Sections + help/videos


Simple warmup problems to get started (Solutions available)

sleepln H monkeyTrouble H sumDouble H morę


Medium warmup string/array loops (Solutions available)

stringTimes H frontTimes H countXX H morę

Python Ali Python Sections + help


Simple warmup problems to get started, no loops (Solutions available)

sleepjn H monkey_trouble H sum_double H morę


Medium warmup string/list problems with loops (Solutions available)

string_times H front_times H string_bits H morę

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Mozilla Persona lets you create an account using your gmail or yahoo login, avoiding a separate Codingbat password.


Basic string problems — no loops helloName H makeAbba H makeTags morę

Array-1 m

Basic array problems -- no loops.

firstLastó H sameFIrstLast H makePI morę


Basic python string problems -- no loops hello_name H make_abba H make_tags morę


Basic python list problems -- no loops. first_last6 H same_first_last H make_pi morę



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