"My piane M ili arm e around 5:00 PM. I should be obie to check into the hotel by 6:00 or 6:30."
cłicck off (separable): make a maik to indicate that sometliing on a list lias been completed: odhaczyć.
"Here are the things you need to do. Please check each one off w hen you\e finished it."
check out (of) (inseparable): follow procedures for leaving (a hotel, etc.): wyrejestrować się tup. z hotelu)
"Don't forget to take your room key to the front de di w hen you check out (w hen you check out of the hotel)."
cheer up (separable): help someone feel less wonied/ depressed / sad: pocieszać, rozweselać.
"Suzie's brother u-ar depressed about not getting a promotion. so she sent him a funny card to cheer him up." czymś.
"You drink too much coffee. You should cut back."
drag on (no object): last much longer tlian expected oris necessary: ciągnąć się.
"I thonght the meeling would be a short one. but it dragged on for morę than three hours. "
draw up (separable): create a fonnal dociunent. sporządzić. "The Aja\ and Tip-Top Banks ha\ e decided to merge. Their lawyers will draw all lite official docwnents up sometime this month."
drop off (separable): deliver sometlung: dcliver someone (by giving him/her a ride): podrzucić (coś lub kogoś).
"Yes. / can lakę lhose letters to the post office. PU drop them off asl go home from work."
cliicken out (no object): lose the courage or confidence to do drop in (on) (inseparable): visit infonnally (and usually sometlung—often at the last minutę: stchórzyć, wycofać się. witliout scheduling a specific time): wpaść.
"Sam said he was going to ask Lidu for a datę, but he "If yotfre in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please
chickened out." tiy to drop in. (Please try to drop in on us."
clain up (inseparable): suddemy become quiet / refuse to talk drop by (mseparable): visit mfonnally (and usually without
scheduling a specific time): wpaść.
"If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you Please try to drop by the house."
drop out (of) (inseparable): stop attending / leave school or an oiganization: rzucić (np. szkolę).
"No, Paul isn't at the unirersity. He dropped out. / He dropped out of school."
eat out (no object): have a meal in a restaurant: jeść ir restauracji.
"I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?"
egg on (separable): uige / encourage greatly toward doing sometliing (usually sometlung negative): podpuszczać, podjudzać.
"AtJirst Bob andChuck were just lia\ ing a mild argument, but Bob's friends egged them on until they startedJighting."
end up (1. no object): finally arrive at; anive at an unexpccted place: wylądować (gdzieś), dotrzeć do.
"Wegol lost last night and endedup in the next town."
end up (2. no object): arrive soinewhere as a result or conseąuence: skończyć (gdzieś), trafić do "YoiTre working too hord. Ifyou don't take it easy, you'11 end up in the hospital!"
face up to (inseparable): admit to; take responsibility for: przyznać, wziąć odpowiedzialność.
"You caiTt pretend that you 're doing OK in this course, Joe. Sooner or laler, you'11 lunę to face up to the fact that you're failing it."
fali through (no object): not liappen. (Notę: describes sometliing tliat was plaiuied but didn't liappen ): nie powieść się.
about sometlung: zamknąć się.
"Lila woiddtTt talk about the accident. When I asked her w hal happened, she clammed up."
come across (inseparable): find (imexpectedly): natknąć się. "I're lost my e.rtra carkeys. Ifyou come across them while your're cleaning the room, please pul them in a safe place."
coine down with_(inseparable): become ill with
_: zachorować na_.
"George won 't be at the office today. He come down with the fiu o\ er the weekend."
coine to (1. inseparable): total. być ir sumie.
"Your charges come to £124.38. Will you pay by check, in cash, orwith a credit card?"
come to (2. no object): regain consciousness: wrócić do przytonuiości.
"When I toldGina that slie'd won a million doli ars. she fainted. When she come to, I to Id her it was a joke and she almost hit me!"
count on (inseparable): depend on; trust tliat sometlung will liappen or tliat someone will do as expected: liczyć na. polegać.
"I'm counting on you to wake me up tomorrow. I know I won't hear the alann."
cross out (separable): show tliat sometliing written is wrong or uiuiecessaiy by making an X across it: przekreślać, wykreślać.
"We can't afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so IS e crossed all the unnecessaty things out."
cut back (on) (often witliout an object: with an object, cut back on [inseparable]): use less of sometliing: oszczędzać na
Polish tnaislations by AZ -