of debilitating depression. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway killed lnmself in lus home in Ketchum, Idaho.
Lieutenant Fredenc Henry is a young American ambulance driver serving in the Itahan army dunng World War I. At the beginning of the novel, the war is winding down witli tlie onset of Winter, and Henry arranges to tour Italy. Tlie following spring, upon his return to the front, Henry meets Catheńne Barkley, an English nurse^s aide at the nearby Bntish hospital and the love interest of his fnend Rinaldi. Rinaldi, however, quickly fades from tlie picture as Cathenne and Henry become involved in an elaborate gamę of seduction. Grieving the recent deatli of her fiance, Catlierine longs for love so deeply tliat she will settle for tlie lllusion of it. Her passion, even tliough pretended, wakens a desire for emotional interaction in Henry, wliom tlie war has left coolly detached and nnmb.
Wlien Henry is wounded on tlie battlefield, he is brought to a hospital in Milan to recover. Several doctors recommend tliat he stay ui bed for six montlis and then luidergo a necessary operation on his knee. Unable to accept such a long period of recovery, Henry finds a bold, garrulous surgeon named Dr. Valentini who agrees to operate lmmediately. Henry leams happily tliat Catlierine has been transferred to Milan and begins his recuperation iinder her care. Dunng tlie following montlis, his relationslup witli Catlierine intensifies. No longer simply a gamę in wlńcli tliey exchange empty promises and playful kisses, tlieir love becomes powerful and real. As tlie lines between scnpted and genuine emotions begin to biur, Henry and Cathenne become tangled in tlieir love for eacli otlier.
Once Henryk damaged leg has liealed, the army grants Inni tliree weeks convalescence leave, after which he is scheduled to return to tlie front. He tnes to plan a tnp witli Cathenne, who reveals to Inni tliat she is pregnant. Tlie following day, Henry is diagnosed witli jaundice, and Miss Van Campen, tlie supeńntendent of tlie hospital, accuses him of bnnging tlie disease on lumself through excessive dnnking. Believing Henryk lllness to be an attempt to avoid his duty as a serviceman, Miss Van Campen has Henryk leave revoked, and he is sent to tlie front once tlie jaundice has cleared. As tliey part, Catlierine and Henry pledge tlieir mutual devotion.
Henry travels to tlie front, wliere Italian forces are losing gromid and manpower daily. Soon after Henry’s arrival, a bombardment begins. Wlien word comes tliat Gennan troops are breaking tlirough the Italian lines, tlie Allied forces prepare to retreat. Henry leads his team of ambulance drivers into tlie great column of evacuating troops. Tlie men pick up two engineenng sergeants and two fnghtened young girls on tlieir way. Henry and his drivers then decide to leave tlie column and take secondary roads, wlucli tliey as sunie will be faster. Wlien one of tlieir vehicles bogs down in tlie mud, Henry orders tlie two engineers to help in the effort to free tlie vehicle. Wlien tliey refuse, he slioots one of tliem. Tlie drivers continue in the otlier trucks until tliey get stuck agam. Tliey send off tlie young girls and continue on foot toward Udine. As tliey marcli, one of the dńvers is sliot dead by the easily frightened rear guard of the Italian army. Anotlier driver marches off to