Egzamin manu alny z języka angielskiego _Poziom t»xls!ir.\ ov;y_
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z opiekunka zwierząt w zoo. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodna z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B alboC. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz I punkt.
3.1. Wonne decided to work as a zookeeper because slie
A. couldn't cam hor living in another way.
B. had dreamt of working with animals.
C. had lost herjob as a chemist.
3.2. According to Vvonne, modern zoos
A. limit dircct human eontact with animals.
B. treat animals likc pels.
C. need morę specialists in animal diet.
3.3. Włiich is true aliout the joh of a zookeeper?
A. A zookeeper has to work all summer.
B. A zookeeper can cam cjuite a lot.
C. A zookeeper should bc fit.
3.4. Wonne says that young zookeepers
A. are often afraid of older keepers.
B. are better educated than oklei- keepers.
C. refuse to coopcratc with older keepers.
3.5. In the interview. Wonne
A. encourages young people to becorne zookeepers.
B. describes the zoo animals slie likes most.
C. presents different aspects of her job.