łport of o**** ouKftMntt fuHD i


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.he effecitoenes*

carrled outlntbebmd

As of 31 December 2018 the GFG participaXed v_ bankruptcy proceedings as a creditor on accoum ,°Un*en bursement of guaranteed funds. uj\th a totai c ° d'a’ of PLN 5,874,683.4 thousand. Three proceedW^6^ banks (35% of the totai amount of debts    *°nCeTn

entities in bankruptcy) whlie the o\her proceedings^' '° ńed out against credit unions (65% of ihe totai ***' respect to entities in bankruptcy).    °Unt ot

\rv ”2018. tbe Fund reco^ered \Yve amount. ot F\_V\ 3SA .7.43 mWWon on tbe basls of partia! dbilalon plans ot tbe bank-ruptcy eatate funds of tbe f oWowlng entities-.


o\ vV\c Fund’s c\am v. \\v

vova\ vV\e fuwft tecouercd £»V*» o\ ctawns

•Sts of tbe effecthieness ^






SKOK Ku\av*\aV.

SKOK Aowlsz


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g of the Qiaw«..

ibility of quickly requesting for externa\ fu

statutory deadline and in the event of a ,u ^in    '

d infe»ł u *

.„„istons ot the ** onBTO.™e

-»\es covered by tbe statutory rjuat*^


that the ptocedutes and sV«ems ot th«

dlsbutsement guatanteod tund», w**



OS Nadarzyn


Jj    m_wvvw

SKOK Skarbiec


NNletkopotska SKOK





tor tbe satisfaction

ot tbe Fund - Ouarter 1 ot 2018

Two partia! dhilslon plans were submllted \n Vno bankrupt-cy proceedmgs'0’.

\ \Nle\kopo\ska SKOK - anticlpated satlsf actlon of tbe Fund In tbe amount of P\_N AS mWWon. vab\cb wW \n-crease tbe tota\ satlsf actlon of tbe Fund by tbe bankrupt credit un\on to 49%.

\ SKOK Arka - anticlpated satlsf actlon of tbe Fund \r amount of PV_N S mWWon, wblch in\W Increase tb' satlsf actlon of tbe Fund by tbe bankrupt crer to S5%.

<r- sKCwir


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