NI myRIO: Design Real Systems, Fast Politechnika Śląska

Thts free hands-on seminar familianzes educators. researchers and graduate students in the fields of Controls, mechatromcs. robotics, and embedded Systems with NI myRIO.

NI myRIO is a new portable and embedded hardware device designed specrficalły to help students design real. complex engineenng Systems morę quicUy and alfordabły than ever before With NI myRIO. students can *do reai engineetmg' m one semester and quickty reuse mat knowiedge to program CompactRlO in advanced projects atterwards

m thts seminar, physrcally set up an NI myRIO device. wnte an embedded program in Nl LabVlEW system design software, and then msualize the resuns Aiso explore exampłes ot now to take advantage ot graphical programmng for stand-aione. determimstic Systems

Thrs session teaches you how to design real Systems, fast

Register for our free hands on seminar to learn about:

•    Nl myRIO features and how they were chosen to ensure student success

•    Basic LabVlEW programming and appty this knowiedge to embedded programming on Nl myRIO

•    The imptementation of multpte modes of computation (LabVIEW MathScnpt RT and LabVlEW Control Design and Simulabon modules)

•    Teaching students with industry-relevant tools

•    Use Nl RIO technology in research


22 March 2018

09 00-12:30 13 00-16:30

Add to your calendat

Politechnika Śląską Wydział Automatyki, ElektronAi i Informatyki - Auta F (II piętro) Sala 211 Ul. Akademicka 16 Gliwice. Poland


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