VIII Myeloma and Lymphoma International Conference in Kraków 2019

(former “Complex treatment of plasma celi dyscrasia”)

6-7 th September 2019

LOCATION: Jaglellonlan University Medlcal College, Św. Anny 12, 31-008 Kraków


Scptember 7 2019

13 00 -13.10 assoc prof. Artur Jurczyszyn and prot Wojciech Jurczak

Jag&9on.<ao Unnersity Faeuiry ofMedcinc Department of Hermno/ogy Kraków - openżng the conference

13.10 - 13 15 prof MACIEJ MAŁECKI

Dean ot FaaMy of Me&ctne JagieHonan Unwersity Mechcal CoSeęe Kraków ■ opemng the conference

13.15 -13 45 prof MERAL BEKSAC

Department ot Hematotoęy Ankara Unkrersiy Ankara Turkey

„Multiple myeloma - the best therapy for newly diagnosed patients in 2019"

13 55- 14 25 prof JOSEPH MIKHAEL

Professor. Appued Cancer Research and Drug Discovery Tranaiahonat Genom/cs Researcf) insMute (TGen). City of Ropę Cancer Center. Chief Uedcat Officer International Myeloma Foundation; AQunct Professor. Arizona State Unrrerstty. College of Health SoMtons „Therapy of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma in 2019"

14.35 - 15.05 prof. JOAN BLADE

Department of Hematology Hospaal Clintc de Barcelona, Insutat cnnvesi>oac>ons Bmmedięues August Pt i Sunyer (IDfBAPS), Spam

„Amyloidosis and POEMS - how I treat in 2019"


15 15 - 15.45 prof. SUZANNE LENTZSCH

Dwsion of HematologyfOncdogy. Columbia Uhiuersity Meacal Center, Herbert tnnfigPaimo. 161 Fort Washington A*e, Rew York. NY, 10032 USA

„The critical role of the imaging irt.the management of multiple myeloma"

COFFEE BREAK until 16.20

16 20 - 16 50 prof SAGAR LONIAL

F.mory Unnrersrty. Attanfa. CA. USA

„CAR-T cells and immune system in multiple myeloma"

17 00-1730 prof PETER BORCHMANN

Department of Hemato!ogy/VncoiOQy ar the Umrersaty Hospaal of Cdogne Germany

"C019 dlrected CAR-T Celi Therapy in B-NHL“

17 40- 18.10 prof CHRISTIAN BUSKE

insetute of Etperimentai cancer Researcf) umversxy of mm. Germany

“New developments in the treatment of Waldenstróm’s Macroglobulinemia

18 20 - 18 50 prof PIERE LUIGI ZINZiANI

Un/versdyofBologna. trały

“The role of checKpoint inhibitora in non Hodgkin lymphoma

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19 00- 19 30 prof GEORG HESS

Urwersitats Med/zm Ma:nz. Germany

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New drugs In folllcular lymphoma - are we ready to skip chemotherapy”


Organ z Fundacja Centrum Leczenia Szpiczaka. Katedra Hematologii UJ CM w Krakowie
Congress Bureau Jordan Group


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